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Spin Zone / Re: laying the groundwork for continued lockdowns
« on: February 02, 2021, 09:44:31 AM »
Yeah well. All we need to do is go back prior to Nov 3 of last year and look at how the Democrats talked about seceding if Trump won. Both sides hate each other. We need to divorce.

No, what we really need to do is just kick a dozen or so counties out of the U.S.  It's the big cities that have killed this country. Big cities are the source of leftism and corruption.

What would balance the idiocy of having a dozen counties deciding the future of the country for everyone else, is to enact a Electoral College style procedure in all fifty states, balancing the population by county, instead of having one county hijack the entire state election.

It is so perfectly fair that the communists (democrats) would rather burn the entire country to the ground than let it happen.

Spin Zone / Re: laying the groundwork for continued lockdowns
« on: January 30, 2021, 08:34:20 PM »
The slave (communist) states are incapable of survival without those of us who actually produce something of value.
I don't mean people who talk and go to meetings, or type things for a living. What I'm talking about is producers as opposed to consumers.

The left and their commie states have become so immune to the reality that they produce nearly nothing, and believe they are entitled to take whatever they want and need from producers, that they have no idea what would happen if we seceded and cut them off from our production of essential things like energy and food.

The collapse of the US treasury under the weight of the government debt is a real and likely threat. If you doubt that, where IS the USSR these days?

Once reality set in those communist (they call themselves democrats) states would devolve straight into eating each other. Their will be food riots, housing riots, heat riots, and violence will replace the thuggery of liberal government overnight.

 Rape and sex slavery would be the order of the day because liberals really have no moral code, or compass. The worship of abortion is just one example of a total lack of respect for life, personal property, and civil rights. Liberals HATE civil rights with more passion than they hate personal responsibility.

Free states would continue to operate as they do now, without the boot of the communist democrats on our throats, u til the slave states tried to force their political and social cannibalism on the rest of us, trying to steal what we produce.the resultant war will be short and terrible.

At some point the communist democrats will run out of fake outrage, fake moral superiority and fake intellectual righteousness and shut the fuck up and start trying to find ways to feed themselves instead of stealing from the rest of us.

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdown destroys lives
« on: January 29, 2021, 09:36:53 AM »
I have no doubt steingar hasn’t a clue.

If it lasted longer than four hours did he call a physician....

Spin Zone / CNN Pushes to Close Down Newsmax TV
« on: January 18, 2021, 03:00:24 AM »
Communists (they call themselves democrats) are cheering for Orwellian censorship against any news outlet that dares to present any other side of a story but the official communist position.
The naked truth is just as startling as the hypocrisy.

Previously, CNN had led efforts to deplatform President Donald Trump from Twitter.

"We are going to have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem," Alex Stamos, a former Facebook chief security officer, told CNN's Stelter. "These companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes."

So... If the communist party (those snowflakes still call themselves democrats, which is a BIG LIE in itself) is so sure of the validity of the 2020 election, how come they are so viciously trying to silence and criminalize any other opinion on the matter?

And... As far as cnn (the communist propaganda network) demanding that ATT cut off Newsmax from audiences, isn't it odd how ATT OWNS cnn???

BUT... most of all... Why isn't cnn and the other communist propaganda networks being de-platformed and silenced since they spent the last four years LYING about the ludicrously fake Russian election interference story?

Are any of you communist democrats able to explain your hypocrisy on this subject???

I doubt you pathetic cowards are even able to admit your hypocrisy on the topic for fear of reprisals from your owners in china.

Spin Zone / Re: How Long Before The Economic Collapse
« on: January 07, 2021, 05:00:58 PM »
The communists (they call themselves democrats) are shitty at leadership.
Now that they have stolen the elections they will fuck jl everything they touch just like always.
The economy will crater and it might well bankrupt the treasury beyond what printing money can save.

Spin Zone / Merry Christmas - and not in a politically correct way
« on: December 24, 2020, 12:00:00 AM »
For what may be the last time before America is handed over to the ignorant liberals and communist hordes, and celebrating Christmas becomes illegal, may all of you who cherish freedom and honor have a wonderful celebration of the Birth of a Christ.

Once that lying sack of pig excrement takes the oath with his racist, trash sidekick, everything formerly known as free will likely become extinct and the democrat communists will look us in the eye and lie like the little, pathetic bitches they are, pretending it's all just fine.

Pedophile joe will NEVER be my president.

