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Messages - Steingar

Pages: 1 ... 139 140 [141] 142 143 ... 184
Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 11:20:18 AM »
What does your non-MD self come up with as a diagnosis for:

loss of balance and falls

All kinds of things, ranging from fatigue to glioma

weakness and difficulty walking 

you've just describe die after a long day

leg tremors

according to  Mrs. Steingar I do that when I become impatient.

unconscious repetitive head nodding

you agree with the folks around you

uncharacteristic confusion and loss of concentration when speaking in public

waking up in a strange place after a lack of sleep

multiple chronic coughing fits followed shortly after by pneumonia

I think the pneumonia covers that.  And there is very little about a 68-year old woman who's been on the go for over a year catching pneumonia that's even a bit suspicious.

movement impairment triggered by loud sounds

Mrs. Steingar gets that even time I turn on the stereo.

Plus more - I'm sure I've left out some things since I'm writing this off the cuff.

I'm certain a bright guy like you can be complete.

Keep in mind what on 9/11, Mrs Clinton was attended to by Dr Lisa Bardack.  Before getting into the limo, she administered a "finger squeeze" test...for pneumonia?  Finger squeeze is a neurological test, to see how well a person's nervous system is functioning.

Depends on where you squeeze.  The only casual test I've seen of neurological disorders involve reflexes and movement.  But that was just watching a neurologist do his thing.  No doubt you know more about it.

I don't believe you need to be an MD to figure out that there is a major neurological issue going on.  You know the scientific method, you take in all the data and see where it leads you.  If you're not sure, you apply occam's razor.  The most logical fit is Parkinson's

Occam's razor actually suggests that this is a conspiracy theory with nothing to it.  But I will add that Franklin Roosevelt suffered polio all his life.  You can tell me about what a horrible POTUS he was.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Supporters are as Dumb as you Think
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:34:47 AM »

If you think there have been gains during the Obama administration then you're not doing the math.

Jun 2-2013 Economically, Could Obama Be America's Worst President?
Jan, 2015 - Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency
May, 2016 - How Obama’s Economy Spawned Trump

If you read through these and other articles like them then you'll find out that on Obama's watch the average income of middle class families is down $1,600.  That is on top of 11.17% inflation over his years in office.  And taxes are higher.

By what measure can anyone call this a win?

This is utter nonsense.  When Obama took over the nation we were in the middle of the housing crisis.  There was a real possibility we could slide into out and out depression.  If you really think we're not better off than that now you've a screw loose somewhere.

Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:33:30 AM »
That would be Hillary's department.

Putting all the pieces together, I don't see anything else that fits.  Hillary isn't saying what this is all about and there's too much happening for her to hide it.  If all this has happened in the public eye, how much more has happened in private?

Yes, Dr.  What is your special again?

And by the way, even my non-MD self could come up with a plethora of diagnoses, some benign and many less so, for the worst of the stuff on the internet.  My diagnosis is even simpler, you can make anyone look like anything if you cut the footage correctly and stick it on the internet.  Like I said, reminds me strongly of the birther nonsense, which by the way was championed by many of the same folks who are spreading this stuff about Hillary's health.  Makes sense, since the birther-in-chief is now a candidate for POTUS.

Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:00:26 AM »
But yet you claim you could tell Reagan had Alzheimers?  What makes you so special that you can diagnose Alzheimers by watching TV?

 More of your perceived academic superiority perfessor?

To be honest, I was seeing and still see Alzheimers in lots of people, many of whom don't have it at all.  I will admit that I might have just gotten lucky (or unlucky, as the case may be) seeing it in Reagan, but I will never forget the chill that went through me when I made the realization.  However, I admit it might have been a false positive that turned into a real one by happenstance.

And I really don't want to give the impression that I was in any way gladdened by Reagans' Alzheimers.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Supporters are as Dumb as you Think
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:57:42 AM »
Did you read the Mother Jones article?

They are voting for Trump because he represents, even if ephemerally, an elected official who might be different enough to actually do something pragmatic. In case you haven't noticed, elected officials have been letting us down in spades.

I disagree violently.  Economically we are no longer looking over a chasm, and the gains have even reached poor, albeit belatedly.  While the world have become somewhat more turbulent we are only involved superficially, and are not wholesale wasting our treasure and youth on struggles not our own.  Even though there is an uptick in terror-inspired attacks you are still far more likely to die of old age.  While there has been rioting in a number of American cities African Americans are actually doing better than they have in decades, and have largely closed the gap they have with the rest of America.  America is peaceful and quite prosperous, and Americans are too dumb to realize it.  Or perhaps we're just like the proverbial Adam and Eve, and when we find ourselves in a paradise the first thing we do is try and get ourselves kicked the hell out.

