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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 18, 2017, 11:58:48 AM »
Welcome to the United Collective Federation, formerly known as the United States.

Well put. 

Spin Zone / Re: Roger Ailes dead at 77 - Former Fox news chief
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:24:41 AM »
Sexual harassment charges mean nothing to me these days.  I can't speak to whether he is guilty or innocent in this specific circumstance, but in general, "sexual harassment" has been so weaponized it has lost all meaning.   It's an insult to real victims of sexual assault.

Just like racial "microaggression" it is a new way to transform the most basic and benign human behavior, such as facial expressions, or a compliment, into a comparison with the worst kinds of atrocities.

Asking a woman for a date is equivalent to rape by a stranger in a dark alley.

Crossing the street when you see a black, even if that's not WHY you crossed, is equivalent to horsewhipping a slave pre Civil War. (It was subconscious!!)

This is absolute witch hunt hysteria on so many fronts, and usually (though not always) targeting white males. (Black males if they are conservative or rich.)

Basing racism or sexual harassment on the FEELING of the "victim" rather than the intent of the actor is taking us down a horrific road in which anyone at any time can be accused of a crime for virtually ANY act.

Spin Zone / Re: Russia meeting - what gives?
« on: May 17, 2017, 06:19:18 AM »
I don't know how they can even talk about protecting classified information with a straight face after their candidate (Hillary) and her server. 

Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 16, 2017, 05:40:52 PM »
Good grief.  A botched robbery?  You'd think they'd come up with a better story than that.

Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 15, 2017, 04:10:24 PM »
The Republicans were just making stuff up, too.  While I will agree that there was no "violent rioting" from the masses, there was still a lot of outright protests on street corners and people being belligerent regarding what the POTUS can and can't be impeached for.  Nothing like using hearsay over the place of birth as a grounds for calling for impeachment, eh?  I think it's funny, as someone who is neither R or D, watching both sides be so hypocritical of the other when the tables were flipped 8 years ago.  Hell, Inhoff/Coburn of my own home state went off about impeachment of Obama after the Benghazi attack.

Agree both sides have been hypocritical and also like you and Anthony I am not Republican nor Democrat, but I don't recall the Republicans making stuff up out of thin air, not on the whole and not broadcast in the conservative media (small as that is).  Every serious complaint approaching an impeachment discussion was concerning real stuff Obama was actually doing.  Now, certain Republican individuals do make stuff up, and there are extremists on the right on the internet that invent loony toon stuff, but the Democrats, their extremist delusions are in their mainstream discussion, mainstream media.  It's reached a level lately I have never before in my life seen.

Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 15, 2017, 11:22:48 AM »
And some other big differences. No violent rioting in the streets, blocking traffic on the Interstates. Also the "birther crap" was an effort to document that Obama was a born citizen, based on such facts as his grandmother and step siblings going around saying they attended his birth in Kenya.  What the Democrats are doing is just making stuff up.  Like Russia hacked the election, absolutely ludicrous stuff with no facts in sight to even try to prove or disprove. 

Well it says you posted Little Joe while I was typing this, but I'll post it anyway.  Kinda thinking alike I think.

Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 15, 2017, 10:07:44 AM »
Before the next elections (2018) you are going to see violence ramped up by the progressives like never before.

I just finished watching a documentary on Prohibition.  I didn't know very much about how that came about and always assumed it was conservative religious people who protested alcohol.  Well it was, however, it actually was a PROGRESSIVE movement.  It was a bunch of women, the same ones who pushed suffrage and early feminism, and they resorted to violence, vandalism, threats, etc., to get their way.  In other words, they behaved very much like the violent left protestors in the streets today.

The prohibition zealots resorted to the same deplorable tactics used by the left today, including lying and propaganda.  They got into the schools to "educate" children from the start that even one drop of alcohol is enough to poison and kill you.  (As it turns out, most alcohol related death and injury occurred during prohibition, when it was illegal because that's when poisonous substances were added to stretch the supply.)

This country eventually got around to reversing that horrid mistake.  I'm just seeing the parallels here, hoping that most sane people are seeing these leftists as the extremist lunatics they really are, with the same zeal to tell the rest of us how to live our lives as the prohibitionists.  I'm hoping we don't have to descend down the same horrible road again before we realize the mistake.  Maybe we already have with Obamacare.  Trump winning in an electoral landslide gives me hope.  Chinese citizens for God's sake, recognizing these people for the evil that they are, gives me hope.  If progressives ramp up the violence, bring it!  Show us just how monstrous you really are. Let us see how fake is your hypocritical front of peace and compassion.

Spin Zone / Re: Here's a new twist....
« on: May 15, 2017, 09:42:32 AM »
I call them hand wringers, bed wetters, progressives, and self righteous vermin who want to dictate tax, illegal entry, and social program policy onto ME for their own shortcomings and "feelings".  These people need to get a life.

I like Thomas Sowell's term, the "Anointed".

Spin Zone / Here's a new twist....
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:03:59 PM »

Here's an excerpt from the first post, interesting discussion follows, and it ended up getting locked.  Could the elite left be even more out of touch with all of humanity than I imagined?

Internet cafe, Beijing, Flickr/Kai Hendry. Some rights reserved.
If you look at any thread about Trump, Islam or immigration on a Chinese social media platform these days, it’s impossible to avoid encountering the term baizuo, or literally, the ‘white left’. It first emerged about two years ago, and yet has quickly become one of the most popular derogatory descriptions for Chinese netizens to discredit their opponents in online debates.

