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Messages - Little Joe

Pages: 1 ... 510 511 [512] 513 514 515
Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 13, 2016, 02:14:06 PM »

There are people who haven't seen the Lord of the Rings movies out there?

Click the picture, it's a funny link
There is at least two of us.

Those are your words and your assumptions.
I usually ignore any post that starts with "in other words" because it usually is really very different words and not at all what the original was intended to mean.

Spin Zone / The problem with liberals.
« on: March 13, 2016, 09:56:54 AM »
In my mind, liberals are mostly very good people with very good goals and intentions.

Just like liberals, I wish everyone had a decent income and could afford things like education and healthcare.  I donate to various charities that I respect.

The problem is that liberals have is "unintended (but highly predictable) consequences"
They don't want to admit that human nature is not only an immutable fact of nature, but that human nature varies with each human.

If the law were able to make everything fair, it wouldn't be long before people figure out how to once again garner more than their fair share.

If you make things easy for people, SOME people will quit trying and make a life out of the easy pickings.

Humans are not going to just settle for their fair share.  Whether it is the rich people that always want more and will work (or lie or cheat) to get it, or the poor people that are going to try to get as much as they can without working or producing at all.

So I like liberals.  But they need to figure out that the ONLY thing we should give the poor is opportunity.  And this country provides that in abundance, even if there is still prejudice, discrimination and greed.  Those things will always be there as long as there are humans.  We should strive to eliminate that as much as possible while acknowledging that it exists.  It is up to the individual to rise to limits of their ability and potential.  It is up to the rest of us to help take care of those with no ability or potential.  Lack of  personal responsibility does not qualify.

Spin Zone / Re: Vote for the Candidate Who Walks the Walk
« on: March 13, 2016, 09:41:16 AM »
Lucifer will be along shortly with his one-trick-pony "bible salesman" line, without any actual facts behind it, in 3...2...
Boy, when you get a hard-on for someone, you don't let go, do you?

But I'll say it even if Lucifer doesn't:
I don't want a bible thumping president that will be just as big a divider as Obama was.  Or maybe worse.

I'm neither religious or anti-religious, although I do identify with the Judaeo-Christian ethics system.  But I don't like religious zealots of any stripe.

When I hear Trump say something, then I hear the twisted sound-bites from people like Cruz that totally misrepresent what Trump said, it tends to push me in Trump's corner.  Cruz has proven that he is a devious, anything goes, politician.  His tactics have been dishonest and disgusting.  So since our choice seems to boil down to Trump or Cruz, I pick Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Filthy Throwbacks
« on: March 13, 2016, 06:48:48 AM »
Seems kinda like holding all Christians responsible for the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.
Not even close. The Westboro group was a tiny slice of idiots that were widely condemned by virtually every other Christian. They just happened to be protected by the Constitution.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Police Department: We Weren't Consulted
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:30:11 PM »
I believe Trump. There is no way he or the USSS wouldn't coordinate with them.

Lighten up, Francis.
I thought I was being light. Didn't you see that stupid emoticon?

But I'm glad you doubt the veracity of Rahm's Robots.

Spin Zone / Re: Well that's unfortunate
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:26:48 PM »
Poor kid. He got caught banging his own mom.

What? Too soon??  ;)
That was funny.
But if Trump said it, that would be different.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Police Department: We Weren't Consulted
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:09:38 PM »
I only point it out because Trump said he consulted them.
So who do you believe, and why?

There are thousands of Chicago cops. I suspect he talked with a couple of them but maybe not the one that is officially The Chicago Police Department.

And there is a thread saying we need more liberals. Sheesh. We have enough of you guys that we do t need no stinking liberals. 😜

Spin Zone / Re: I'm Angry, So I'm Voting For Donald Trump
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:46:11 AM »
Funny stuff.
Any good democrat should love all those exaggerations and mischaracterizations. That was good enough for SNL.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: March 12, 2016, 06:39:52 AM »
How does an infant know if they are allergic to something  they've never been exposed to?
First, not all drug reactions are "allergic" reactions.  There are other types of reactions.

