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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 93
Spin Zone / Re: Trump Supporters are as Dumb as you Think
« on: September 22, 2016, 12:03:36 PM »
Well professor, I've studied economics, and finance.  Ever hear of the Wharton School?  That's where I got my Masters, and that's where the Donald went for his under grad degree.  We are worse off than we were in 2008 overall.  Unemployment is much higher than stated.  Look at the labor participation rates.  Do you think negative GDP growth is good?  Well that is what we have.  Interest rates are at HISTORIC LOWS which shows a very, very weak economy, yet you believe Obama and his agency minions lies.  You are very easily fooled. 

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:32:43 PM »
Because you're so tolerant, supportive of diversity and open to having all ideas on the table.

Shame on you indeed.

Unfortunately, he is typical of academia.  They are only tolerant if what you say agrees with their views, and far left, radical anti American agenda.  They are all BOLSHEVIKS. 

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:09:14 PM »
Just more hypocrisy Michael.  You should be ashamed of yourself. 

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:49:33 PM »
Concur.  Toronto sucks.

Thanks for demonstrating that you've completely run out of coherent arguments

You've run out of them for months.  Your obsession with Trump is the stuff of the Psych Unit.

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:06:48 PM »
Keep telling yourself whatever it takes to sleep at night.

He'll make the trade in a heartbeat.

Fortunately, I know that you have neither a crystal ball, nor are clairvoyant.  So until it happens you have no freakin clue.  I've been to Toronto.  IT SUCKS. 

The Homosexual, Lesbian, and Transgender community represents 1% - 3% of our population.  Why is it such a huge, divisive issue?  It is frickin MEANINGLESS.  I will tell you why.  Government, the media and education is using it to divide, and distract us from the real issues.  Just like they use race, gender, religion, economic strata etc.  It is to keep us weak and at each others throats!

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:24:27 PM »
Tolerance means not discriminating against someone on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or other non-personal factors.  It does not mean disliking assholes.

You are one of the most close minded, intolerant people, I have ever seen on a webboard.  That comes from lack of knowledge. 

You're wrong, of course. Unless you're a single issue voter, voting is a process of understanding what a candidate's issues and proposals are, and determining whether enough good or potential good outweighs the bad or potential bad (and there is always some bad). You see it happening all over this board vis a vis Trump.

So, for example, you see Conservatives on this board opting to support Trump even though he has previously espoused, and is currently espousing, Liberal positions, including support of gun control. Are they advocating gun control by supporting Trump? How about his Liberal, unfunded tax break? You tell me!

I am a single issue voter with the 2A because that protects all the others.  Yes, Trump has flip flopped in the past on gun control.  However, he is at least saying all the right things. 

Hillary has PROMISED Australian style bans, and confiscations, and promised she will pack the SCOTUS with far left, radical, anti Constitution justices.  Lesser of to weevils.  I know what I will get with Hillary, and that is Oppressive, Communist, Racist, anti American policies like Obama, only worse.  She will take away legally owned firearms so we don't even have that to resist.  Well bring it on!

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:20:35 PM »
You are just delusional Michael.  We just had a weekend of multiple ISIS attacks here in the U.S. and you say they're shrinking.  W, j, W. 

Spin Zone / Re: In what way does my firearm...
« on: September 19, 2016, 04:56:01 PM »
But did I hear you correctly, because I think I heard it again. You are saying that the only way to keep the right to carry is not to carry.  Isn't that not being able to? 

People who panic will panic over less than a rifle. Nothing is going to happen to them and they might relax the next time. They do not get a safe space if I want to carry a rifle.

I think it does more harm than good to our cause of retaining our 2A rights.  We are one Supreme Court justice away from the 2A becoming a collective, military/police only right.  Meaning our guns will be largely banned, and confiscated like Australia, UK, etc.  We all know public opinion affects these decisions as do the politicians that represent these bliss ninnies that are ignorant about guns, natural human rights and the 2A.

What I am saying is PICK YOUR BATTLES, and be smart about it.  A lot of life is perception.  So to answer your question, YES, that is what I believe.  Talk to me when Hillary packs the court with far left, radical anti 2A Justices.  More Ginsbergs, Kagans, and Sotomayors. 

Spin Zone / Re: "Hillary for Prison" - "Let's Make It Happen!"
« on: September 19, 2016, 01:01:01 PM »
"Stronger Together" is a dog whistle for bigotry and racism.  ;D

And, dontcha know, Hillary responds to DOG WHISTLES. 

Spin Zone / Re: In what way does my firearm...
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:38:54 AM »
The vast majority of firearm deaths occur to victims who know their assailants.  About half are suicides.  This is year in and year out, and has been the case for a least a decade. Moreover, the number of firearm fatalities has been around 30K/year for some time.  I've seen credible estimates of 300,000,000 firearms in America owned by 100,000,000.  Thus the rate at which firearms "go bad" is about 0.01%.

Given these facts I find it hard to get worked up over someone else's firearm ownership.  That said, should they change my outlook is likely to change as well.  And I won't be alone.

"Firearm Fatalities?"  The firearm can not, and does not act on its own.  They are human caused fatalities using a firearm as the tool instead of a knife, car, screwdriver, rope, tall building, bath tub, swimming pool, set of stairs, etc.

Spin Zone / Re: In what way does my firearm...
« on: September 19, 2016, 05:06:57 AM »
With over 10,000,000 gun owners, I'm thinking that the percentage is probably off by an order of magnitude (or two).

I am sure you are correct.  Yes it is legal to open carry a rifle.  However, like the idiots in Starbucks, all it does is create fear, and promote more senseless laws, as politicians feel they need to always "do something".  That is why I conceal carry when and if I carry a pistol.  It is my business if I am armed or not.  Nobody else's. 

Spin Zone / Re: Thought police coming to the Federal Government
« on: September 17, 2016, 10:53:16 PM »
Black Rifles Matter.

Spin Zone / Re: Has Diversity Broken all the access Barriers
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:13:21 AM »
It seems to have worked quite well in your own personal case.  As it has for many others.

Including the fact that Obama was elected, twice, in an overwhelmingly non-black country and has accomplished a very large percentage of his goals.  Without regard to the quality or desirability of those goals.
Obama has been very successful in accomplishing his goals.  All of them opposite to the well being, and prosperity of the United States.

Obamacare succeeded in giving 1/6th of the economy to further government control.  The Trillion dollar stimulus succeeded in rewarding his private and public sector unions for their election support.  He laughed when asked about the reality of those "shovel ready jobs" he promised.  He's succeeded in bring down our status and influence worldwide.  He's created open borders and an influx of Mexicans and who know else to vote Dem and change the nature of our country.  He's brought in Muslim refugees to create an Islamic state within the U.S.  He's gutted the military of competent senior officers replacing them with Dem political hacks.  And a multitude of other "successes".

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