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Messages - acrogimp

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Spin Zone / Re: GOP Debate January 28, and the Muslim Problem
« on: January 30, 2016, 08:48:18 AM »
I agree. The real problem withe toxic environment, is people pretending that it is not an Islamist problem that relates directly to the wholesale hijacking of their religion, and the fact that the majority of Muslims refuse to hold anyone of their religion accountable, no matter what they do in the name of Islam. That you-tube girl was the perfect modern snowflake, shoving all responsibility onto non-Muslim Americans.
Dirty little secret is that Islam has not been hijacked, the 'peaceful majority' really fall into one of two camps, A - they are just not that committed and therefore do not seek jihad, and B - those engaging in Taqqiya and Kitman, Islamic principles that not only allow but organize being deceitful with non-believers to 'protect' ones' self or seek the utlimate aims of Islam (establish a worldwide Caliphate).  The current Jihadi's are the ones actually practicing the religion as established by the blood thirsty mysoginist Muhammed.

Unless and until Islam goes through a real reformation similar to that which Christianity endured, over a thousand years ago, it will remain in its' current, violent form - the Church of today is nothing like what it was prior to the Diet of Wurms.


Spin Zone / Re: 4th Quarter 2015 GDP: 0.7%!!
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:12:16 AM »
Almost always revised down, look for around .5% when 'fixed'.


Spin Zone / Re: Are you attending the White Privilege Conference?
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:09:18 PM »
I find it side-splittingly hilarious, and mind-numbingly stoopid that the very people who complain so much about racism, shaming and bully behavior, use so much racism, shaming and bully behavior.

It would be ironic except the fact is totally lost on them due the their self-righteous furvor in pursuit of their cultural jihad.


Spin Zone / Re: YouTube Ad Placement
« on: January 24, 2016, 05:11:32 PM »


Spin Zone / Re: Sharia Comes To Belgium
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:09:05 PM »
Invest 4:52


Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:05:59 PM »
None of you would have the balls to say this stuff to these people in person. Get over yourselves and your inflated egos. All of you need to get over your pencil dick complexes and stand on your own intellect instead of putting down other people to make yourselves feel important.

Small minds need to tear down others to make themselves seem important.






Hypocrisy, thy name is FLTP.



Spin Zone / Re: lovesick ex-boyfriend
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:47:56 AM »
So the creepy-stalker ex-girlfriend who shows up at the new girlfriends' house all pissy and bitchy is accusing someone else of being like a lovesick ex-boyfriend.

That is hilarious, truly grade A hypocrisy right there.

Thanks for the laugh.


I didn't come here to bitch. I came here to see what it was about. For a group of people that decry censorship, I love how quick the people around here shout down people who are just trying to point out a difficult truth.

I plan to stick around to see how things progress since I always enjoyed lurking in the SZ. I just hope that ya'll can make a place for yourself over here instead of making it only about how POA wronged you.
See this is a perfect example of just the kind of imagined butthurt that led to the issues over there.  Nobody is shouting you down.  You come over here, make a stupid assertion that is not really backed up by the facts, get called on it in a humorous and clever way, and then project that to equate to the actual, unadulterated, jack booted censorship that actually occurred over there.  Pointing out you are wrong is not a judgement on you as a person, it is a judgement on the strength, or lack thereof, of your argument.

Please stay if you want, go if you want.  Report back to the Overseers that we are 'obsessed' with them, whatever you want, regardless of whether it is true or not.  I am sure that after a couple quick visits you have read all the political discussions, aviation discussions, and other threads and are making an unbiased, fact-based, non-agenda-driven evaluation....said no one ever.

If you think this place is only about 'how the POA wronged us' you simply could not be further from the truth and have obviously not actually read the majority of posts.

Unlike POA there is nobody here to complain to, no sympathetic masterbators council, no running home to mommy and complaining about how those nasty other kids picked you last for dodgeball.  You will sink or swim here on the merits of your thought process, logic, debating skills and thick luxurious blonde locks - just like the rest of us.


Spin Zone / Re: lovesick ex-boyfriend
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:35:44 AM »
By my admittedly quick count, there are 3 threads on POA, POA SZ or POA MC - out of 57, on this, which is one of 7 sub-forums on this site.