Donald Trump is our rightful President and all the lying liberal cunts in the country can't change that.

The party of antifa, racism, violence and murder can lie all they like, but will never con real Americans into buying into their criminal scam. I put up a second flag in my front yard proclaiming Donald Trump my President, right alongside my American flag - you know - the flag the fucking democrats are so ashamed of. I've noticed people slowing down as they drive by, some smile and wave.

We are having a large group of friends and family for Christmas. You pathetic lemmings urging people to hide in their homes like prisoners can go fuck yourselves with a rusty shovel blade. Every time a liberal challenges me because I won't wear a mask, I want to scream. Instead I smile sadly and remind them of how frightened and pathetic they are, and walk away.

I've always hated liberalism because it is based on lies and ignorance, but now I find myself trying not to hate liberals. It's getting harder by the day.

Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and love. You fucking democrats have ruined it just like you ruined the boy scouts, public education, masculinity and free speech. I hate what you've done to America. Every pathetic, frightened, lying liberal asshole among you. For Christmas I wish you misery, loneliness and emptiness.

You earned it.

You wished for it.

You deserve emptiness and ignorance.

For those who have a backbone, integrity, resourcefulness and decency, I wish you joy and health and happiness this Christmas.

You also deserve it.

Spin Zone / Re: The other Rush
« on: December 23, 2020, 09:12:44 PM »
I feel the same way. Rush and the USA are dying together.

...and steingar is soooo happy about it.

Think about that.

and trash like him teaches our next generation to be liars, fools, idiots and slaves.

Spin Zone / Re: About another party
« on: December 20, 2020, 02:05:40 PM »
The largest voting block in Florida is No Party Affiliation.
A serious tnird party would pick up a lot of disaffected voters from both sideshow parties.

I earned my PhD in my forties and it was a labor of love, not career enhancement.
So far I have refused to use it as an introduction, or to establish my credentials, though when I have taught I have been introduced that way.
The truth is simple. The vast majority of PhD holders are stuffed shirts with nothing of significance to show for their careers, so they hang their identity on their diploma.

Spin Zone / Re: Time To Call It TREASON
« on: December 10, 2020, 06:08:13 AM »
He violated the law by making changes he wasn't entitled to make.  Does that not mean anything to you?

Well Trump said something mean on Twitter. So there!

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 21, 2020, 03:39:04 PM »
Apparently Georgia is taking back their premature certification of the state for senility boy, Biden the grifter and the tramp.

The dominion voting system is going to be the undoing of far left for at least a generation. Nobody is going to be willing believe a single thing progressives claim and it will get worse before it gets better.

Sydney Powell said today that the DOJ is going to have to offer protection for witnesses against the democrat corruption machine as their testimony breaks. I tend to believe her.

 I suspect that The grifter and the tramp are not going to ascend to the White House.

Fuck them both and all their enablers and co-conspirators.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 20, 2020, 06:55:45 PM »
I'm not opposed to the peaceful - lawful transition of power every four years, but when the fucking Venezuelan and soros  backed communists and criminals seize the apparatus and simply declare whomever they choose for president, I think a civil war is not only justified but necessary.

Spin Zone / Re: PA tightens Virus restrictions
« on: November 19, 2020, 09:50:08 AM »
Did you think the new Royalty would look like this?

So... the mentally disturbed, moron is in charge of setting aside every liberty and freedom guaranteed in the constitution, and liberals are loving it.

Why am I not surprised????

You have to be an idiot to believe anything that comes out of the mouth of a liberal.

Spin Zone / Re: What will a Biden Administration Bring?
« on: November 05, 2020, 06:17:46 AM »

2) Raise your hand if you've never hired an illegal from outside Home Depot, or eaten at an establishment that hires illegals in the back of the kitchen. Or if you've ever looked at an illegal and said: "Oh, golly, I wish I can have his job."

If you didn't raise your hand, then "Will you shut up man?"

I never hired illegal aliens to do anything because  that cheats American workers out of a job.

As for your shut up comment, go fuck yourself with a rusty shovel blade.

Liberals LIVE to censor everyone else and your behavior is just more proof.

More than anything, you fucking communist democrats want to use the biden travesty to end all kinds of free speech and other liberties because you fucking assholes can't win elections if the truth is spread, the rules are followed, and you can't fucking cheat.

Vote fraud should come with a forty year prison sentence.

Oh, and, I don't give a shit if your feelings are hurt, now.

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