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Messages - acrogimp

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« on: September 13, 2018, 11:24:01 AM »
The law of unintended consequences is about to drop the other shoe - expect THOUSANDS (if not tens of thousands) of challenges to civil and criminal cases as attorneys doing their due diligence begin to address what we have learned about FBI methodologies as a result of their weaponization by the Obama Administration - that FBI has been using a questionable if not illegal tactic for many years - e.g., leaking to the media in an effort to provide pressure/justification to be empowered to investigate.

It is now lilkely that real criminals, who have likely committed real crimes, with real victims will be probably not only be getting out of prison, but will have legitimate claims of actual damages against the DOJ for what can only be described as prosecutorial misconduct at best.

All coming to light due to Trump Derangement System.


Spin Zone / Re: Nike hires Kaepernick
« on: September 07, 2018, 11:23:55 AM »
Too good


Spin Zone / Re: Kavanaugh Hearing Turning into a Chaos
« on: September 07, 2018, 09:42:08 AM »
Maybe he can get Kamala Harris to run with him as VP.   ::)
Didn't they already film a sequel to Dumb and Dumber?


Spin Zone / Re: Nike hires Kaepernick
« on: September 04, 2018, 09:27:08 AM »
Apparently the cost of virtue signalling is roughly 3 BILLION DOLLARS (cue Dr. Evil) in market valuation....

Fucking dolts.

A pox on all their houses.


Spin Zone / McCain still shitting on conservatives from the grave
« on: August 29, 2018, 07:29:18 PM »
So I don't know if this is from himself prior to his passing or from his family, but in addition to refusing to have Trump at his funeral, his running mate in 2008 Gov. Palin has been told in no uncertain terms to stay away.

Petty self-serving BS, whether it was McCain himself or his family it speaks to his nature as a small and petty man.

Just when I thought I couldn't hold a lower opinion of him, they kick Palin to the curb - she's the only thing on that ticket I was voting FOR, the rest was AGAINST Obama - and this is how they treat her.

Pathetic, if only he would have left office and allowed the current Republican Governor Ducey to appoint someone who could build a record but instead he just held on.


Spin Zone / Re: NASCAR driver Conor Daly loses his sponsorship
« on: August 25, 2018, 07:02:09 PM »
Virtue signalling claims another scalp - sorry, was that cultural appropriation, I'll see myself out.

I thought holding children responsible for the crimes or insensitivities of their parents was wrong, or something.


Spin Zone / Re: NFL kneeling. Next phase
« on: August 12, 2018, 08:59:13 PM »
Starting Season 3 of the hit show FTNFL at the El Casa de La Gimp, love having my weekends back.


Spin Zone / Re: Heading to OSH - who’s with me?
« on: August 04, 2018, 05:23:36 PM »
So last year my buddy Mike took a Keep 'em Flying Gold Wrench award for his restoration (via Blackwell) of his T-34, this year my buddy Ryan took a Champion Customized Classic Bronze Lindy for his recently acquired Navion - my guys are doing it right.

Don't know how yet but I'm going to OSH '19, maybe not in the Yak, but I'm going, been too long.


This should be garnering a lot more coverage than it has, this is YUGE.

Proper closure for a number of families who waited through 70 years and 11 US Presidents for this to happen.

And this is ALL due to the decisions of one man to toss the status quo and force engagement with what was assumed to be an intractable enemy.

Major kudo's to President Trump, Sec Pompeo and to the DPRK, this is a real and meaningful measure.


Spin Zone / Re: Justice Kennedy Retires
« on: July 01, 2018, 08:52:15 AM »
The level of histronics and open weeping on TV demonstrates just how the Left look at the Court as their backstop against losing elections, writing poor laws or resistance from the unwashed masses.

It is really awful.

And the fact that they already exercised the Nuclear Option is just delicious irony, that Donald J. Trump will pick jurists and they will be approved on simple majority thanks to Chucky Schumer's maneuvering is just, well, it's the best.


Spin Zone / Re: DNC Sues Claiming Trump Conspired With Russia
« on: April 20, 2018, 09:12:30 AM »
This is, IMO, actually a good thing since it clearly demonstrates the division we have as a Nation and people are going to have to choose sides based on more than just party loyalty but what is actually good for us as a people.