So what does ‘white left’ mean in the Chinese context, and what’s behind the rise of its (negative) popularity? It might not be an easy task to define the term, for as a social media buzzword and very often an instrument for ad hominem attack, it could mean different things for different people. A thread on “why well-educated elites in the west are seen as naïve “white left” in China” on Zhihu, a question-and-answer website said to have a high percentage of active users who are professionals and intellectuals, might serve as a starting point.

The question has received more than 400 answers from Zhihu users, which include some of the most representative perceptions of the 'white left'. Although the emphasis varies, baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours....

When you hobnob with Richard Branson, you've got to have the coin!

Why do mega rich business people become far left kooks?  Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Branson, Brian Roberts, Igor of Disney, anyone that heads Goldman Sachs, like John Corzine, etc.  Is this just the global, elitist, statist cool thing to do?

I often wonder that. It's such a good question.  I have some theories. You would think since many of them got rich via capitalism that they wouldn't be leftist, but then you have to remember a leftist NEVER intends to live by the rules he makes for everyone else.

Theory number 1:  Like many people their politics is more a result of their background and social circle, not critical thinking, and they are usually urban, so that would lean them Democrat.  Just because they are smart and rich does not necessarily mean they applied the same critical thinking to politics that they applied to their business.

In fact, I have come to believe that BECAUSE celebrities and rich businessmen are so focused on whatever made them rich, they spend their time on that and so have a deficit in other areas.  A person has to apply independent thought and intelligence to politics in order to escape the brainwashing of the media. Maybe these people just can't be bothered.

I think this is a big problem with musicians.  Extremely good musicians dedicate a lot of their days to making their music.  Their music touches our deepest heartstrings.  But when musicians apply a political slant to their songs, because they are genius with music, people believe they are also genius with their lyrics.  Because of the emotional rapture one feels with the melody, one MISTAKENLY believes the lyrics are equally divinely inspired.  I have come to believe that they are NOT. That many musicians, despite their musical talent, are some of the stupidest most ignorant people alive on matters of politics and this is possibly because they are more interested in their music than in learning a lot about other things in the world.

Theory number 2: Situational Acquired Narcissism. Very rich and very famous people over time tend to display symptoms of the personality disorder known as narcissism, but it is not organic so much as a result of their fame. Because everyone else puts them on a pedestal they start to believe it themselves.  Like any narcissist, they then have the false  belief that their ideas are better than others' and that they know better how to run the world than others. This leads directly to economic collectivism in all its forms, because economic collectivism is about a central authority controlling everybody else. Naturally, like all leftists, they put themselves as part of this authority.

Theory number 3: A bit of inborn narcissism, which may be the very reason they were able to become so rich. This means they are skilled at using people for their own gain.  They have no real ideals other than themselves: enriching themselves is their only goal.  So their leftism doesn't really have anything to do with real beliefs in the ideal of leftist utopia.  These people (born narcissists) see others as existing only to benefit themselves and so their supposed leftism is nothing more than manipulation of others for their own purposes. Example, they don't really want to save the planet for all humanity; they are only talking "green" for whatever gain it brings their own pockets.

These people will also align themselves with whatever group they feel will come out on top, always.  Because leftism is always about control, with the leftist on top, they naturally are drawn toward the left. True free market capitalism is a system that respects the intelligence of every individual to manage his own micro-economy.  The narcissist isn't capable of granting anyone else any intelligence or wisdom, so might not be able to grasp this concept.

Spin Zone / Re: A fool's errand: Al Gore's $15 trillion carbon tax
« on: May 09, 2017, 02:33:05 PM »
The environmental terrorists do not care. They will drive us all into poverty.  Except themselves of course.

My husband works in the fossil fuel energy industry.  Someone suggested just putting solar panels on top of the coal fired boiler and using that instead of burning coal.  He did a calculation.  To get the same BTU output you would need I can't remember but it was in the thousands of acres of solar panels.

These people are STUPID.  They have no idea what they're talking about.  And they are clueless about the cost because wind and solar are subsidized by the government so it is an illusion that it's cheap, it is in reality way, way more expensive.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:27:36 PM »
I agree with that, and I am sure there was a range of opinion concerning Africans at the time, but the mere fact that enslavement was considered a common (normal) and legal thing tells me that it was "in general" accepted by a large part of society.  I don't pretend to know what people were thinking, just see the outcome of that thought that is cataloged in history.  How did the Spanish treat the native people they discovered, also how did many whites treat the American Indian, and vica versa in that Indians regularly massacred whites.  The Japanese military treated our soldiers as subhuman, mongrel dogs just decades ago, as did the Nazi's in their treatment of the Jews.   

I wasn't so much disagreeing with you as agreeing with the bolded part.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: May 09, 2017, 10:45:00 AM »
Here?  As in Pilotspin here?  America here?  The world here?

What many people fail to realize is that you cannot judge past people, actions, nor society through the prism of the present, ...

Back during the age of America's founding, African natives were considered sub-human, even by their own competing tribes who enslaved them, and sold them for whatever they could get.  Sometimes they were sold to whites, or other people of color.  Was it right?  No.  But during that era, it was considered normal, and legal.  Also considered normal was battle between two armies where soldiers walked into opposing fire with no cover, and accepted death, and mutilation because of the "honor" of it.  Today, we just shake our heads at such murderous folly.

But also during slavery the relationships between slaves and owners were varied and complex.  I have no doubt often they were not considered subhuman, for example the nanny wet nursing your baby.  And there were those opposed to slavery all along that probably understood blacks to be human. You can't paint everyone with one brush much less guess what was going on with individuals back in history.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:25:03 AM »
What?  Aborted babies exit the woman while alive?  Hmmm...

Sometimes.  Your point?

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