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Messages - jb1842

Pages: 1 ... 104 105 [106] 107 108 ... 129
Spin Zone / Re: Six cops shot in Philly
« on: August 15, 2019, 09:38:08 AM »
I didn't read, no her that, so don't know.  Yes, that would alter the path of a 5.56 pretty well, or any small arms bullet for that matter. 

In 1985 the Philly police ultimately responded to a domestic terrorist group, "Move" by having a helicopter drop a bomb on their building after a long stand off.  Thankfully the Mayor that gave the order was Black, or there would have been Race Riots all over the city.

Give it time. Soros is probably working on getting money to rioters as we speak.

Spin Zone / Re: Six cops shot in Philly
« on: August 15, 2019, 08:52:03 AM »
I've heard some of the audio, but they didn't call for snipers per se, just long guns.  The only rifles I saw were M-4's (or AR-15 pattern carbines).  That doesn't mean there were no snipers there with .308's, etc. From what I could tell it was really closer quarters stuff, without the possibility of a long shot, but I don't know that for sure.

In the old days that career criminal would have never emerged alive.  Cops don't like getting shot at, and getting shot.  Go figure.

I read somewhere that they were shooting through the floors. That can screw up the path of the bullet for sure.

Spin Zone / Re: Six cops shot in Philly
« on: August 15, 2019, 08:50:36 AM »
Prosecutors don't care about punishing criminals, all they want is a high conviction rate, an they get that through plea deals. It's all about the numbers. I've seen it hundreds of times where someone had multiple charges, plead down to a lesser charge, and dropped the most serious charges. Then the same prosecutor barely putting up a fight to get the maximum sentence the criminal deserved. They love plea deals because half of them couldn't put on a criminal trial to save their lives.

Spin Zone / Re: Six cops shot in Philly
« on: August 15, 2019, 08:04:01 AM »
The police were calling for long guns so they could take out the perp.  The mayor is right, something has to be done about it.  It is disgusting.  But the mayor is wrong about the solution.  Don't disarm the population but properly arm the police.  Peace through superior firepower.

Is there audio available of the police response, or is this just coming from the news? Most people don't know this, but a .223/5.56 round is very light and starts to tumble, break up (depending on type of round) and lose energy fast after it hits something. They could have been calling for SWAT and a dedicated sniper that shoots a heavier bullet.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:19:35 AM »
Totally.  In my wife's experiences with worker's comp, they need a mountain of documentation and decline twice before accepting.  I've heard this from many sources... decline twice then accept.  I guess to see if you're serious.  I think that they make it so that working at a job is easier than getting through the worker's comp process.

I was lucky in that my case was approved right away and everything else was approved, when you have a history of multiple injuries to the same area, sort of hard to deny more claims. My dr officially declared me permanently disabled for my job last week, federal LEO, so know I have more paperwork to get from him and put on my file. I'm also getting letters from OWCP that I'm going to be possibly referred to career counseling and retraining, and possibly being involuntary medically separated from my agency. But the coding they use and the hospital use weren't the same. But instead of OWCP being proactive with billing, they just deny, and let you figure it all out months after.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:10:30 AM »
Perfect example of what has happened to FedGov agencies:  Departments of: Education, Agriculture, etc etc.

Look at all those beautiful, GIANT buildings in Washington DC. That is FedGov, in all of its bloat, waste, and self-preservation.

One problem is that agencies can only carry over a small emergency fund every fiscal year. The amount of money spent in the last month of the fiscal year to get down to a 0 balance is insane. I wish I could say that it is all spend wisely, but I know for a fact that some offices buy crazy stuff and go into a negative balance just because they know that there is money at the end of the year that will cover it. Then you have the whole GSA system scam.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 14, 2019, 09:04:05 AM »
I've been dealing with workers comp medical issues for a whole year next month. I've seen my primary dr, 4 specialists, multiple x-rays and mri's, countless PT sessions, chiropractor, 2 cortisone shots, 3 back surgeries (with a wrist surgery I need to schedule in the next few months). Someone told me that over 300 people in the hospital system alone have accessed my file. If you can't streamline the medical system, there is no way to decrease costs. Get the government involved, holy hell. I'm dealing with OWCP along with this and they are about as fucked up as a football bat, they got the billing and everything so screwed up. All because a few people at the hospital coded the billing wrong. Instead of OWCP calling them back and telling them to resubmit the bill with the right code, they just denied the bill. Now my insurance company has to go to subrogation to get refunded.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 14, 2019, 08:52:32 AM »

I don't see how that explains things like the $50 aspirin on a hospital bill.

Someone has to pay the hospital for all the people who use the emergency room as a regular dr visit and don't pay the bill after.


Spin Zone / Re: "Red Flag" laws....That's it?
« on: August 10, 2019, 01:56:08 PM »
Trump needs to say that he will pass gun control laws when Congress fully funds the border wall. The lefts heads will explode with not knowing what to do.

Spin Zone / Re: Why are so many Democrats running for President?
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:54:37 AM »
Well, we're moving on up to the east side
To a deluxe apartment in the sky
Moving on up to the east side
We finally got a piece of the pie

Spin Zone / Re: El Paso shooting video
« on: August 05, 2019, 06:22:05 PM »
Totally agree, but I have seen cops not be able to even target shoot at the range, but everyone assumes they are "proficient".  Not all, but they are out there.  My point is that just because you are a cop, or military doesn't mean you can shoot well even when nobody is shooting back, nor shoot well when somebody IS shooting back.

Yeah. We had one in my academy class that dropped the glock the first time she shot it, and shot the ceiling prone with an AR at 25 yards. She passed....which brings up a whole other argument about standards.

Spin Zone / Re: El Paso shooting video
« on: August 05, 2019, 05:34:19 PM »
Yes, but his argument is that cops and soldiers are always more proficient with firearms than civilians, which in my experience and training is NOT true at all.

Define proficient. No stress target shooting, or stress induced real world training scenarios? In my experience, they are 2 completely different things.

Spin Zone / Re: El Paso shooting video
« on: August 05, 2019, 05:19:55 PM »
Steingar is right about cops missing a lot in high stress situations. I speak from experience and training.

Spin Zone / Re: Pee on my dishes
« on: August 02, 2019, 08:55:13 AM »
There was a book on Fox recently called "Socialism Sucks".  The book was written by two economist about beer in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela, the only three real socialist countries in the world.  Their conclusions were that the government has no incentive to do more than the minimum necessary.  In Cuba there are two beers and both taste skunky and NK was similar.  Why would you make more than two types of beer?  In Venezuela, they have no beer...well, because the government cannot buy barley grain.  They can barely buy wheat for bread, so barley for beer is way out.

Maybe this is the way to convince the millennials that  socialism is bad?  Because all the micro breweries will be shut down and they'll be left with no real beer choices.  The only trouble I see is that they're so ingrained in socialism, they won't believe factual evidence.  But bottom line if the government can't even make beer well, why would they be able to do anything else well?

Most millennials drink IPA, and that is more hops based than barley. They won't care.

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