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Messages - Witmo

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: June 24, 2017, 03:21:15 PM »
I've spent a fair amount of time struggling with the social, and societal issues surrounding private health care, and public(economic) policy on health care. I'm mostly a radical anarchist when it comes to govt, and I bend some and call myself a Libertarian for the most part. There are a couple of things that govt does moderately well, and many, many, many things that govt does an average job, and still plenty of things that govt does poorly.

A reasonable position to take.

First I can say honestly I don't have an answer. We all know someone who has health challenges that cause misery and grief and hope that they can be taken care of. But - as with anything, it's a matter of priorities. Here's the clause from the constitution that covers these kinds of things: 'provide for the common defense and general welfare'. It is called the 'general welfare clause'. What did it mean when it was written and what does it mean now? Since this is an open ended question and there is no one answer, we have to look to politics to solve it. Politics - is like sausage. People like the finished product, but no one wants to know how it's made. The left wants everything, all the time, for all people with no limits, and no requirement to invest in the sausage making. The money should come from high taxes, and be distributed 'fairly' as needs arise. Well, guess what? Whenever there's a big fat pile of tax money sitting in the bank, everyone suddenly has this great NEED for it. This applies in spades to health care money. No matter how much is piled into medicare, it always runs short. Gee? What a surprise(not). You can never, ever give away enough money to people. No one, on any planet, in any system will stop taking money if offered, or available. This too - applies to health care in spades.

Don't disagree with most of this.  Will quibble with the position that the "left" wants everything, all the time.  From my view the "left" and the "right" are more than willing to feed off the public teat, they just want to spend it on different things.

Want an abortion? Well, did the govt impregnate you? No. So, why do you think it's all right for the govt to pay for your abortion.

Can you provide a verifiable example of government funds going to abortion for convenience?  Might want to start with this:

Now, having said that, this is the ONE exception that I will gladly pay for with one caveat. If the govt is going to pay for your abortion then you MUST also get permanent conception prevention of some kind(tubal ligation, etc).

Are you also in favor of Federal funding of birth control to minimize the rate of abortions?  Personally believe government should neither promote nor prohibit abortion.  It is such an emotional and personal decision that government should play no role.

about the OPs situation with CP? Well, I have a relative with moderate CP. He's 71 years old. He has never been given a dime of assistance for his CP. CP has been around since the dawn of mankind, why should the collective now, in this century be responsible for their care? Have we solved world peace? Have we paid ALL the other bills of the govt that are overdue? Is the nation and world other pressing common problems all taken care of that we can now focus on individuals? These are not rhetorical questions. At what time do we set the individual or family problems ahead of issues and problems that affect ALL US citizens? This is what was meant by the 'common defense and general welfare'. Those issues that rise to the national level of interest that it will be beneficial for all citizens, not just a small minority. Roads = common welfare. Schools = common welfare. Fire equipment = common welfare. Air Traffic Control = common welfare. See a theme here? How does one or ten, or 50,000 with CP in a nation of 3.2 million rate or rank? Sorry, I think you see where this is headed.

I do agree with your premise of "common welfare" and the examples you show.  Not so clear as why you believe that the health of our citizens isn't part of that.

The constitution rights question. The constitution lays out specific rights for protection. Does that mean that this is the limit of those rights, and that any other rights are excluded? Are there rights that are not written but should be considered automatic, and presumed applicable? Like - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Note it says 'pursuit of' happiness. Not the 'guarantee of happiness'. If happiness is being treated for CP, and getting the most out of your life with the disability, then fine - go forth and pursue. If you need help from someone, ask family, ask neighbors, ask church, ask the public. But - this is a far, far cry from taking from those more fortunate and giving to those less fortunate by FORCE(don't pay taxes, and go to prison).

Wish I could offer you more money, but if I pay for you, then I pay for them, and then the other guys, and by the time we're all done - the few are paying all the health bills for the many. Won't work.

Taxes are a necessity of a civilized society, no way around it.  You may believe it is being taken from you by force, but there isn't a way around it.  Funny how the argument usually boils down to dollars - generally follows the line that someone is getting something for free and I'm paying for it, and I don't like it.  Wish we could all pick and choose what our tax dollars go for, most likely the services provided by our government would be quite different.