Other than some interesting post-mortems on what happened and perceptions of why, this site is primarily focused on unfettered discussion of just about any topic for people for whom aviation is one, but not the only, area of interest.

Just shows to go that for some, destroying one good thing is never enough - they need the rush again and again. 

This more than anything is a clear demonstration of why censorious little men with even tinier peckers obsessed with power (and penises) should be summarily tossed into the apothetae at the base of Mt Taygetos.



But they are the threads that are at the top of the most active subforum. So they're the threads that are getting the most recent comments. I clicked through all of the top threads before drawing my conclusion. You may not like what I have to say, but that doesn't make it inaccurate.
Other than having fun at your expense and pointing out the rank hypocrisy I don't care what you have to say.

Looking at the top 30 recent posts, the only entry regarding POA other than this one you started, ranks #28 - the facts don't really support your belief - but then again, facts are apparently not a strong suit for some.  Also, the earliest posts were focused on reacting to the loss of the SZ, so those posts are the oldest and will naturally have more views and even more comments, at least for a while - makes sense.

Besides, this place was formed as a reaction to the jack-booted poorly thought out and less well executed Orwellian closure of the most dynamic portion of POA, it makes sense that this group would want to evaluate what happened and learn from it - since we are clearly the smartest and most awesomest open-minded members and former-members of POA.

The dregs remain to talk about the members of members, or so I hear - not that there's anything wrong with that. 

Now that it's getting boring over there and the reality is setting in that the loss of dynamic content and contributors has left that site diminished, it is only natural that people would seek out that which they pretended to dislike, but secretly lust for like the heroine in a dime-store romance novel.

Mr. Gimp will see you now  welcome to 50 Shades of SpinZone.


Spin Zone / Re: lovesick ex-boyfriend
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:08:23 AM »
By my admittedly quick count, there are 3 threads on POA, POA SZ or POA MC - out of 57, on this, which is one of 7 sub-forums on this site.

Other than some interesting post-mortems on what happened and perceptions of why, this site is primarily focused on unfettered discussion of just about any topic for people for whom aviation is one, but not the only, area of interest.

Just shows to go that for some, destroying one good thing is never enough - they need the rush again and again. 

This more than anything is a clear demonstration of why censorious little men with even tinier peckers obsessed with power (and penises) should be summarily tossed into the apothetae at the base of Mt Taygetos.



Spin Zone / Re: lovesick ex-boyfriend
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:27:43 AM »
So the creepy-stalker ex-girlfriend who shows up at the new girlfriends' house all pissy and bitchy is accusing someone else of being like a lovesick ex-boyfriend.

That is hilarious, truly grade A hypocrisy right there.

Thanks for the laugh.


Spin Zone / Re: POTUS vs Constitution
« on: November 06, 2015, 08:32:29 AM »
So long as the Judicial and Legislative branches allow the Executive to continue unabated nothing will change unless it is to get worse.

A lawless, imperial President is the single greatest threat foreseen by the Founders and is specifically why we have separation of powers, and the Bill of Rights.

Since Congress has repeatedly abdicated their responsibility (most recently with the budget, Iran and pacific trade deals) it would be insanity to expect anything different from them.

As for the Supremes, they are part of the problem at this point having given up on any semblance of evaluating against the Constitution and instead choosing to continue to legislate from the bench.  The Roberts Court will go down in history as extremely damaging.

We are witnessing the slow death of the shining city on a hill, not as we feared from the outside, but from the inside exactly as Khruschev threatened.


Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: October 30, 2015, 12:06:20 PM »
Bacon uber alles!


Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:18:17 PM »
My airplane, like my politics, naturally spins to the right.

I know I said I did not intend to join, and not sure how much I will participate or for how long but I am here at least for now.


Don't know about 'can' log, but I do.  Seriously, it meets the definition so yes.


Nice to see you, Gimp!

Question:  can you log complex time if the gear sticks out like that?   :D :D :D

Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:41:57 PM »
My airplane, like my politics, naturally spins to the right.

I know I said I did not intend to join, and not sure how much I will participate or for how long but I am here at least for now.


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