That Hillary, Comey and others simply won't shut the F up and go the F away, while painful for us, is good.

Trump's approval rating continues to climb because in spite of the tsunami of opposition from the Deep State, the D's, the establishment RINO's, the Lamestream Media, etc., he is actually accomplishing things that others have simply talked around for decades and people are noticing - even people who did not vote for him.

The political divide has probably reached that point where it is irrecoverable for far too many but Trump is ahead of Barrack Hussein O in terms of accomplishments and ratings at the same point in his 1st term.

This is yet another attempt to overturn the results of an election and if there is anything that will get most folks to take a pause it would be a never-ending attempt to undo an election, even if they don't agree with the results.

Look at Tulsi Gabbards attempt to 'secure' our elections, she wants to go back to paper ballots to 'prevent digital tampering', but there is no mention of requiring ID to vote - they don't actually want to fix anything that is actually wrong, only legislate to act against strawmen of their own creation.

I think the people are slowly catching on, and as they feel the real and continued impact of the Trump tax cut, and fear the attempts by the Dem states to take some/all/more of that back with increased taxes they are going to pay more attention and the bias and insanity of it all will be too clear for all but the most partisan to ignore.

Bring it on DNC, spend money you don't have, to fight a battle you can't win, and which ultimately only point out who was actually conspiring with whom to attempt to influence the election.


Makes sense, these kids are mature beyond their years and show fantastic decision making skills.


Spin Zone / Re: FBI Raids Trump Lawyers - Witch Hunt Underway
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:13:23 PM »
Make no mistake, what we are witnessing is the middle phase of a fucking coup d'etat, of, by and for the deep state.

Imagine if Hillary and her team, or Barack Hussein O' had been faced with even a fraction of this level of actual scrutiny/pursuit?

I literally can't think about it because of what this means for our country and by default the rest of the world.

The double standard is so glaring it puts to rest any thought that the political divide in this country can be healed, they have come out and finally stated it openly, this is about the eradication of the opposition to the Left - Orwell's darkest imagination never approached what we are witnessing right now.


Spin Zone / Re: Inconsistent pro-lifers
« on: March 22, 2018, 06:54:09 AM »
Like I said, sadly predictable.

Fortunately, your comprehension, agreement or opinion of my beliefs is irrelevant and not required.


Spin Zone / Re: Inconsistent pro-lifers
« on: March 22, 2018, 05:59:45 AM »
If you have to ask there is literally no reason to engage in good faith because the outcome is sadly predictable but I'll try quickly.

An unborn child is 100% completely innocent, it has done literally nothing to deserve death, 'deserve' being the key element with respect to someone like myself who is pro-life/anti-abortion but also pro death penalty.

A criminal who has been found guilty of a heinous crime by a jury of their peers and sentenced to death has been judged in accordance with the laws we all agree to abide to by, the laws which make our society possible.

The death penalty is not used willy nilly and is in fact extraordinarily difficult to actually enforce.  There are a myriad of protections for criminals, far too many in my opinion, as I believe someone who is found guilty of a crime that the death penalty can be applied for deserves to die, but it is the system we have, perverse as it sometimes seems.

The issue with abortion on demand is that it is being used as an afterthought method of birth control, with two victims, the mother and the unborn child - one will carry mental/emotional scars for a period of time, but only one of them actually dies, and for no cause of their own, no deliberate decision to harm someone else, no violence. 

While I don't like the result, I see a reasonable allowance for cases where the physical health of the mother is in actual imminent jeopardy to take the pregnancy to term.

When you understand how the death penalty is enforced you see that it is reserved for a special class of crimes where intent is important, this is why mental competency is an important element in determining whether or not to push for the death penalty - it provides an unfortunate and undeserved out for clever criminals and defense teams, but is important because there are potentially a small number of perpetrators who don't understand their actions, but that is not most violent criminals.

The real aggravation for me is out of all the people effected by crime and abortion, there are significant protections under the law for the violent criminal or the mother (not making a one-to-one equivalency here), but there are not as strong protections for the victims of violent crimes (or their survivors), and there are NO protection for the unborn who are by definition the most innocent of all, and that is an abhorrent moral travesty to me.

This is not even apples and oranges.


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