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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Hunter Biden
« on: October 16, 2020, 05:53:55 AM »
What's even more important is we have now witnessed a historical moment in our country, one that has forever changed us.

We witnessed this week a full on censoring of the news, much like what countries such as China does.  And even more troubling, we are watching "news sources" very obediently falling in line.

If found to be true, the FBI tried to cover this up as well.  This, along with the mountains of evidence of the FBI/DoJ participation in an attempted coup against a President should make everyone take pause.

 The contrast before us that will take place in just over two weeks have never been more clear.   If we elect Biden, the corruption of the FBI/DoJ will be swept under the rug, big tech will take even a stronger hold over the flow of information, and trust me, the deep state has learned and won't be so sloppy next time.

 We are just two weeks away from a one party ruled country.  The radicals want the deplorable punished, and they want to make sure a 2016 can never, ever happen again.   They want their agenda implemented at any cost, and will do so.

Spin Zone / Re: What really is known about COVID19?
« on: October 14, 2020, 06:50:16 AM »
  All that said, my worry has never been lethality. My worry is the damn thing is going to overwhelm our medical resources.

 Also been proven to be untrue.   During the great lockdown to "flatten the curve" medical facilities never were overwhelmed.   Even since this started medical facilities have not been overwhelmed.   Never.

 We spent millions on temp field hospitals that were never used. We dispatched floating hospital ships that weren't used.

 What did happen?   Many hospitals were financially devastated by the lockdown.  Because covid was everything, hospitals declined other important medical procedures.   The covid hospitalization never materialized.   Hospitals layed off staff and closed sections, posting huge losses.

 The "overwhelming of the medical facilities" is just another liberal fear mongering talking point.

Spin Zone / Re: Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearing
« on: October 14, 2020, 06:44:34 AM »
If so, it'll be an opportunity for republican senators to show their independence from the liberal mob.  ya know, show backbone and brass ones.

 We are talking republicans here, ya know, the right wing of the democrat party.  ::)

 There are several, so it will be easy to put enough pressure on a few to get them to not vote until after the election.

 This is the problem of re-electing the RINO's.  Right now the RINO's control the majority in the senate.   

Spin Zone / Re: What really is known about COVID19?
« on: October 13, 2020, 12:20:10 PM »
What I see is 6000 "scientists". That could be 6000 Geologists for all I know.  Having everything go back to normal with a deadly and highly infectious virus on the loose in a naive population is the dumbest idea I've yet heard.  And if you guys want to tell me this 'rona isn't deadly you'd be better off explaining that to the families and loved ones of the 200,000 Americans who have died of it. Our medical facilities could still be easily overwhelmed. This is seriously bad news.  Yeah, there are going to be hard times, but to me that beats lots and lots of dead people.  Remember that's 200,000 with us doing everything we can to stop the transmission of the virus.  Dwarfs a normal flu season, and we haven't even hit the fucking flu season yet.  This could easily get way worse.  And do keep in mind that the vaccines that are just around the corner are high experimental and have never worked before even once.  And if they don't, old school vaccines take 3 years to make to a novel virus.

One of my old friends got this a couple months ago and hasn't been right since.  Do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care.  I'm doing everything I can to sit this one out.

 You didn’t even bother to read what Stan wrote.   You didn’t even bother to read the list of professionals and their bona fides of their specialties.

It simply doesn’t meet your ideology, so therefor it’s wrong, in your mind. 

Keep harping about how deadly Covid is suppose to be.  Your 200,000 number leaves out a lot of details, such as the actual cause of death.  It’s been estimated (by real scientist, not academics) that the actual death count to Covid alone is about 10,000.  In other words, the average heathy person stands a greater chance of dying from lightening or a rabid dog attack. 

In 3 weeks watch how fast your fellow travelers drop Covid as it will no longer have any usefulness to them.

Spin Zone / Re: Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearing
« on: October 12, 2020, 03:18:03 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Cases vs Deaths
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:35:21 AM »
Exactly.  Cases are meaningless.  Also when someone dies WITH Covid, not because of it, it is counted as a Covid death.  But even with that, deaths are low per capita and per casese.

Unfortunately we may never know the true numbers because leftist and politicians have so polluted the data in order to manipulate it.   

We have been scammed on an order never witnessed before.  And, sadly, the result was and is a huge part of the population willing to succumb to the scam.

Pandora's Box has been opened, and we are going to feel the effects for generations to come.

Pilot Zone / Re: Commercial flights...
« on: October 05, 2020, 01:32:33 PM »
I totally understand your concern about your wife, I feel the same about my mother. Coming to see her was a big decision. She is 93. She has been isolated at home all this time and sliding downhill fast from loneliness, depression, and inactivity. She had not yet met her newest great grandchild who is already 9 months old. We all talked very seriously about the pros and cons of getting together. She has some indications of organ failure and the feeling is she might not last another year. Do we deny letting her meet the baby because she might get the virus and die a few months sooner? Do we deny her the pleasure of playing cards with my sister and I which was our thrice annual tradition before 2020?

I’m low risk, I stay home and don’t even know anyone yet whose got the virus. My daughter brought the two kids and we all stayed outside on the porch, and did not let mom hold the baby or touch or kiss the older child.  Mom loved it, she just watched the children and had the greatest time. That little baby laughs and smiles constantly, mom adored her. After they left, my sister and I played cards with mom the rest of the day and we all even got a bit of a buzz on hard cider. We laughed and laughed and mom had the best time she’s had since all this started.

