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Messages - acrogimp

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Spin Zone / Re: How Can We Fix Our Nation's Financial Ills?
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:43:29 PM »
Balanced budget amendment that automatically cuts discretionary and non-essential gov services first.

Flat or Fair Tax as has been proposed any of the last five or six election cycles.

End H1B visa program until such time as real unemployment drops to 5-6%.

Cut corporate tax rate to somewhere around the UK (20% vs current 35%).

End support for Congressmen and Senator offices once they leave office, including Speaker and Leader positions.

Cut pay for all elected Federal positions by 20% and end Federal Pension program for Congress and President.

Eliminate or significantly restructure/reduce the following Departments and their Secretary/Czar:
  • Health and Human Services
  • Labor
  • Education
  • Agriculture

Means test all Federal aid programs, require work for welfare for able bodied (and challenge/eliminate BS 'disability' claims).

Drug test all Federal employees (including all elected officials) as well as all people receiving Federal aid with strict 3 strikes penalties.

Eliminate organized labor unions for all essential Federal employees, and eliminate any non-essential Federal job.

Pass real tort reform to include loser pays to reduce frivolous lawsuits.

Cease all aid to nations with known terrorist training camps, shelters and radical mosques and madrasa's.

Cease providing birthright citizenship to children born to parents not here legally.

Eliminate access to all Federal aid programs to illegal immigrants.

Reduce legal immigration allocations across the board.

Cease issuing visa's or accepting refugees from nations with known terrorist training camps, shelters and radical mosques and madrasa's.

Deport illegal immigrants when captured except in cases of true refugee/sanctuary claims and raise the bar for these claims to require proof.

Cease family hardship allowances with respect to illegal immigrant family reunions - if they want to be together they can do it in their home country.

Immediately return unaccompanied minors to country of origin or in the absence of that, the country they last passed through (hello Mexico, stop allowing this dangerous trafficking to take place in your territory).

Discontinue refugee/sanctuary allowances from other continents except in truly special cases with actual proof.

Aggressively fine employers found to employ illegal immigrants.

Just a few ideas off the top of my head, not that I have thought about it all or anything.


Spin Zone / Re: Should we worry?
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:51:39 AM »
Greatest threat since Janet El Reno and her illegal activities funneling Federal dollars to influence local elections and pushing for more gun control in the wake of Waco and Ruby Ridge and Columbine.

This actually represents an existential threat to the 2nd amendment, personal privacy and our history as a free people. 

With the stroke of a pen Obama not only empowered but DIRECTED health care practitioners to violate the HIPAA privacy requirements.  Now, a practitioners belief about your state of mind can be used, pre-emptively and without appeal, to strip you of a natural right recognized in the founding documents of this nation.

It should be terrifying to anyone with a brain, especially in light of the drive over the past 12 or 15 years to criminalize right of center political beliefs and speech.

'If you like your policy, you can keep your policy' until we couldn't, then he said he never said what he said.

When you find yourself on the same side of an issue as Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao (all utilized 'safety' as an argument to first control then confiscate personal weapons), you might think about checking the premise.


Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:06:13 AM »
I'm with you all the way.  But;
If you were to believe that (some) people actually have a "soul", would you go along with the assumption that "liberals have no soul" because Ben decided not to vote for a foolish reason, and he actually enjoyed watching the illogical results?

I think a better response would have been "Ben, that's foolish and short sited".  You could even add "typically liberal" if you wished.
I don't want to be in the business of telling anyone what they should say, how they should say it, etc., and I won't accept someone else trying to do so for me - I haven't posted on POA since that debacle began for that specific reason.  The call for filtering and 'toning it down' is nothing more than thinly veiled censorship in my opinion. 

We are all adults.  If someone accuses me of having no heart or soul or intelligence because I am an 'evil' conservative means nothing to me - I know what I do in terms of volunteerism and charity and I know how my intellect measures up with respect to anything or anyone important to me - I believe what I believe and hold my principles independent of what others may say or think and as such I have no need for others to limit their discussion with me.  I can make up my own mind as to what an insult or over the top criticism or attempt at name calling means to me, and I can decide if any particular statement is worth a response - I don't need or want anyone else pre-filtering things for me, I'm a grown-ass man for God's sake.

