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Messages - Rush

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Insurance does not equal "socialism". 

Except for Medicare which is basically a socialist program, even though it is supposedly a return of what you paid in, but it is treated as your primary insurance.  Medicare plus the tax structuring that made employers offer insurance as compensation are probably the two biggest things that ruined our healthcare system and are responsible for extremely high costs, then add mandated treatment for indigents and not allowing competition across state lines. Government interference is to blame for almost all of this wreck.

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 08, 2017, 01:10:04 PM »
You'll note that those preaching about the benefits of socialism never live by it. I've used this quote here before and it's true:

A point worth repeating.

I don't want to speak for Levelwing, but I interpreted as what he said being that Obama and the Democrats goal was single payer, not his.  Hillary was supposed to implement single payer, but Trump put a spanner in the works as the Brits say.

That is how I interpreted Levelwing, he was speaking on behalf of the Democrats.  I read it with a bit of sarcasm tone.

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 08, 2017, 08:49:50 AM »
They don't get that communism aka: socialism, leftism - all falling under the umbrella of ECONOMIC COLLECTIVISM - always results in totalitarianism or at best simply economic failure (ie Greece) because it is fundamentally against the laws of nature.  It is based on theft and coercion therefore not sustainable.  It is based on a false understanding of human nature, motivation and behavior.  It is based on the extremely stupid and unnatural idea that an elitist minority can best make decisions how all the rest of us should live. That elitist minority, being human, lapses to greed with the result being it becomes richer while the system in general fails.

Economic collectivism in all its forms is an unnatural utopian fantasy and every leftist is either stupid and/or delusional for not recognizing how the human race really works, or evil for understanding these truths but are the self-anointed elite benefiting from it.

"Healthcare" is a multi billion dollar "industry" in the US, and Obamacare put it on steroids, hence why you see so much opposition in congress to repeal it.

It sure is.  I can never understand when a liberal agrees with me enthusiastically when I say, "Big Pharma is screwing us,"  and then suddenly they look clueless when I continue, "... because they are in bed with Big Government."  Why are liberals unable to grasp the fact that when capitalism becomes a problem, it's because the powerful and rich elite in government and business are so often one and the same?

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 08, 2017, 06:31:14 AM »
But the liberal/progressive/socialist/academic viewpoint is that business is created to provide people with jobs and that these employers should provide well paying jobs and an extensive list of benefits.  It's all about the employees in their world.

 Profit? Shareholders? That's just for those greedy conservative capitalist to take advantage.

You just made me realize that leftism is its own contronym.  Lets say leftism began when peasants demanded ownership shares in the land they worked as tenants, when there was strict class division and the land or the factories were owned outright by an elite class.  You can understand their point.

In a free capitalist society like the United States, without enforced castes, public company stock can be bought by anyone, and the means of production is already owned by a huge middle class, getting richer from their investment portfolios (at least when the economy is doing well).  Here is where the understandable complaint of a leftist is twisted into something evil.  Today's progressive is in complete denial about the shares grandma has in Coca-Cola or Microsoft or an electric utility.

The progressive wants to "nationalize" industries, thereby putting ownership and control into the hands of the government which has become the new powerful elite.  Leftism has come full circle. Leftists are the new bourgeoisie.

The shining example is North Korea.  Leftism is never about creating equality. It is about bringing its own into power and wealth.

We've had socialized medicine for decades. It's called insurance. The house analogy is not entirely apt, since there are routine medical interventions that could beggar anyone. Childbirth comes quickly to mind. Mrs Steingar was just in the hospital for a few days, the bill is north of $18K.

If people didn't feel entitled to have their childbirth paid for by somebody else, they would be very motivated to find cheaper ways to get the job done.  It is insane that giving birth should cost $18,000.  Absent a medical problem, most births could happen naturally at home. Childbirth is not a disease.  "Medical" insurance shouldn't cover it.  If you can't afford to pay for getting a baby into this world, don't have one, or have one cheaply at home.

