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Topics - Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God)

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Spin Zone / Wikileaks summary
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:54:45 AM »
An excellent, presentable summary. Share with your liberal friends, who probably haven't seen anything about this.  Oh, wait ... they are not able to hold conflicting ideas and stay functional.  >:(

Spin Zone / Moore?
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:47:00 AM »

It's a weird year when MM can actually warm my heart.

Spin Zone / The battle for votes
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:21:17 AM »

I don't Twitter but am having a fun time checking in on Trump's and Adams' feeds.

Spin Zone / The state that knows her best
« on: October 25, 2016, 08:51:34 AM »

Spin Zone / To brighten your day
« on: October 25, 2016, 08:38:48 AM »

Pilot Zone / Finally flew in the 175
« on: October 24, 2016, 09:19:33 AM »
I appreciate being allowed on Pilot Spin as a right seater. I actually don't like to fly. But a beautiful day combined with the chance to see my daughter and son-in-law tipped the scales.

My avatar shows a rental plane, the first time I flew with my husband.

Here we are in Ellensburg, Washington with the 175.

Spin Zone / It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 24, 2016, 08:38:03 AM »
But it did not.  Why?  Media covering, diverting, attacking Trump, controlling.  HRC will be elected and it will be because Democrat voters trust their media, oh yes they do.


Remember how the media and Dems adored Assange when he was releasing leaks about Bush? 

Spin Zone / Opinion
« on: October 21, 2016, 07:25:02 AM »
Lately I am obsessing a tad, okay, a lot, about my dear liberal friends who are HRC voters. Some of them Catholic. All of them mainstream-only media people.

I want to send links, make arguments against HRC, post cogent details on facebook  (though I loathe it) and generally, gently raise their awareness of the deception being carried out in a ratio of roughly 20:1 in terms of media coverage of negatives, favoring HRC.

They will never vote for Trump, but should I as a friend just stand by while they slide unaware into an HRC presidency? Don't these dear people warrant some effort on my part to break through the media wall for them?

Spin Zone / The new religious freedom
« on: October 13, 2016, 08:26:10 AM »
Well, the founders got it wrong apparently.

I listen to Catholic radio a lot (EWTN) and they are outraged at the HRC methodology reveal.

Religious freedom is being mangled by the leftists into two things. You can go to your church. You can pray at home. Your religion goes nowhere else.

I like the approach mentioned on another thread ... Just live your faith. They can't arrest us all.

Spin Zone / Wait ... Trump is not done
« on: October 09, 2016, 09:16:42 PM »
Just bringing us up to date.

Spin Zone / The Revolution
« on: October 04, 2016, 11:09:02 AM »
I keep seeing people referring to the coming revolution if HRC is elected.

What does this revolution look like?  How can I get ready to participate?

Spin Zone / Everything is under control.
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:16:49 PM »

And President Obama and Hillary Clinton wonder why there is resistance to the idea of admitting Syrian refugees into the country. ISIS has openly bragged about how they are using refugee flows to infiltrate terrorists into the West, and Obama administration officials have told Congress that they cannot properly vet refugees for terrorist ties.

If yesterday’s news is any indication, they are right.

Spin Zone / Let's just get this out onto the table
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:25:54 PM »
I am completely done with trying to be all nice to people who keep honking and screeching and hiding behind a giant technicolor facade of some kind of weird moral superiority, claiming people who are not racist are racist.


I am going to call it out wherever it appears, and in my real world experience, it comes chiefly and most loudly from the left.

Left, you are being outed more every day.  May the true racists be defeated November 8 so their divisive, manipulative sham will be exposed and we can move toward living together reasonably, not artificially polarized.

Spin Zone / Scott Adams' take on Election 2016
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:38:26 AM »
So, men ... is this true for you?   ;) I laughed 'til I cried, something I sorely needed.

I watched singer Alicia Keys perform her song Superwoman at the convention and experienced a sinking feeling. I’m fairly certain my testosterone levels dropped as I watched, and that’s not even a little bit of an exaggeration. Science says men’s testosterone levels rise when they experience victory, and drop when they experience the opposite. I watched Keys tell the world that women are the answer to our problems. True or not, men were probably not feeling successful and victorious during her act.

Let me say this again, so you know I’m not kidding. Based on what I know about the human body, and the way our thoughts regulate our hormones, the Democratic National Convention is probably lowering testosterone levels all over the country. Literally, not figuratively. And since testosterone is a feel-good chemical for men, I think the Democratic convention is making men feel less happy. They might not know why they feel less happy, but they will start to associate the low feeling with whatever they are looking at when it happens, i.e. Clinton.

Clinton will probably win the vote of women. Her problem is men. If you ask a man why he doesn’t like Hillary Clinton, he might say something about her policies and her history. But the persuasion filter says the real reason men don’t like Clinton is that they can’t stand listening to her. Her speaking style reminds men of every bad relationship they have ever had with a woman. We’re all irrational sexists on some level, and Clinton sounds to many male ears like a disgruntled ex-wife, or perhaps your mom who had a really bad day. That’s a problem if you need the male vote.

Now add Tim Kaine to the mix. In our irrational minds – where we compare everything to our personal experience – Kaine will play the part of the beta male husband whose wife can’t stop complaining about her terrible co-worker, Donald Trump. No guy wants to hear eight years of that. They get enough of it at home.

A week ago you compared ugly Donald Trump with ugly Hillary Clinton and declared them a visual tie. That matters because our visual “brain” generally wins against whatever part of the brain is pretending to be logical that day. But once we got a look at the entire Trump family, acting as a group, our visual brains started seeing them as a package deal. And when you compare the entire Trump family’s visual appeal to the entire Clinton family’s visual imagery it’s a massacre.

Would you prefer seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton decompose in front of your eyes for eight years, or watch the Trump family develop their dynasty? Entertainment-wise, that’s no contest. And people usually vote for entertainment over policy. They just don’t realize it. That’s the biggest news from the convention, and you won’t see it in any headline.

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