Life is hard, people should wear a helmet or stay home/not participate if they can't handle true, free and open discussion.


Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: January 06, 2016, 12:00:59 AM »
Why would you say this? Just because we now have this new wild west, no rules forum, doesn't mean we should all just blurt out whatever comes to mind at that moment without thought. It would be awesome if this place were to become a place for actual debate and discussion and not just a place for conservatives to vent their pent up frustrations and congratulate each other on insults well done.

On the other hand, with no rules or governance, this place will likely end up mob rule and if that is to be the case, it will stagnate and die.
An alternate point of view would be that an uncensored forum allows for a fuller and more open flow of unfiltered belief and opinion.  The drive to censor, and filter and water down is, in my opinion, a substantial contributor to the mess we find ourselves in today.

We need a return to true freedom of thought and expression, the freedom to call a spade a spade, and especially the freedom to disagree and discuss.  Good is good, evil is evil.  There are causes, there are results.  We observe, we calculate, we categorize and then we determine what these things, what any thing means 'to' us, and 'for' us, and for our country or our friends and families. 

Some of us feel very strongly about our beliefs, about the threats we perceive to our way of life or to our families and friends.  This naturally leads to occasionally high emotions, and that frankly is good in my opinion because the unfiltered beliefs are more authentic, more real - and the result can be real, unfiltered and unfettered communication which might lead to change.

At least that is how I see it.


Spin Zone / Re: Another Obama FAIL
« on: January 05, 2016, 11:21:33 PM »
The proof is in the pudding, either the Congress stands up to him or they don't - my money is red meat speeches (like Rollover Ryan's tantrum today) but I expect no actual challenge to the action, they having been brow beaten by the ministry-of-truth/lapdog media.

That leaves it to the NRA who are also brow-beaten by the constant barrage from the ministry-of-truth/lapdog media - so probably more right things said, but not enough action.

There might be court challenges but they won't reach the Supremes until after he is gone by which time the damage will have been done. 

And given the record of the Roberts Court I would not hang my hat on them getting it right.


Spin Zone / Re: Barbary Pirates and ...
« on: January 05, 2016, 05:08:10 PM »
Welcome to 'the know'.

Some of us have been pointing this out for years but the PC crowd and apologists usually come out in force and 'but this, and 'but that' you into submission.

It is a misogynist death cult, stuck in the 7th century and hellbent on world domination, in my opinion.  Unlike Christianity and Judaism, there has been no equivalent reformation and precious little advancement in the underlying 'theocracy' such as it is.  ISIS, Al Qaeda, The Taliban and the Shiites in Iran are still fighting the Crusades, only the weapons have changed.

I know that some people can find good in it as with almost any religion or cult, and good for them if they do, but at its base I believe it is fundamentally incompatible with Western culture in general and a republican form of government in particular, given concepts like Taqiyya, Kitman, Jizya and Jihad and the continued justification of slavery, rape and death to homosexuals.


Spin Zone / Re: San Bernardino Shooting
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:57:12 AM »
Eye witnesses and early media reporting are both notoriously unreliable - such as the reports of gunmen on foot in neighborhoods.  Pure fog of war and the desire of news outlets to be 'first'.

Think back to the Oklahoma City bombing, reports were that police were after three arab men in their late twenties/early thirties in a late model brown Chevrolet pick-up, initially.  Pretty specific description, more so than '3 white men' in San Bernadino, yet we were told it was Timothy McVeigh.

These two in San Bernadino are poster children radical Islamist terrorists, and most likely worked alone - no actual evidence to the contrary with respect to the shooting has been presented.


Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:30:42 AM »
I have not actively participated at POA since I bailed in October or whenever but stopped by yesterday and noticed what I think is new language on anonymous postings for the medical and regulation sections - basically only 'allowed' if posting/asking about yourself/on your own behalf.  I don't recall that being there before and am too lazy to check the internet wayback machine (IWBM might be able to get to old Spin Zone posts by the way but not sure). 

Give a fascist an inch.....   ::)


Spin Zone / Organization
« on: January 04, 2016, 09:46:29 AM »
For my Pilot Spin friends who may need a trusted system/list approach to keep themselves organized (like I need), I have been using Evernote for the past month and am seeing really great results - I know it has been around for a while but I had never really given it a try - syncs across multiple devices/OS's, I use it on my Win 10 laptop as well as my Android phone and tablet and am just really pleased - wish it had a few features like reminders for subtasks but overall very useful.

