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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: Today at 03:03:21 AM »
Watching the SOTH smiling about being saved from removal for surrendering to the fucking democrat communist party, made me rethink how I perceive him.

Johnson is just a younger version of cocaine mitchie, not as ascerbic as kevie, and not as criminal as the whore, nancy.
Its a shame when we have to say that about our top leaders.  "They're not as bad as the other guy".

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 08, 2024, 05:37:10 PM »
Yes she did unfortunately. I don't understand the political inemntnest and misunderstanding optics in our warped world. She's allowing the Uniparty to win.

That’s what republicans do.  They’ve never learned to fight back.

Spin Zone / Re: The United Methodist Church Goes Woke
« on: May 08, 2024, 08:47:27 AM »
In related news, the Boy Scouts are removing the term “boy” from their name.

I’m so sick of this shit.

Spin Zone / Re: The United Methodist Church Goes Woke
« on: May 08, 2024, 04:56:05 AM »
Is there anything the left doesn't ruin when they get involved?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: May 08, 2024, 04:45:32 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Free speech
« on: May 06, 2024, 04:46:51 AM »
Back in the mid '80 I was reading the Ayn Rand books.  I mentioned them to some of the leftist feminists I worked with as a rebuttal to some of their absurd views.  To my astonishment (see what I did there), they all said they LOVED Ayn Rand.  To this day, that surprises me because almost all of her views were diametrically opposed to those leftists.

They justified it by saying that she was a "strong woman".  But if they thought it through,and they admired her, then they would NOT take the views on society that they did.

There was borderline rape and the “strong woman” loved it.  Lol, leftist feminists.  Although back in the 80s they weren’t like the ones today, who will sue you into oblivion if you try to ask them for sex.

Feminist in the 80s:  I can be a strong woman and still appreciate an even stronger man.

Feminist today:  We don’t need no stinkin man.

The problem with leftist feminists or leftists in general is they don’t understand basic economics. They’ve been indoctrinated to believe in a system of parasitism enforced by authoritarianism. That’s all leftism is: An economic system based on parasitism. A non-leftist understands that voluntary transactions and profit motive in the context of a truly free market result in the highest productivity and richest economy.

As far as I can tell, the biggest problem with a rich free market economy is that it allows people to become so comfortable and complacent that they forget where it all comes from and fail to guard their founding principles, allowing future generations (by taking over education) to be targeted by leftists who then undermine the whole system and here we are.

Spin Zone / Re: Free speech
« on: May 06, 2024, 03:29:22 AM »
Here's what Ayn Rand said about that in 1978:

Back in the mid '80 I was reading the Ayn Rand books.  I mentioned them to some of the leftist feminists I worked with as a rebuttal to some of their absurd views.  To my astonishment (see what I did there), they all said they LOVED Ayn Rand.  To this day, that surprises me because almost all of her views were diametrically opposed to those leftists.

They justified it by saying that she was a "strong woman".  But if they thought it through,and they admired her, then they would NOT take the views on society that they did.

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:30:08 AM »
This administration reminds me of a freak show at the circus.
The circus analogy is excellent.  I remember going to a three-ring circus when I was very young.  They used one ring as a distraction as they dismantled the other rings for the next act.  Lions in cages in ring 1, then clowns in ring 2 as they dismantled ring 1, then acrobats in ring 3 as they set up ring 1 for something else.  Always distraction from the real dismantling and setting up something different.  Now I wonder what all these campus riots are trying to distract us from?  or what are they setting up that we won't see?  And the price for admission to this circus is all the money you have.

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« on: May 05, 2024, 05:56:39 AM »
Pretty much everything the regime does is staged.  This is yet another indication of the communist behind the scenes. 

If they manage to steal the upcoming election, the next phase will be huge billboards of the president everywhere, with some message.   Then, internet will be heavily censored and monitored.  You will only see and hear state approved media.

We are almost there.  One more election seals the deal.
I'm not so sure.  Looking at the UK, they have had a HUGE influx of Muslim immigrants.  Resulting in mayors and other elected officials who advocate Sharia Law.  A recently elected person said that Sharia Law will be the law of the land in 10 to 20 years.  With unrestricted immigration there is nothing keeping that from happening here.  The democrats will have their day by stealing elections.  But their policies will open up their eventual demise to Muslim law.  And we see the foreshadowing of this in the "elite" college campuses as the sheep bow to the latest thing.

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« on: May 04, 2024, 10:49:30 AM »
Pretty much everything the regime does is staged.  This is yet another indication of the communist behind the scenes. 

If they manage to steal the upcoming election, the next phase will be huge billboards of the president everywhere, with some message.   Then, internet will be heavily censored and monitored.  You will only see and hear state approved media.

We are almost there.  One more election seals the deal. 

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« on: May 03, 2024, 12:51:10 PM »
1971 I was one year home from Nam.

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« on: May 03, 2024, 07:46:53 AM »
I was a sophomore in college in'71 and voted for Nixon in '72.

I have lost 40 pounds since August 02, 2023 and feel 30 years younger than I have in decades.  I've stopped all meds.  My BP, cholesterol, blood sugar and A1C are all dead center normal.
But I'm still deaf as a door nail without hearing aids and I'm (almost) blind as a bat in my right eye.
And I'm still old.

That's great Joe. Good  for you, losing that weight.  About three years ago, I just decided one day to change my lifestyle and started a rigorous, daily exercise program and totally changed my diet.

I'm 6' tall, so at 185 lbs looked halfway normal. I've been stable at 150 lbs now for almost two years. No meds, feel great and have lots of energy.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 03, 2024, 07:15:50 AM »
The democrat reply is always the same, though unspoken.  What is the "fair share" that you want millionaires to pay in taxes?  All of it.  How much do you need to send to Ukraine to win the war?  All of it.  And even then it's not enough.

  Ukraine is a giant money laundering scam.  The low information types are duped into believing this money will "help them defeat Russia" which is laughable at best.   Meanwhile the little Ukrainian dictator is lining his pockets and his regime's pockets with borrowed money we give them and the taxpayer has to pay back with interest.


Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: May 03, 2024, 04:27:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:08:19 AM »

For me, I try not to be depressed, but I am… okay I’ll come out and say it:  Frightened.

 We are headed into the most consequential election of our lives, and US history.  There are 538 offices that MUST be cleaned out in order for this country to survive.

  Right now the democrat communist with help of the UniParty are planning sweeping changes for 2025, and the top priority will be increasing taxes on the middleclass.  Get ready for unrealized gains, a federal property tax and some creative ways for the government to get their hands on retirement accounts.  Also look for interesting changes to social security.

  The newcomers (illegal invaders) will continue to need medical, housing, education and welfare benefits, and since they are the preferred citizens, government will need more money, lots of it.

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