There is a whole sordid history of how women were maneuvered into thinking hospitals were a better  place to give birth and it has blown up in to a huge profit making industry with a lot of terrible consequences from way too many unnecessary interventions. The C-section rate is insane, and based mostly on defensive medicine (lawsuits), and usually cascading from a domino effect beginning with a "small" intervention.

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 08, 2017, 05:38:48 AM »
I doubt you'll see the kind of Economic growth you're looking for a absent technological innovation. That's what fostered the last big boom.

You might have it backwards. Technological innovation is a result, not a cause, of capital investment and economic growth.

I think is was Rush Limbaugh I was listening to the other day, he said right now we do not have health insurance in this country at all.  What we have is an entitlement program to which some of us contribute a little, called "premiums".

Insurance is supposed to cover catastrophic loss.  But we expect all our minor medical expenses to be paid by somebody else, with minimal "copays" and deductibles, and we feel cheated if we don't get back more than we pay in.  That is not insurance.  Insurance is something you pay into and don't WANT to ever get anything back from it, because if you do you've suffered a major disaster. If anything the expectation is getting worse, with the emphasis on paying for "prevention". This makes us feel even more that all the minor stuff should be covered.

I have been paying home insurance premiums for 30 years and I have not made a single claim until this week, when disaster struck and caused major damage.  If home insurance worked like health insurance, I would have been expecting Amica to pay all my regular maintenance and repair bills all these years. NUTS!  They'd go out of business or jack premiums to the stratosphere which is exactly what's happening to health insurance; it is not sustainable.

We already have socialized medicine, it's just not been formally acknowledged. But the left is using this mess to claim the "private market" has failed.  What we have is not private market health insurance.

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:37:55 PM »
I don't disagree with anything you say.  I am particularly looking for that GDP growth.

Spin Zone / Re: Re Tard
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:31:23 PM »
I'm getting ready to cut off my cable.  There is really nothing on TV worth watching anymore.  I'm going to start watching NetFlix and other internet TV stuff.

I almost never watch TV anymore.  I've got my iPad and Netflix. Unfortunately this shit is seeping into there too.  Documentaries, and any TV show or cable series or movie made recently, much of it is heavily tilted to the left and to today's hot button issues, like feminism and climate change.  If you manage to get through a nature documentary without being preached at about conservation and climate change, don't worry, they'll inevitably bring it up at the very end.

Spin Zone / Re: CNBC must have just had an epiphany
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:24:07 PM »
Also different is that Obama had eight years to fix it. Trump has inherited the situation.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:52:50 PM »
I would be very interested in the veracity and frequency of this claim.  Reminds me of the Cheeto Jesus sourcing his alternative facts as "things he'd heard".

Last year we moved to a town in Texas that is just 3 counties from Mexico.  Yes, it is a big problem. 

I don't know where you are steingar but it seems really hard for people who aren't near the border to grasp that it is a real invasion.  I didn't myself when I lived in North Carolina, although we got illegals ending up there, mostly because it was easy to get a driver's license.  Moving so close to the border has been eye opening.

Spin Zone / Re: When Communism Inspired Americans- NYT
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:42:18 PM »
It is incumbent on Jews to become educated and scholarly.  You can't actually be an observant Jew without literacy, and Jewish culture favors erudition.  Liberal bastions are often found in centers of scholarship and technology.

Yes this is a good point.

Spin Zone / Re: When Communism Inspired Americans- NYT
« on: May 04, 2017, 07:07:16 AM »
New York Jews tend to follow the democrat line to a fault, just like so many Irish democrats embrace all democrat sponsored corruption.

Also agree. There's something about New York City that makes people there what they are (liberal Democrat).  Later when I have time I'll try to find a link to an excellent article by a guy who divided the U.S. into at least 7 sub-nations, and New York City (not state!) was a nation all unto it's own.  They're so steeped in themselves they are hardly aware anything exists outside NYC.

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