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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Why not just write a check?
« on: June 24, 2019, 08:53:04 AM »
^^^^^What Rush said.  In addition, Soros, Bloomberg, and others fund huge PAC's, and groups like Move, Mom's Demand Action, Every town for Gun Safety, and many, many others as fronts for his influence in politics and Media. 

This is typical Progressive hypocrisy disguised as virtue signaling altruism. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 24, 2019, 05:57:23 AM »
Trump lost out on this - he gives the appearance of being afraid to engage with the military. And now Iran is back to chest thumping and psyching themselves up for another attack.

He was in a no win situation, and made the Democrats criticize him for NOT attacking Iran.  If Iran does attack us again, then he will have no choice, and the Democrats won't be able to reasonably complain.  He played this as well as he could have. 

When Iran committed piracy, took our U.S. Navy boat, and then held the crew hostage, what did Obama do?  Rewarded Iran with cash and allowing the nuke program to continue officially.  That was an act of war, and we should have lit them up like a Christmas tree. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 21, 2019, 01:10:54 PM »
Liberal friends on facebook are all screaming how Trump and Fox News want a war with Iran. Simple minded fools.

It's just great to see the Democrats, and their weak minded Progressive supporters are on the side of Iran, our enemy.  Trump played them yet again, signaling the strike, then calling it off.  Now they are the ones criticizing Trump for NOT going to war.  Amazing. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 21, 2019, 08:36:42 AM »
This is why we have special forces.  Send a message my taking out a few missile sights not to kill people but to show Iran we can do this anytime we want, and the next time we will go after THEM not just stuff. 

Excellent, and nice that it was 7-2.  Too bad Ruthie Buzzy and The Wise Latina think that the First Amendment guarantees freedom FROM religion. It should have been 9-0.

Ginsburg is a Far Leftist in the old Bolshevik tradition, and is a known Constitution hater.  Sotomayor never met a left wing position she didn't like.  I am surprised Kagan didn't vote with them.  Evidently, these people have trouble reading words on a piece of paper. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 20, 2019, 09:46:28 AM »
Obama and Biden attempted to appease Iran with cash, and going along with their nuclear weapons program.  Appeasement never works with these fascists.  Now Biden is basically saying Trump should be rewarding them for terrorism.  Biden is a traitor, and a imbecile. 

Spin Zone / Re: Single-payer
« on: June 20, 2019, 08:58:41 AM »
Liz Warren (Liawatha) was making something like that at Harvard.  The Dems are promoting "affordable and debt free" college, but they aren't saying how that would work. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Is Liberalism?
« on: June 20, 2019, 08:56:29 AM »
Are you kidding me?  CNN’s Don Lemon was on with Cuomo’s brother justifying not covering Trump’s announcement by equating him to Hitler, and saying would you really want to give an evil man a platform to speak? 

He’s the fucking President of the United States.  Lemon’s characterization is his opinion, yet that opinion kept that speech from CNN’s audience. We are in tyranny land right now.

Very, very few people watch CNN, and the majority that do are hardcore, committed Leftists who hate Trump and probably hate America also, like some people that used to participate here. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 20, 2019, 08:54:03 AM »
Waiting for the left to blame Trump for this, saying he provoked the attack.

The Left has already done that insinuating we were behind a false flag attack possibly perpetrated by Israel on our behalf.  No way Trump sanctioned this. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 20, 2019, 06:39:49 AM »
It was more an act of war when the Iran Navy took one of our vessels and held the crew hostage under Obama. What did we do?  Reward them with CASH, and a nuclear program. 

We don't need another war.  Just smack them a bit, even if it covert.  Send a message. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Is Liberalism?
« on: June 20, 2019, 05:49:40 AM »
What you are describing isn’t liberalism anymore. The extreme left are thugs and tyrant wannabes who have appropriated the term falsely. A liberal was once one who was for the workers as opposed to those in the corridors of power. Those you mention are the corrupt power mongers now and they call us workers “deplorable”. In 2016 who was for the workers? Who brought back jobs for us? Not those who now call themselves “liberal”. They cloak themselves in smug self-righteousness rectitude when what they are really doing is undermining everything that made this country the greatest nation in history, that brought the liberal values of freedom and wealth to the average worker beyond our wildest dreams.

These evil destructive leftists don’t deserve the name “liberal”. They are traitors to everything it stood for.

Well said.  The Progressive movement is more or less Fascism Lite.  The Progressive Left has taken over much of the institutions in society lead by the Media and Democrats.  Trump was a backlash against that. 

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Makes It Official
« on: June 19, 2019, 07:20:57 AM »
With the exception of a very few host, FoxNews has gone left.

I know, Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, Juan Williams, Donna Brazille are far left.  I've even heard (through print media) that even Bret Baier and Brit Hume have said some Lefty things, so maybe you are right.  Yes, I would imagine Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham are the folks you're referencing. 

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Makes It Official
« on: June 19, 2019, 05:29:19 AM »
Progressives (Democrats) always point to Fox News as cheering for Trump.  I don't get Fox anymore, but their coverage seems to be the most balanced.  What the Left accepts as "neutral" is the absolute far left, progressive bias of just about all the other "news" (propaganda) outlets. 

City papers, including their feeds from AP, and Reuters are typically Democrat controlled and support only Democrats.  CNN, NBC/MSNBC (Comcast), ABC, CBS, PBS, and others are far left progressive.  Trump is not only fighting the Democrats, but almost all the Media is also against him as well as most of the leadership of corporate America now. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump-Tastic Crowd
« on: June 19, 2019, 05:24:33 AM »
I hope he wins again, but worry daily that he will shoot himself in the foot.  He does seem to generate huge, enthusiastic crowd while Biden can't seem to fill a room unless his backer Comcast pays people, and buses them in. 

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: June 17, 2019, 08:08:00 AM »
Sorry Azure.  We're piling on!  Me included.  LOL.  :)

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