Spin Zone / Re: The Comey Show
« on: June 08, 2017, 07:41:29 AM »
Yep, that's the narrative the MSM wants you to believe.  Wonder why the MSM hates Trump using social media?   That's because he bypasses them and keeps them from taking his comments and editing them into soundbites so they can attempt to control what comes from him.  How dare the President state his opinion without the consent of the MSM.
Nonsense. It's obvious the President has the ability to use Twitter and speak directly to the American people. He isn't helping himself with many of his tweets, though. He can't stop himself from tweeting and when it's something new, the media goes crazy over it for obvious reasons. When the leader of the free world speaks, people listen regardless of the medium through which he speaks.

Bullshit. There is a lot of twisting and contorting by the liberal progressives in order to make it appear there was wrong doing when it's been proven over and over there was not.
The Russians attempting to interfere in the election isn't concerning? Kushner trying to establish a back channel with the Russians using their embassy equipment isn't concerning? It can be true that these things are concerning but not illegal. It can be true that these things are dumb and show Trump and his team's inexperience and not be illegal.

This idea that Trump is 100% correct and hasn't done anything wrong or hasn't hurt his own agenda is silly.

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 24, 2017, 02:21:55 PM »
Liberals are always stunned when they realize that conservatives are not just old white guys but run the gambit of ethnic backgrounds including those who are considered non-white.   As always liberal premises are never close to reality.

Conservatives are always stunned to learn that liberals are not just emotional basket cases with weak arguments not rooted in fact. They are also stunned to learn of their own hypocrisy when it is pointed out that they fail to engage in the very thing for which they are lambasting their opponents.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey says:
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:57:31 AM »
Watch the video and please pay attention to how the question is worded by Senator Coke Head, and then listen to how Senator Sessions answers the question.

 Senator Sessions as a SENATOR on a committee had interactions with various ambassadors, just like other senators.   Senator Sessions made it clear he did not have interactions on behalf of the Trump campaign.

I listened to his answer, which was (and I think I'm quoting quite precisely) "I did not have communications with the Russians".  He wasn't even asked that.  He was asked what he would do if I he found out that such communications took place.  A good answer might have been to initiate an investigation with the FBI.  Instead he said that he hadn't had communications with the Russians, which he had.  i.e. a flat out lie.  That why he's not involved in the investigation.

He could just as easily said he had communications with the Russian ambassador as part of his duties.  I doubt it would have caused much of a stir, I suspect Senators talk to ambassadors all the time.  But why did he have to lie about it?

The whole thing is so farging weird.  I've said before that I doubt there's anything to this.  My guess is that Trump could just come clean and the whole thing would blow over just like that.  Just like the big brouhaha about his tax returns.  Someone leaked some, and its a non story.   Instead he obfuscates, doubles down on insanely specious accusations., and generally draws attention back onto what he doesn't want folks to dwell on.

But I stand by my words.  I always said a Trump Presidency would be entertaining.

Spin Zone / Re: Did Sessions Lie Under Oath......
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:08:44 PM »
I wrote "And I write that as someone who thinks Sessions is a danger to liberty."

and what do you base your belief on?

I think Sessions is a danger to civil liberties because of his recent statements on crackdowns on recreational use of marijuana and his defense of current civil forfeiture practices (see

Lastly, the following votes on civil liberty issues are contrary to my conception of liberty (though there are many votes he cast that I do agree with):

Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
Voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
Voted NO on prohibiting eminent domain for use as parks or grazing land. (Dec 2007)
Voted NO on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
Voted YES on regulating tobacco as a drug. (Jun 2009)
Voted YES on limiting medical liability lawsuits to $250,000. (May 2006)
Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
Voted NO on requiring FISA court warrant to monitor US-to-foreign calls. (Feb 2008)
Voted YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad. (Aug 2007)
Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006)
Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision. (Dec 2005)

did you also think that holder and obama were a danger to liberty?

The eight years of the Obama administration was a disaster for liberty. I didn't vote for him - nor any other Democrat for any other local or national office anytime in the last 40 years.

