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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 93
Spin Zone / Re: Karma
« on: October 30, 2016, 09:41:19 AM »
Ugh. For the first time in at least 8 years I watched This Week with  George "Clinton Apologist" Stephanopoulos, to see what the other side has to say about this.  Disgusting lack of concern about the potential substance of this letter, with 100% of the focus on the political implications to Clinton.

No need to watch ABC news any more.

George Stephanopoulos is just another media Democrat/Clinton operative like many on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc.  As you know he was Bill Clinton's Press Secretary before he went to ABC and became a "news" person.  What a joke. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:17:10 AM »
I'll vote for HRC for one simple reason, a win for her will keep the stock market calm, priority is my retirement fund and a Trump win could cause the markets to react negatively and tank everyone's 401k.

If you are in stocks, you are not being very wise right now, no matter who is president. 

Spin Zone / Re: Berkeley protestors block white students
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:46:49 PM »
It's one thing to eat lunch with folks of your color (and in my experience, it's not often exclusively so).  It's another thing to demand that others create a space designed solely for your race. And it's COMPLETELY another thing to suggest that black folks be allowed to use a portion of the US as a mono-color country for a single race (as Jaybird has suggested).  Both of those latter options are the wrong direction.

Totally agree. 

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:47:23 AM »
Except the state legislators are also polluted with the same mentality, and many of those aspire to the national level (congress).  It's a cash cow due to voter apathy that keeps these slugs in office. 

 The state people are not going to piss off the national people (political party) because they know which side their bread is buttered on.

 Politics today is like winning the lottery, once in and established many realize wealth that they could never achieve on the private side.

I have two friends, one was my roommate when I was just out of school, and started working full time.  One eventually became a U.S. Congressmen, and one became a U.S. Senator.  Both eventually were voted out of office after serving multiple terms.  Both became wealthy in office, then out of office as LOBBYISTS.  That's where they really are making money.  Influence peddling.  It is exactly like winning the lottery.  It is all about personal gain with these guys.   

Spin Zone / Re: "We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her"
« on: October 27, 2016, 12:57:22 PM »
Racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe, deplorables...........

The liberal/progressive obsession with identity politics in itself is extremely destructive, and divisive to our society, and culture.  And that is the goal.  To keep us divided and weak so we can not fight back, and they are winning.  It is a mental disorder to their minions that believe this crap, but their leadership are cold, and calculated.  They are just power and wealth hungry.  The Obamas and Clintons are prime examples.  Sociopaths of the highest, most functional order.   

The Progressive obsession with man made climate change as a wealth re-distribution, and tax scheme, yet their minions again, useful idiots, actually believe this crap to give their lives some sort of meaning.  All the while their champions like Gore and DiCaprio, etc jet around spewing their demon carbon.   

Spin Zone / Re: Megyn Kelly Slapdown
« on: October 26, 2016, 11:50:29 AM »
No media bias?  23 minutes on Trump's sex comments, and 57 seconds on Hillary's email scandals.  Newt is right.   

Spin Zone / Re: Professionalism in Business
« on: October 24, 2016, 04:48:21 AM »
She should return all of it for a refund, and buy from a better vendor. 

Then it need not even be mentioned.  The phrase "not that there is anything wrong with that" says there is something wrong and you're mentioning it because you think there is something wrong.

For me, it often shows a very Progressive stance, and trend.  These people are just far left, and being LGBT often means militantly far left as is this AG.  So, no I do not have anything against gays, but when their entire political spectrum is radical, then I do. 

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 23, 2016, 08:40:27 AM »
The dehumanization of one's counterpart/adversary is the first step toward the breakdown and failure of any productive conversation/collaboration/negotiation. 

Racist!  Homophobe!  Xenophobe!  Islamophobe!  Misogynist!  Deplorables!  What side do we hear that from?

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 23, 2016, 06:57:11 AM »
To me, and I believe many others, "conservative" really means to have the Constitution mean what it says, and what the Founders intended.  Liberal/Progressives bend the words of the Constitution to interpret it to mean what they want, not what it actually says.  It is actually a perversion of America, and what made this country great.   

You are right.  The 2nd itself won't go away.  But a liberal court will transform it to the point where we would need governmental permission to own a gun, and probably additional permission to buy ammo, and it will have to be locked up except for times when we have permission to hold it.

That will all probably happen eventually, but if we elect Hillary, it will happen sooner.

A liberal/progressive court will nullify the 2A as an individual right.  Hillary says she "respects" the 2A, but she only respects as a GOVERNMENT RIGHT, not an individual right.  Hillary, and the Democrats do not want to have any obstacles to a full totalitarian dictatorship. 

The "Militia" will be reinterpreted to mean the state National Guard which is not "the People", but the Government run Army. 

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Bus Drops Raw Sewage into Storm Drain
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:48:08 AM »
I love how people think that the actions of a third party contractor represent the moral views of an entire organization. These bus companies drive for everyone and are just hired guns. The dumb arse contracted XYZ bus company dumped it, not the DNC or a DNC employee. Stupid, yes...but equally stupid to imply the DNC knowingly dumped it.

So if it were a Trump bus, what do you think the media would have done?  Don't you think the party of uber environmentalism (fascism) should be more careful when they hire contractors?  How are they at selecting, and running subcontractors when they are in power, like they are now?

Spin Zone / Re: The new religious freedom
« on: October 22, 2016, 09:19:18 AM »
If you like your God, you can keep your God.............

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:05:35 AM »
If you intend to change hearts and minds, go into the discussion with a recognition that their views are valid. Then focus on plugging gaps in knowledge and promoting what you see as simple truths.

Pure lies, and falsehoods are NOT valid.  That is what the Democrats use to further their control of law abiding citizens that own guns.  The simple truth is that people cause violence, not guns, and most of the stats the Dems use to further MORE gun control are suicides, and gang violence.

Criminals DON'T follow more gun control laws.  It only affects the law abiding gun owners, and the reason the Dems don't want the law abiding to have guns is more CONTROL, and dependence.   

Spin Zone / Re: The final 2016 debate
« on: October 20, 2016, 05:33:33 AM »
I can't watch the debates, nor the "news" anymore.  I just can not stand the sight nor sound of Hillary.  It is not just her totalitarian Commie message, it is literally her image and voice.  She is just GROSS.

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