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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 319 320 [321] 322 323 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 30, 2020, 06:00:39 PM »
Read it here first, because I can’t believe I’m saying this:

Bravo Zulu to Elon Musk.

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 30, 2020, 08:19:29 AM »
Do you have to be Virtually Married, before you can have Virtual Threesomes?
Says the guy who has perfected virtual marriage.

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: May 30, 2020, 08:17:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: May 30, 2020, 06:42:13 AM »
Riot and Looting control THEATER.  Like everything else these days.  Instead of rifles, the Guard is issuing Umbrellas.
But in all seriousness, these guys are putting their lives on the line, and if they are unarmed, I would hope the CO would tell the governor to go fuck himself.

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 30, 2020, 06:12:28 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: May 30, 2020, 06:08:20 AM »
Amazing. Five hundred National Guard not enough. Walz calling for 1,000 more.
What exactly will these guard troops do? Are they even armed after Kent State?  Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of the training and ROE for these guard troops? 

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 30, 2020, 05:56:27 AM »
In massachusetts, the governor's emergency orders don't apply to the legislature or the courts... hmmmm.  Can anyone think of why not?  If so, can you explain how the governor has the authority to close Church buildings?

Having said that, the US Constitution is not a suicide pact.
I’ve read your origins of that term below. But I’ve heard it used once or twice this year. Incorrectly I might add.

Since the Constitution doesn’t grant rights, but it prevents government from infringing on natural, God-given rights, any infringement on them is unlawful. Period. And yes Anthony, I’ll join you in your lawsuit against every government that has a gun law.

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 30, 2020, 05:45:52 AM »
Congrats on going back to the office, and on 37 years. We just had our 35th, and we did survive 2 months of being locked up in the house together without killing each other, but just barely.  This is the third week he's been back at the office and it's like I can breathe again. We got locked down early because we had traveled and his boss made him isolate for two weeks and just as that ended they made everyone go home.

I had made up my mind I wanted to marry a guy about 2 years older than me and about 2 inches taller, and also an engineer because I was an engineer. He is 2 1/2 years older and 2 1/2" taller (I was 5'10 1/2" and he was 6'1").  He had also taken flying lessons and was into Rocky Horror Picture Show, so I knew I'd met my soul mate.  ;D  Within 2 months of our first date he had proposed and I accepted.

Boy that sounds awful shallow. But we found we shared almost identical value systems and enjoyed each other's company which might be two of the most important things in choosing a mate.  That and whether or not to have children. He wanted 2 and I wanted 3 and we thought that was close enough. (He won in the end.)
Wow. Such precision!  I should have hired an engineer to find me a tall Mediterranean brunette. My back has never been the same with a wife who is 12” shorter than me. 

These are all nice stories and all but I hope they don’t impact our threesome with Becky.

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: May 29, 2020, 10:58:53 AM »
I am not anti-Trump, but I was sympathetic to the protesters, until they started looting and burning.  Actions like that do more to ruin the great strides we have made in racial harmony of the past several decades than anything.  It's really a shame on both ends (what happened to Floyd and the resulting rioting).
I’m not sure what Trump has to do with your statement, but you raise the point I’ve been saying. 99% of the country, including the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, believe it was murder. White, black, orange, yellow, and red people (did I get the full pallet?) believe it was horrific and would have backed the protestors.

Right up to the point where they turned violent, tortured and injured a wheelchair bound white woman, destroyed buildings, looted buildings, and every other violent action. At that point they turned into violent criminals, and should be treated as such.

I have no words to explain how the Police literally abandoned their precinct so it could be burned and destroyed. Not exactly acting like General Sam Houston at the Alamo.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 28, 2020, 08:41:15 AM »
Just looked up the specs. 

This jumped out.  Wow.

Weights and Loadings
Empty-----------------------------------------------------------------------1,200 lbs.

Maximum ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2,000 lbs.

Maximum landing weight ……………………….…………………..  2,000 lbs.

Useful Load ---------------------------------------------------------------  760 lbs.

Fuel capacity ---------------------------------------------------------------  54 gal.

Useable fuel capacity --------------------------------------------------53.5 gal.

Wing loading ………………………………………………………..  27.6 lbs/sq. ft.

Power loading --------------------------------------------------------  7.1 lbs/hp.
Don’t chop the power until you’re 6” above the runway! 

Spin Zone / Re: sign language interpreters
« on: May 28, 2020, 07:57:54 AM »
Personally, I always thought those signers were kind of ridiculous anyway and largely for show.

But they are not necessarily just for the hard of hearing.  That is just one aspect.  Signing is not just a way to represent English words with signs.  Signing is pretty much it's own language.  A signer can can communicate with people that can hear perfectly well but don't understand English (or whatever language the signer is interpreting).  So lip reading is not that important for everyone.  Just for the hard of hearing.
I’m too lazy to look for it, but I swear I remember a signer who was signing for an Obama speech in come foreign country, and he was doing all kinds of crazy gyrations. Turns out he wasn’t an official signer at all. 

Spin Zone / Re: sign language interpreters
« on: May 28, 2020, 07:56:21 AM »
It's kind of ironic.  I've seen two different people doing the sign language for the governor's briefings.  One doesn't have the mask (but has a mustache and beard) and the other is a woman but wears a mask.

Maybe ironic isn't the right word, but hey, I were a engineer before I retired.
I’ve also noticed that every woman doing sign language also wears sensible shoes and would fit in perfectly as a dog trainer at dog shows.

Ok, I know I’m a pig, but I’ll bet you’re all laughing too.

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 28, 2020, 07:52:08 AM »
I thought she was being sarcastic, or overstating to prove a point.  I mean turn it around. I want my man to be a limitless paycheck, look like a Greek god, perform in bed like a porn star, have the emotional sensitivity of my best girlfriend, the handyman skills and car mechanic skills of a blue collar worker while dressing like a corporate professional, and own an airplane. 

We all have a picture of the "ideal" mate in mind, but most of us realize life doesn't work like that. If men had to learn not to expect their woman to be perfect, the reverse is also true.

I don't know if that was Becky's point, but that's sort of my take on it.
I thought she was being sarcastic too.

I envisioned marrying a tall passionate Mediterranean brunette. I’m 6’3” after all.

Then I fell in love with a short 5’3” feisty Irish girl. Will be married 37 years in November, provided I make it that far after this stay at home thing. Lol. (Actually I went back to the office as of yesterday - first time in 67 days.)

Spin Zone / Re: China threatens Cold War
« on: May 28, 2020, 06:57:49 AM »
Many of us anyway. Generational distance from self sufficiency hurts. I heard some statistic recently that decades ago only some some percent of businesses needed to be licensed, where today a large percent do, I forget the exact numbers it was like 20% in the 50s vs 80% today or something.

The point is, look how the assumptions have changed, from we are free to conduct a livelihood to we need permission from some overlord to do so.

And we are too accepting of this.
Generational distancing is a fitting term. Both of my parents were born in the US, but their parents made the choice to leave their homelands of Poland and Lithuania and seek freedom in the US. My dad grew up with that spirit, and went back to Europe to fight fascism 1944-1945.

All of that rubbed off on me. I heard their stories first hand. I’ve passed that along to my daughter, who has the same spirit. Will her kids get those stories, that history?  I’m not sure.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 27, 2020, 10:21:10 AM »
Ok, is it me, but those spacesuits look like they were designed by Tron Guy?

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