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Messages - President-Elect Bob Noel

Pages: 1 ... 414 415 [416] 417 418 ... 456
Spin Zone / Re: Back to the electoral vote
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:07:45 PM »
The GOP could run Jesus Christ and he would still lose CA, NY, CT, MD, NJ, MA, RI, HI, etc.

Jesus would have trouble in any State that is hostile to Christianity

Spin Zone / The media campaign for the lying ....
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:16:38 AM »
and it begins.

I caught a few minutes of CNN this morning.  Crawls and the talking heads all repeating the liberal crap about how bad Trump would be.

Nothing negative about Sanders or the lying sack of crap.  In fact, part of the kiss-up interview with the lying sack of crap was shown (again) with constant Trump is bad and no challenge to the lying sack of crap.

Are the independent and undecided votes dumb enough to not look critically at the lying sack of crap (aka the doormat)?

Spin Zone / Re: Guccifer: "It was easy" to breach Clinton server
« on: May 04, 2016, 04:33:30 PM »
nah, in true clinton fashion, it will be passed off as old news.

No one cares (usually because they don't have the foggiest idea about proper handling of classified material)

Spin Zone / Re: A non-existing policy
« on: May 04, 2016, 04:30:30 AM »
You observe a governing body behaviing a certain way and it appears contrary to the known, established, written policies and law, yet it never fails to determine the same course of action. Persons in authority make grandiose speeches about Change, Progress, Better, etc yet all is status quo the next day.
What name do you give to this? Entertainment? Bullshittery?

*The contents of this post are not fictional and may resemble persons who are living, actual and/ or real.

democrats and liberals.

Spin Zone / Re: Bye bye Cruz
« on: May 03, 2016, 08:48:28 PM »
When I have someone to vote for, I'll let you know.

You won't have any Senate or Congressional or Governor Elections in which to vote in November?

Spin Zone / Re: The Pivot has begun
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:50:37 AM »
You hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest. (with apologies to Simon & Garfunkel).

I reject your reality and substitute my own?

Spin Zone / Re: The Old Navy Ad Controversy
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:49:53 AM »
Maybe you should seek a platform maybe???


Pilot Zone / Re: Why do we lie?
« on: May 02, 2016, 03:19:10 PM »
because standing up all the time gets tiring.

Spin Zone / Re: Man Banned from Living on his OWN Property
« on: May 02, 2016, 03:18:36 PM »
Years and years ago a dear friend said that there are three kinds of people in the world.
Those who say, "What's mine is mine and you can't have it."
Those who say, "What's yours is yours only so long as you can defend it."
And those who say, "What's yours is yours until I take it."

and there are also those that say:  "What's your is yours and I will help you defend it"

Spin Zone / Re: The Old Navy Ad Controversy
« on: May 02, 2016, 03:16:31 PM »
There is a quote attributed to Bill Russel (hall of fame center for the Boston Celtics) that I wish I could find, but my google-fu is not up to the task.

In any case, I'll paraphrase it and apply it:  we will have made progress on "racism" (or "race relationships" or whatever term you wish to apply) when people stop looking at such pictures and thinking about the apparent races of the models (nevermind those that get all fixated on it).

Pilot Zone / Re: Engine Out in Jabiru
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:55:18 AM »
I was asking myself the same thing. It's less insightful without audio.

no audio is actually a blessing... considering that so many people can't resist the temptation to add really really really crappy muzak to the audio to any video.

Spin Zone / Re: Are you shopping at Target?
« on: May 02, 2016, 04:41:37 AM »
Careful what you say......

"Catholic College Employee Investigated By Police For Saying There Are Only Two Genders"

otoh - the science is settled.  Homo Sapiens have 2 genders, male and female.

How inconvenient for some.

Spin Zone / Re: Electoral votes
« on: May 02, 2016, 04:01:07 AM »
What does any of the responses in this thread have to do with the title of this tread? Electoral Votes    ???

Are you new to the interweb?


Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 30, 2016, 01:46:47 PM »
Little Joe made the response that I would have.

and both of you missed what the question was actually about.

In Reply #26, you asked:  "I asked if you have taken Constitutional Law"

In Reply #30, part of the post is:

    True or false - "No laws may contradict any of the Constitution's principles"?

It could depend on what you mean by "principles", but if that means the text then the answer is:

True only if it is an exam question in a survey course.  In the real world, it is false. "

Apparantly, according to Kristin, courses aren't consistent with the real world.  So, again I ask: If the answers to tests conflict with the real world, why would you care if someone took (surveyed, audited, or took for credit) a course on Constitutional Law?

Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 30, 2016, 02:20:05 AM »
I said "survey" course like might be taught in undergrad, not an actual Con Law course in law school where they study the development and methods of constitutional interpretation and how the major lines of cases have developed over the years.  Con Law is an hour a day for a year to year and a half depending on the school.

The answer to the question doesn't depend on whether the student is surveying/auditing the course or taking it for credit.

In any case, you didn't answer my question. 

So, again, if the answers to tests conflict with the real world, why would you care if someone took a course on Constitutional Law?

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