I find I still use Google calendar for individual subtask reminders (specific phone call, e-mails, etc.) but I really like the ability attach/include stuff in the Notes, and the ability to organize them into folders/subfolders and establish parent/child hierarchies - there used to be a great plug-in for Google Calendar (Google Tasks Organizer) but it went away after some fighting between developer and Google.

When you have professional tasks, personal tasks, and business development/start-up tasks and other projects like I do it really helps to be able to unload them from your head to a trusted system (Getting Things Done terminology for the David Allen fans out there).


Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: Fuel Pump Failure
« on: January 03, 2016, 11:30:36 PM »
I made an immediate 180 and joined downwind for 27R (the runway I had just taken off from) because it smoothed out and was responding more or less normally at moderate power settings.  Tower cleared me for a short approach and I basically just brought it in from a low pattern.  The Yak actually only requires 1000-1500 feet on the ground to get down and stopped so I had options from the initial roughness to right base.

Had it continued to run rough or quit altogether I suspect I would have called for 17 or even 09L - in hindsight I allowed my comfort of the fact that it smoothed out to push me for a regular pattern with short approach - OK because it did clear up and run fine after the big backfire but on review I should have probably committed to 17 or 09L since I had no guarantee at that point that it would continue running.

It all worked out in the end but with the benefit of hindsight I see that I could have done better and that is why I am sharing.


Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: Fuel Pump Failure
« on: January 03, 2016, 10:09:58 AM »
Surprised the Yak have an auxiliary, electric fuel pump.  Nice job Gimp!!!  Very nice.  That's what currency/recency will do for you.
No electric boost pump in the Yak, we do have a primer/aux pump on the instrument panel that is supposed to be able to keep the engine running but it would be very difficult to use in practice I think.

The Primer/Pump is on the right shaped like a handle, it would pumped in and out which would be a tough movement to do while also flying the plane.


Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Fuel Pump Failure
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:55:11 AM »
So I alluded to this in my rec ride thread.  I had an engine driven fuel pump failure recently, was very scary and could have been a literal disaster. Fortunately for me it was just after takeoff and was able to produce enough fuel flow for partial power operation for an immediate RTB.

I have had some time to go over the internal and external GoPro video and I think there is a real learning opportunity to review what I did right and what I could have done better that would be of help to everyone so I plan to put it all together with my self-critique notes and maybe share it as a private video.
I had a loss of power/backfire event while climbing out and made an immediate RTB.  We had departed as an element #1 and #2, I was solo as #3 with SNAP as #4 on a delayed roll in his -50.  Normal spool-up and takeoff, gear retracted fine and as I pulled the prop back to 82% passing 500 AGL I got a significant roughness that went into violent backfires/substantial loss of power when I advanced the throttle to try and clear it - I departed the formation, informed Tower I was making an immediate return, and recovered uneventfully.

I did not declare an emergency, I requested an immediate return, Tower asked if I needed assistance and I said no, they cleared for me short approach and landing and that's what I did.  Since the plane was under power I was able to taxi back to the YakCave so I have not had nor do I anticipate any follow-up from the airport or FAA - if I had made it back to runway but engine stopped/unable to clear runway I know this would have been different.
I was initially convinced that the actual issue was a good slug of water due to the left wing tank sitting empty for a week during the recent cold snap as a result of the fuel leak I fixed previously.  When it was filled from the truck on Sunday afternoon it took over 15 gallons on the Left meaning it was close to empty and had sat that way for a week during the temperature swings we have had. 
After I recovered to the hangar, it was making plenty of power on the ground with no roughness or perceived imbalance when I did some high power runups with no sign of stumbles or misbehavior (~85% RPM and 7 potatoes) and no unusual smoke or other external evidence.

