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Messages - lowtimer

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A piss-poor poll.  I've never been a fan of things like this anyway, designed to make the population look dumber than it reallly is.  And I already thing it's pretty bad. 

The ones that irk me the most are things like "70% of the population can't do 8th grade math".   To be fair, I haven't had to do 8th grade math since 8th grade and certainly don't remember most of what I learned back then.  Same with chemistry, history, geography, etc.  Everyone has their own area of interest.  I wouldn't expect an expert in math to remember much from his 8th grade history class. 

As for the constitution, I know the basics, but am not a scholar in that area by any means.  And then putting the words into actual practice would be impossible for me.  If I'm stopped at a DUI checkpoint the cop could pretty much tell me anything and I'm not skilled enough to know if he's lying. 

I'm smart enough to know that 1A only refers to the gov't interfering with my free speech.  And I disagree with the way so many amendments are twisted.  How stop and frisk is legal boggles the mind. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm still standing by my assertion that the average citizen is a blooming idiot.  But I don't think this poll helps prove my point.

At least your post confirms your assertion. :D

 The first amendment, that's mainly the "right to not be offended" isn't it? ::) ::) ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Trump, Schumer Scheme to Repeal Debt Ceiling
« on: September 09, 2017, 03:12:16 PM »
There would be a lot less jobs "no american would want to do" if we quit paying so many people to sit home on their ass. I have cleaned toilets and mowed lawns to feed my family in the past. (heck, I cleaned the nasty shop toilet the other day, just to show the guys I'm not above it and maybe motivate them to not feel the same)  Funny how hunger will motivate people to work. We do not need to import labor to do the dirty work in the US we need to motivate the non producers already here.

« on: July 29, 2017, 04:58:14 PM »
My wife often tells me how sorry I am, does that count?

Hey, I appreciate that, Number7.

I like to think my reputation here, such that it is, at least proves I can hold my own without needing to shut down a thread.

While I may not agree with you on a number of things I appreciate you coming here to present an alternative point of view in the manner that you do.  I'd be very surprised to find that you had intentionally shut down a thread.

Spin Zone / Re: Breaking News!
« on: July 24, 2017, 12:26:31 PM »
Clearly "Fake News" only spun that way to avoid incrimination by the Trump administration.

Spin Zone / Re: Nice shooting, soldier!
« on: June 22, 2017, 03:56:55 PM »
Now that's "Gun Control" I can get behind!

Spin Zone / Re: Chief Thief
« on: June 22, 2017, 09:52:50 AM »
Trump would be slammed either way on this. Cancel the program and it's "Trump putting poor people out of their homes". Keep the program and it's "Trump lining his pockets at the expense of the poor" or "chief thief".

Spin Zone / Re: An Example on How Out of Touch Hollywood Really Is
« on: June 10, 2017, 03:33:32 PM »
Interesting that the same people who don't want to keep score at little league baseball (can't have winners/losers in a game) are themselves poor losers.

Jesse Jackson, Jr hasn't been in Congress since he was sent to prison.

Why the heck would he when he collects $138.4K per year in workman's comp and SS disability payments.

I think they knew just what they were doing, make it economically unsupportable while at the same ramping up the idea that health insurance is a right so when it collapsed Hillary could move forward with single payer and save us all.

Spin Zone / Re: Miami's fight against rising seas
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:22:45 PM »
All I know is that we need to add another government agency, and many, many people JUST for Global Climate Change.  They will be there to manage, and enforce cap, and trade, carbon credits, and the "fees" for energy usage in which they deem "risky" to the climate.

While themselves consuming way more than the average person in natural resources and telling us all how bad we are for having the nerve to consume what we do.

Spin Zone / Re: I hadn't heard about this attack on 2A rights.
« on: December 30, 2016, 01:14:24 PM »
I wonder how far this line of thinking would go if we substitute "right to vote" for right to "bear arms"?

Spin Zone / Re: Prof Calls Election "Terrorism;" Gets Threats
« on: December 30, 2016, 12:59:42 PM »
 Human Sexuality Professor Olga Perez Sable Cox, terribly immature of me, but I got a laugh out of that. ;D ;D ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Steingar in trouble
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:38:31 PM »
Welcome back Steingar, this place has been less interesting without you.

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