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Messages - Old Crow

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Spin Zone / Re: On Memorial Day
« on: May 27, 2024, 05:59:10 AM »
I rarely drink but on Memorial Day I have 2 beers.  One for my buddies who came home horizontally and the other for me.  My flag is at half staff today for them and others.  I spent 3 years in the army with 2 in Vietnam.  Then changed to the air force for 18 years.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debates
« on: May 15, 2024, 05:55:26 PM »
For the CNN debate, Biden will get all the questions ahead of time so he can memorize his answers.
Probably his handlers will give him the answers through an earpiece.  I don't think his memory is that good.

Time to retire?

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« on: April 28, 2024, 04:53:06 PM »
Every time I see a nose ring it reminds me of when I was growing up on the farm we put nose rings in hogs to keep them from rooting under the fence.

Spin Zone / Re: Keep animals off your table
« on: April 24, 2024, 07:13:04 AM »
About 20 years ago I had an implant done.  The Doc who did it had a sense of humor.  He said that we would have to build up the bone structure so asked me if I preferred human or cow bone.   Told him cow bone since my wife says I'm full of bullshit.  A few months later I went back for him to see how everything was knitting together.  On this visit I had a 1/2 inch wood drill bit told him he left it in my mouth on my last visit.  A lady (whom I had thought was a nurse) standing next to him fainted.  We caught her before she hit the floor.  He and the real nurses were laughing hard.  The implant has given me no problems at all over the last 20 years.  He checked it out last year and said it is doing very well.  The color matches the rest very well and visually you can't tell the difference.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: April 22, 2024, 07:48:37 AM »
Clifford and Daisy May were married for many years.
Whenever there was a confrontation, yelling could be heard deep into the night. Clifford would shout, "When I die, I'll dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life ol' woman!!"
Neighbors feared him. Old Clifford liked the fact that he was feared.
He died at the ripe old age of 98.
After the burial, Daisy May's neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, "Aren't you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way out of the grave and haunt you for the rest of your life?"

Spin Zone / Bird feeder
« on: March 08, 2024, 06:57:28 AM »
I bought a bird feeder. I hung
it on my back porch and filled
it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds
taking advantage of the
continuous flow of free and
easily accessible food.
But then the birds started
building nests in the boards
of the patio, above the table
and next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was
everywhere: on the patio tile,
the chairs, the table ..
Then some of the birds
turned mean. They would
dive bomb me and try to
peck me even though I had
fed them out of my own
And others birds were
boisterous and loud. They
sat on the feeder and
squawked and screamed at
all hours of the day and night
and demanded that I fill it
when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even
sit on my own back porch
anymore. So I took down the
bird feeder and in three days
the birds were gone. I cleaned
up their mess and took down
the many nests they had built
all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like
it used to be ..... Quiet, serene....a
and no one demanding their
rights to a free meal.
Now let's see.
our government gives out
free food, subsidized housing,
free medical care and free
education, and allows anyone
born here to be an automatic
Then the illegal's came by the
tens of thousands. Suddenly
our taxes went up to pay for
free services; small apartments
are housing 5 families; you
have to wait 6 hours to be seen
by an emergency room doctor;
your child's second grade class is
behind other schools because
over half the class doesn't speak
Corn Flakes now come in a
bilingual box; I have to
'press one ' to hear my bank
talk to me in English, and
people waving flags other
than 'Old Glory' are
squawking and screaming
in the streets, demanding
more rights and free liberties.
Just my opinion, but maybe
it's time for the government
to take down the bird feeder.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:40:26 AM »
Trash removal day

Spin Zone / Leap year
« on: February 29, 2024, 06:30:36 AM »

For a day that is celebrated only once every 4 years (with some mathematical exceptions we'll go over later) it sure seems to have a lot going on around it.

Leap year has devious explorers, beloved saints, partying boarder towns and proposal popping Irish ladies. And let's not forget all the birthdays babies. They do have some making up to do on the celebrating, you know!

Since the beginning of time, man has been improving the way we keep it. That applies to calendars as well. Early Egyptians had a leap year in their calendar. The early Roman calendar had entire leap month from time to time to keep the days in line with the astronomical year.

It was Julius Casaer and astronomer Sosigenes who revamped the Roman calendar giving it 12 months with equally (almost) distributed days and adding a leap day every 4 years.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII adjusted the calendar once again. Because the Earth revolves around the sun once every 365.2421 days, one leap day every 4 years is just slightly too much. Instead of shortening the leap day, the Gregorian calendar is designed such that leap days only happen every 4 years except years evenly divisible by 100 but not 400.