That it occurred on the reduction in prop speed on takeoff was most likely coincidental IMO.  Only after I pulled the cowlings did I notice a fuel leak from the pump housing that indicated a failure of the internal diaphragm.
In thinking back, this was without a doubt the most challenging and threatening issue/malfunction I have had in 29 years of flying.  We all like to think we will do it all right when the defecation hits the oscillation and while I did OK it was mostly reaction and in hindsight should have been a bit more deliberate.  I did the whole aviate, navigate, communicate thing just fine, if I had been solo, but in formation and in a busy pattern it is a bit more complex and could have been, I think, done better.
One key takeaway is that practicing engine failures and the impossible turn did help a lot in that I made an immediate RTB decision.  They say recognition/acknowledgement of an engine failure could take 5 seconds and that is how I have trained engine fail/impossible turn scenarios which I have done in all of the types I fly regularly, including the Yak. 
I immediately leveled off at the first roughness (38 seconds after brake release), advanced the throttle to see if it would clear (made it worse actually) and made the RTB decision and initial turn when I got a series of large backfires - this was almost exactly 5 seconds after the initial roughness.  I checked right to see if John was in position (he had called airborne about 2 seconds before the initial roughness and was well behind, no conflict) and seeing the path was clear I started a turn. 
Had this been an element takeoff, I believe I would have pulled up and over if #4 were in position but can’t say for sure.  I made my initial call to Tower as I started the turn/depart from formation but it was blocked – had it been an element takeoff I would like to think I would have made a call first to alert #4 but it was, in hindsight, pure reaction to depart the formation and RTB.  Fortunately we were on Tower so I did not have the issue of tuning the radio to add to the rest of the situation.
I made a 45 deg bank turn (recommended in the POH) at about 500 AGL and just after passing west of Cuyamaca street - had the engine quit at any point during the turn I would have made it back to the airport grounds, barely – I did not climb much, and stayed close to best glide speed (190 KPH) using only enough power to stay airborne (this was not in my recollection a deliberate decision, I think I only actually looked at airspeed on the initial level off, and just before I went to set gear down – it was mostly head-out)– engine did not cough after the initial backfires and responded normally to power changes in the pattern, landing and taxi at obviously reduced power levels.  Altitude should have been higher and in hindsight the engine was producing power, I should have climbed up to TPA or higher just in case.
Bailing out never crossed my mind due to altitude and the thought of the plane landing wherever it decided to go after I left, nor did landing on 17 which would have been, in hindsight, the better option.  If the engine had quit or continued to stumble I would like to think I would have thought of 17 but am not sure I can say that definitively.  Although I did get the gear and flaps, I did not make my customary callouts and video shows I did not check the gear indicator pins like normal.  I did consider Highway 52 as an alternate since I was too far north for a safe return to 27 for a bit (at that point 17 would have been obvious since I would have turned into the airport immediately and would be looking right at it).  Both 27’s were in use at the time, could have been nasty but I don’t recall Tower clearing any departures for 27L while I was on downwind or final.
A last point here is that again, in hindsight, I should have made a check flight following the fuel leak fix since this issue would likely have shown up when I was NOT in a formation departing the field (less risk to others).
I sumped the fuel system once back on the ground just in case but found no water or particulate contamination but am still changing my SOP from filling the tanks prior to flight to filling the tanks after flight if below about 45L per side to minimize the chance of a water in the fuel.   The Yak fuel system is considered relatively impervious to fuel in water (we don't normally sump prior to flight) and even though water was not the cause for this issue it is much more on my mind than before.
Shared in an attempt to provide a review of events while still fresh in my head – hope it is useful.


Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:36:15 PM »
Well the evidence of my prediction has been erased along with several hundred thousand other posts but this is playing out as I said it would when I bailed on POA months ago. 

Seen it before in other sites.  The few complainers who pushed for the silencing of opposition will be emboldened and as a result will overplay their hand (they can't help but do it) and it will get even worse.

Political posts and the resulting personality conflicts (real and imagined) will spill over into the 'approved' topic sections, complaints will go up, more heavy-handed and poorly or unexplained moderation will be required, more people will be offended and leave the site altogether, post count will drop and it will wither on the vine.

Too bad, but in this age of the tyranny of the minority where the perpetually offended and professional complainer have the heckler's veto nothing else should be expected.


The ends (orgasmic totalitarian fascism) justify the means (fraud and collusion) for true believers, even if it results in wholesale destruction of trust in science and untold costs in real dollars as well as jobs and quality of life.


Spin Zone / Re: What Will the Downfall of the US Look Like?
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:06:41 AM »
Look around, we are living it right now.


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