But as to allergic reactions, generally, if you have never been exposed to something, you won't be "allergic" to it.  You become allergic to substances after you have been exposed.  Sometimes that is years later after many many exposures, and sometimes it is after a single exposure.  A good example is fire ants.  Many people become allergic to fire ants after the first sting, and the second sting can kill them.

When you are exposed to a foreign, or toxic substance, your immune system will fight it off.  That reaction may be unpleasant, and at that point, you immune system is now aware and on the lookout for that toxic invader.  That is when you become allergic.

Spin Zone / Re: Vaccination question(s)
« on: March 12, 2016, 06:31:45 AM »
So, let's consider a population of a million people.  Or N million people where N > 1, if it matters.

Let's put aside the (very small, hopefully) portion of the population that have an adverse reaction to a vaccine for <disease X> (this reaction is not necessarily known prior to the vaccination)

In a hypothetical case where everyone except for 1000 people get vaccinated, what risk to the vaccinated population is presented by the 1000 unvaccinated people?
Very few vaccines are 100% effective.  MMR is about 93% effective.

One of the costs to society is that it is possible to virtually wipe out diseases through universal vaccination.  But without universal vaccination, the strain can continue and mutate to become resistant to the vaccines.

On the other hand, universal vaccination causes the weak that would normally be weeded out of the gene pool to flourish.

Spin Zone / Re: Vaccination question(s)
« on: March 12, 2016, 06:24:30 AM »
I met a young man who became sterile as a result of a vaccine. He was 29.
That wasn't a real vaccine. 
That was part of a plot to sterilize young black men by giving sterilization drugs disguised as vaccines.

Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:52:14 PM »


What an articulate, well reasoned post. Thanks for that.

There's an expression: "The perception is the reality".

And my post on the topic was simply answering the allegation that the Trump=Hitler was concocted by the media, solely to bring Trump down. Emphasizing the fact that I had had a similar sentiment prior to reading it elsewhere. It was, in fact, a particular speech I listened to in my car where he was mocking Bush and Kerry in a very sarcastic, bombastic manner, and it all just sounded familiar, somehow.

Admittedly, "The Rise and Fall..." is not the be all and end all chronicle of what happened there, but I trust it got the broad sweep correctly. Another gem is "Berlin Diary", also by William Shirer, outlining a small slice of what transpired in the first person as a correspondent. Well worth the read. And available somewhere online as a pdf, IIRC.

But, again, thank for your post, and I see where you're coming from. Though the "Obama=Hitler" seems like a bit of a stretch.
I seriously doubt Gimp was advancing the "Obama = Hitler" analogy.  I think he was merely stating that it was less of a stretch than "Trump = Hitler".  I don't think Obama is near the demon that Hitler was.  But he has a very similar ability to mesmerize the masses through skillful oratory.

A cool way to cross the border:

As to thread topic, I totally believe that if the illegal alien flow dried up, American citizens would step into a large number of the jobs that would open up, if indeed Americans are unemployed and desire to work.  It's human nature to improve one's lot.  And it would really help if the government didn't support people who refuse to work.
They would only take those jobs as long as they paid substantially more than "government assistance", which in all of it's forms can be quite substantial.  Why work hard when you can receive almost as much by not working, or by working "off the books".

Spin Zone / How about Kasich?
« on: March 09, 2016, 06:46:13 PM »
This might be the kiss of death, because every time I decided I liked a particular Republican candidate, they dropped out a few days later.

But now I have decided I want Kasich to win.  The biggest knock I hear about him is that "he doesn't have a chance".  That is the definition of a self-fulfilling prophesy.

But I truly think that Trump, Cruz and Rubio (who I thought I would be supporting) are all making a mockery out of the process.  Even though I like a lot of what each of them say, they have all proven to me that they are unqualified for the job of CIC.

So honestly, if you were to discard your current first choice among the contenders, who would be your second choice?

But regardless of what I think of any of them, I think that any of them would be better than Hillary or Sanders.

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