There was not a leap day in 1900 and there will not be one in 2100. So a baby born on February 29, 2096 will be in the 3rd grade on his 1st birthday!

And even this adjustment doesn't keep the days perfectly aligned with the seasons. Those humans who are still around in 10,000 years will have to address those issues. It's truly not a leap day concern.



A tradition that has its origins in 5th century Ireland allows women to propose marriage to a man on leap day. According to lore, Saint Brigid complained on behalf of young maids that their men were too shy to propose. To appease her, Saint Patrick declared that on February 29th would be a day when women could propose.

The Scot's took this tradition a step further. In 1288 Queen Margaret is rumored to have made it law that women could propose on February 29, but had to wear red petticoats to alert their men to their romantic intentions. There was a fine charged to the men who refused the proposal as well.

However interesting and strongly held the traditions may be, there is no documentation supporting the decree by Saint Patrick, and there is no law on the books in Scotland.

Despite the lack of proof, the tradition has continued. Men in upper class European society who dared to refused a proposal was obligated to protect the lady's honor by giving her a gift; gloves to cover her un-ringed hand.

A reflection of this custom today, in some countries February 29th is known as Bachelor Day.

A lunar eclipse on leap day 1504 have Christopher Columbus the perfect foil to trick the natives into continuing to provide supplies to his stranded expedition. Aware of the upcoming lunar eclipse, Columbus told the chief that his god was angry and would take away the moon as punishment and proof of his anger.

Hattie McDaniel, known for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind, was awarded the first Academy Award for an African American on leap day 1940.
Late on the evening of leap day 1960 the city of Agadir in Morocco the earth shook for 15 seconds. A small city of 2,500 was abruptly woken. The quake was considered a moderate one, but it devastated the city killing two thirds of its residents.

Catholics honor St. Oswald, a beloved saint who died on leap day in the year 972. His feast day is celebrated on February 28th every year.



Consider visiting the Leap Year Capital. Anthony, a city divided by the New Mexico - Texas boarder, has laid claim to the title Leap Year Capital of the World. In 1988 leap year baby Mary Ann Brown thought her town of Anthony could benefit from a festival celebrating the birthdays of leap year babies and put the idea to the Chamber of Commerce. The Leap Year Festival was born and the festival has grown every leap year since.
In 2016 Anthony will celebrate their 7th festival.

In both Canada and the United States there have been proposals to make Leap Day national days that would encourage people to take the extra day to do some good in the world.

What ever you do, be sure to make the most of your extra day.  It only comes around every four years or so! Use #NationalLeapDay to post on social media.


Tony Robbins - Author - 1960

Simon Gagne - Hockey Player - 1980

Saul Williams - poet, actor, writer, musician - 1972

Dennis Farina - Actor - 1944

Billy Turner - Horse Trainer - Triple Crown winner - 1940

Bryce Paup - Football player - 1968

Olav Henriksen, Leif-Martin Henriksen, and sister Heidi Henriksen - siblings all born on February 29 in different years. No they are not triplets. 1960, 1964, 1968

Chucky Brown - NBA basketball player - 1968

Cary Conklin - NFL quarterback - 1968

Phyllis Frelich - deaf American actress - Member of National Theatre of the Deaf - 1944

Fabien Bownes - NFL wide receiver - 1972

Jack Lousma - Astronaut - Skylab 3, Space shuttle Columbia - 1936

William Hathaway - U.S. Senator - 1924

Al Rosen - Baseball player - 1924

Dinah Shore - Actress - 1916

Dee Alexander Brown II - Historian and novelist

Stanley Swash - CEO of Woolworths - 1908

John Byrom - English poet, inventor of short hand - 1692

Jimmy Dorsey - Saxophonist, composer and bandleader - 1904

Herman Hollerith - Statistician, inventor.-1860

John "Pepper" Martin - Baseball player 1904

Spin Zone / Re: 53 MM FOR ILLEGALS IN NY
« on: February 27, 2024, 10:01:57 AM »
If they don't obey the laws of this country when they enter how can we expect them to obey the laws while they are here?  Maybe why should we since our 'government' won't.

Spin Zone / Re: 53 MM FOR ILLEGALS IN NY
« on: February 27, 2024, 08:14:44 AM »
Does anyone wanna help illegals? (sarcastic)

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: February 26, 2024, 05:06:30 AM »
Now this,  it will be a very interesting year wonder what is next.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 25, 2024, 06:28:24 PM »
We would pick up our bottles of Tabasco sauce from either the PX or the chow hall IF they had any.  I think the military caught on and when they came out with MREs (stands for Meals Rejected by Ethiopians ;D) added it in.

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