This forum appears to be dominated by conservatives, followed by libertarians, populists, and lastly liberals - so it is in danger of becoming a conservative echo chamber. As a result, IMHO attempting to debate posts made by the few liberals is an exercise in redundancy, which only leaves debating posts made by the conservative majority. If posters make posts I suspect are erroneous and I suspect they will go unchallenged I may decide to challenge them, depending on how much effort is involved vs how much time I'm willing to expend. I consider myself a libertarian and there are plenty of differences by libertarians and conservatives.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: January 05, 2017, 05:32:18 PM »

Oh, do tell.
Again..I don't have to.

Asechrest nailed it.

It's not in the interests of AP, Reuters, or local news outlets to cater to liberals or conservatives. The Hill, The Economist, The Financial Times and recently Slate come close but one could perceive a bias in their reporting or their choice of story. Given the extremism rampant among other outlets, these sources stand above their competitors.

MSNBC, CNN, and FNC stand together. While entertaining, they provide little information to the electorate. MSNBC and FNC slant their reporting left and right, respectively. CNN attempts to take the middle "high ground," but they are so full of crap tabloid journalism 80% of the time it's tough to cipher through the bullshit. Drudge could be summed up in this group, but they have moments where they forget themselves and start with the bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit, we get to your darlings..

The pornographers of news. Mental masturbation for the weak minded seeking nothing more than confirmation bias aiding in justification for their bombastic world view. Brietbart, OccupyDemocrats, any media outlet after that with the name "conservative" or "progressive" in it. These articles are nearly always rife with hyperbole, innuendo, vitriol, and skewed facts to promote their agendas. They always cater to a specific simple audience. Sure, they are entertaining to read, and they might have a minutia of real information.

But they're utter crap, and a glowing example of some of the problems our new insta-information-gratification society faces. People have their world view of how things are going. As such, they are more apt to subscribe to a writer that espouses those world views. Such writers could substitute facts with hyperbole and innuendo, and the like-minded would be none the wiser. We have tons of fake news out there. How does one figure out what's real between what's nothing more than news porn?

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Burning the Flag
« on: December 01, 2016, 07:58:58 AM »
I'm pretty conservative on most issues.  I hate the idea of burning the flag, and think it is disgusting, however I would not be in favor of any sort of law that made it illegal.

I lump it into the KKK having the right to march, etc.  Disgusting stuff, but I firmly believe it is there right to do so.


Spin Zone / Re: Deportation
« on: November 28, 2016, 07:40:30 AM »
Wow.  Leftists really do get unhinged when they lose.  And the most pathetic statement above?  Your envy and thirst for OPM.
You guys crack me up. The ad hominem is strong with you.

One guy on this forum isn't marching lock step in the ultra right mantra for Trump, and he's an unhinged crybaby. He called out the Trump flip flop. Big deal! I think Trump flip flopped as well. I think he did because even he himself never thought he'd win the election. Now he's realizing the reality that comes with the office of POTUS. He still needs his cell phone and Twitter access taken away, but that's my opinion.

Anyone who's checked Trump's tax proposal can see that the biggest beneficiaries will be the highest tax brackets.  That's not envy, just fact. And before you go on with your ad hominem I'll wager most the users on this forum will benefit from the proposal. 

After all, flying ain't cheap. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: Not even inaugurated yet, he makes great deals for USA!
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:03:55 PM »
Good points Gary.  I have a feeling that Trump will be a little more level headed than his staunchest supporters on this forum. 

At least I hope so. 

I'm willing to give him a chance (which says more than anyone said about Obama on this forum).  I hope he succeeds, because I fear his failure may become a disaster. 

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Some final, cogent thoughts on the election
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:14:47 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Voter fraud is real enough that Trump is suing already
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:17:31 PM »
You're no t going to give up, are you?   You are fine with Hillary winning and spending her entire time fighting off investigations until she is impeached or destroys the justice system even more.
You're not going to give up are you?  You're fine with a New York Liberal Democrat Hillary Donor winning and spending his entire time grabbing the pussies of interns and cooking off nukes because someone insulted him on Twitter at 3am.

Spin Zone / Re: Republican Debate 2/6/16
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:05:59 PM »
Right now I can most envision a President Christie.

Plain spoken and forthright. Get 'er done swagger.

Not unlike Trump, but with more practical views.

Almost certainly not going to happen, but none of the rest inspire me at all.

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