There are certainly pockets of despair in America, but there always have been and likely always will be.

Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:50:08 AM »
So you won't deny Clinton has Parkinson's?   Or will you simply dismiss what others are witnessing and use your experience because, obviously, you feel superior in making your judgment?

If an MD examines here and makes a diagnosis of Parkinsons' (which is actually fairly difficult to do.  Lots of things can cause tremors) I'll believe it.  I certainly don't believe it when a bunch of ideologically driven internet posters start a conspiracy about it.  Reminds me of the birthers.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Supporters are as Dumb as you Think
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:33:40 AM »
Well, I don't think they're dumb, so does that make them not dumb?  I think they're frustrated, aggravated, disenfranchised, insulted and mocked but I don't think they are dumb.

I do take exception to the bolded part.  These folks have the same right to vote as I.  If they really things need changing they can run for public office.  They may be a lot of things, but disenfranchised just isn't one of them.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Supporters are as Dumb as you Think
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:43:05 AM »
You can make anyone appear idiotic with the right questions and carefully edited footage.  Unfortunately, I am guilty to marginalizing Trump supporters, which I truly shouldn't do.  There are lots of people supporting the reality star and real estate magnate for lots of different reasons.  Some those reasons are utterly deplorable, but the majority truly are not, and the majority of his supporters are making their own political statement for their own reasons.  They should be praised rather than condemned.  They're doing far more to contribute to the public discourse in the US than I.

Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:47:20 AM »
Please tell us how healthy Hillary is.

Actually, no I won't.  I am not an MD and won't diagnose by Youtube video.  Any MD who would is undeserving of the title.  Caregivers see their disease everywhere.  After taking care of my Old Man I saw signs of Alzheimers in Reagan while he was POTUS, by the way.

Spin Zone / Re: Black man shot "for being black"
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:41:51 AM »
Lets see, actively discriminate against folks for decades.  Then do your darnedest to keep them politically disenfranchised.  And then wonder when they turn to violence.

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:39:52 AM »
You guys certain you want to put the Libertoonians in power?  They're pro choice, want to legalize drugs and get rid of the military.  Actually, sounds good to me, but I suspect most of you would disagree.

Spin Zone / Re: A Medical Analysis of Hillary
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:36:24 AM »
Nice to know you're all MDs now.

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 21, 2016, 09:52:50 AM »
The guy who 'claims' to love free speech chimes in against it. how shocking.

If students want to demonstrate on campus in support of Donald Trump, I'd personally protect their right to do so.  So long as they aren't interfering with University business they should have every right.  But I still don't want to see that lying piece of shit windbag anywhere near my beloved campus.

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:47:46 PM »
So let's see, the brother was a ne'r do well who drank himself into an early grave. I think I'd not object to my parent cutting him out of the will. Why throw good money into an addict's hole?  Then Trump pledged to pay for one of the alcoholic's grand baby's care, but the alcoholic brother's kids sued Trump.  Well, I'd renig on a pledge to pay for my nephew's kid's care too if said nephew opened a lawsuit against me.  Let the nephew pay for his own kid's care if it's going to be like that. It's not my responsibility.  VERY LIKELY the kid got the care he needed and the problem now is the parent is stuck with the bills. Why should that be Donald's problem?

Now if anyone can show me evidence that Trump going back on his pledge actually caused the kid harm, that's different.

Yeah, its the kid's fault that his parents disagree with their uncles and aunts about the disposition of the vast family fortune.  The Donald had a heart of gold (to match his sharpies) for doing that.  You bet.

By that reasoning, guns don't kill people, bullets do.  A gun is just a delivery method.

Firearms make assault and homicide far more facile than just about any other method.  Outside of launching small projectiles at high velocity, they have little or no function beyond collectibility.  Perhaps you gentlemen cut your steaks with them or use them to turn bolts, it wouldn't put it past some of you to try.  But truly, other than launching diminutive projectiles at sub/supersonic speeds, forearms have little practical value.

There are other objects in our everyday life that can be used for mayhem and murder.  A soduko knife can be used to stab someone, but it has ancillary uses in the preparation and consumption of food.  You can run over someone with your car, but it allows you to live at great distance from where you work or procure necessaries, without it you would need a form of human or animal powered transport that would be too time consuming for you to live in your chosen environment.

By the way, this is now page three of this thread and there has been no proof posted of the original charges beyond Assange's original charges.  Even for the court of public opinion there is a paucity of evidence.  Of course, according to you guys an accusation is all it takes to convict Hillary.

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