If she comes down with the covid we will all feel horrible and guilty if we think one of us gave it to her, and we considered that too, we would have to live with ourselves. And still we decided the right thing to do was to come, that if that happens we will have to deal with it, but we simply cannot continue keeping mom away from love and family indefinitely. We can’t wait for the whole country to be vaccinated, she can’t wait that long, she possibly will be dead of old age before then.

 I have an uncle who turned 94 Aug 22cd.  He has not, and will not let the scamdemic slow him down.   He has a laundry list of things wrong with him, yet he still drives and does what he wants.

 He was exposed to covid19 when his children and grandchildren had it.   He never came down with it, never showed a symptom.  He sees it this way, it's his life.  At 94 he is not going to be placed away in isolation just to watch his life expire.

 The actions of government has done more harm to people than this virus could have ever done.  Millions will have their lives upended, many will have their lives destroyed.   Yet we don't see anyone in the media showing us the effects of these because it simple doesn't fit the narrative.

Spin Zone / Re: Laying the groundwork
« on: October 05, 2020, 01:26:24 PM »
Reduction to absurdity.  Kinda funny, since I don't drive daily anyway.

The problem is it isn't always obvious who's going to get slammed with this thing.  But I can't have a choice to just shut myself in.  Gotta work, gotta get groceries to stuff down my neck. Everybody wears masks, less likely I get sick doing it. I don't get sick, I don't make anyone else sick. Everyone happy.

Again absurd.  All anyone is asking you to do with your body is not transmit sickness.

Elderly need groceries to stuff down their elderly necks.  If the guys supplying said groceries are sick because you were too important to wear a mask, elderly die.
What is your big deal about masks?  Really?  Do you consider it tyranny that you have to wear trousers?

  Again, absurd.  When I ride the scooter I'm far more likely to get hurt than hurt anyone.  That said, lots of folks have to drive to get to work and buy said groceries with their salaries.  Isn't optional.  Funny thing is locked up in their cages they aren't going to transmit viruses to anyone.

  Actually, GA crashes that hurt folks on the ground are a trifle rare.  In the meantime the 'rona has killed over 200,000 people and the year's not out.  I don't think 200,000 people have died in GA plane crashes in the history of GA.

 Let's cut to the chase here.   You and your fellow travelers know what a scam this is.  And it's one you and your fellow travelers have embraced, because you see the power it gives you.

 Power is contagious, power is overwhelming.   You now have in your arsenal a powerful tool that allows you (meaning you and the radical left) to control the actions of others, and bypass that pesky document called the constitution.

By admitting the obvious lie would weaken you, and take away a valuable asset, so you maintain it no matter what.   Even making an inane argument to keep it, doesn't matter.

  So in the perfesser's world, "My Body, My Choice!" is OK as long as it's killing innocent human beings, but when it comes to the government arbitrarily stripping rights from citizens using absolutely no science to back it up, we should just comply, well, because!

Spin Zone / Re: Laying the groundwork
« on: October 05, 2020, 10:46:47 AM »
And to be honest, most of my 'rona avoidance is because of Mrs. Steingar.  Bring the damn thing on, I think I'd rather get it over with.  But if my spouse of 28 years gets it she could easily die, she has significant comorbidities.  So no movies, no going out to dinner (just made yummy lox, don't have to), no parties, no nothing that isn't outside and doesn't involve more than a few people. I don't even like to go out shopping, too damn many people.  And I don't fly anywhere I have to worry about being in proximity to anyone. That includes all the friends I like to visit, all the relatives I have nearby, just about everyone.  And that's the way it will be until I'm vaccinated against this virus.  And if the choice is to continue to do this or take the Oxford vaccine, I'll continue my hermitage.

 And here it is in a nutshell.   You agree risk is personal, and should be considered as such.

 So does everyone else here.   So why not let us, as individuals, make the determination of the risk we are willing to take, whether it be flying, driving, scuba diving, skydiving, etc and even how we want to deal with Covid19?

 For those who want to mask up, do so.  For those who want to avoid groups and socializing, go right ahead.   But please don't force everyone else to go along with it.  Personal choice, right?

Spin Zone / Re: Laying the groundwork
« on: October 05, 2020, 08:01:01 AM »
My risk on my bike and in my aircraft are controlled.  You might stand a greater risk of dying riding your motorcycle or flying your airplane, but I do not.

Going to a large gathering I can't control where the other participants have been.  I can't control where the air is flowing and can't accurately gauge it either, so if there are viral-laden aerosols I can't avoid them.  Personally, I honestly think having a giant wedding right now is the height of irresponsibility.  That said, it is a free country and people are entitled to be irresponsible.

 And here's the deal.  It can be considered irresponsible riding your bike or flying your airplane as well.  But statistics do prove out you have a far greater risk of dying either flying or bike riding than from Covid19.

 The fall storms are coming, and your chance of dying from a lightning strike are greater than dying from Covid19.

Spin Zone / Joe Biden has tested negative
« on: October 03, 2020, 05:49:24 AM »
For being awake...................

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS got COVID!
« on: October 02, 2020, 11:53:21 AM »
Michael Moore is claiming it as a hoax to help the campaign.

Spin Zone / Re: sprialing out of control
« on: October 02, 2020, 06:45:04 AM »
Covidiocy is rampant.

NONE of this has any basis in science.  NONE.

It's all about tyranny.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: October 02, 2020, 04:28:29 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Amy Coney Barrett
« on: October 02, 2020, 04:26:08 AM »

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