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Topics - Rush

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Spin Zone / Dare I?
« on: November 25, 2017, 08:15:48 AM »
My husband suggests I give this to our 10 year old nephew for Christmas. His parents are rabid leftists.  ;D

Spin Zone / If you are really bored
« on: November 12, 2017, 09:57:11 AM »
Here is a long but interesting story:

It's aviation related because the guy was a PPL.

TLDR version:

Eccentric exotic animal owner frees around 50 animals (lions, tigers, bears) and then commits suicide by shooting himself in the head after smearing himself with chicken blood to encourage the cats to eat his body.

The animals start roaming the neighborhood and need to be killed.

The man was a Vietnam vet who was well liked by friends but seemed to have issues after coming home from the war.

He had recently served a year in prison for illegal possession of unregistered firearms. He had had run ins with the law over animal complaints and not wearing a seatbelt but apparently never hurt a person (in civilian life).

He had a long marriage with a woman who shared his love for the animals but since he went to prison his wife must have had an affair and was making plans to leave him.

This incident led to Ohio passing a law restricting private ownership of exotic animals.

I'm interested in armchair quarterback opinions. My opinion about the animals is: as a libertarian I'm loathe to restrict people from having the pet they want, but as a sensible person I don't want my neighbor owning big cats or bears that could escape and eat my grandson, so I must reluctantly agree with such laws, but I am open to discussion about whether they just drive such ownership underground and create a worse situation.

In general, wild animals do not make good pets and it's possible the pet trade contributes to their extinction threat, but again, I'm not sure banning them doesn't just force the pet trade underground while hurting efforts to legally breed them in captivity just to avoid them going extinct. Captive breeding is not ideal (in China the tiger breeding program has morphed into a complete disaster) but for some species like the bonobo is it preferable to losing the species altogether? I don't know the answer.

My opinion about the guns: apparently the guy was no danger to the public from guns. Unlike animals, the guns would never escape and go around killing people on their own. His collection was no different from many gun enthusiasts' collections except some were technically illegal. He had formerly owned a gun shop and was a hoarder, never let anything go. They sent this man to prison for no reason insofar as protecting the public.

The prison stay apparently wrecked his marriage and broke his spirit, it being the second traumatizing event of his life. The first being drafted and sent to Vietnam.

People with a hoarder personality often have trauma in their history. This man hoarded animals, guns, cars, never could part with anything. Maybe what is missing here is that he should have received some kind of intervention and treatment after he returned from Vietnam. Have we made progress since then taking care of the psychological needs of our veterans?

Spin Zone / Texas constitutional amendments
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:01:09 AM »
Gotta vote today. Prop 1: give property tax breaks to partially disabled veterans. Yes!  Opponents say that's favoring specialized groups whereas we should lower taxes for everyone. Oh dear, the special groups problem.

Going to have to study up both sides on all these before I go vote. Be informed.

Spin Zone / That does it...
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:03:39 PM »
I'm never going to church again without my you know what.

Spin Zone / Christian filmmakers
« on: November 05, 2017, 08:01:26 AM »

The second link quotes their spokesperson saying what's to stop us forcing an atheist to sing religious hymns or a democrat to write speeches for Trump?  He nails it, this going too far.

I would have quoted it for you but I can't get my copy paste to work on this iPad.

Anyone know if there are any Muslim bakers and photographers being sued for not doing gay weddings?

Spin Zone / This speaks for itself....
« on: July 06, 2017, 06:01:04 PM »

Spin Zone / Internet flooded with new Trump vs CNN memes
« on: July 06, 2017, 05:48:24 PM »

CNN stumbling over Reddit user threat, wave of backlash derailing reputation

The backlash was accompanied by an enormous deluge of new CNN meme content taking stabs at CNN from all angles. The voices of the internet increased to an uproar. It would now be impossible to tackle the enormous number of meme videos ridiculing CNN.

Here is just one more:

Spin Zone / Join or Die
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:54:40 AM »
Ha ha!  That was the subject line of a message I got from Black Rifle Coffee company.  I placed an order and now they are inviting me to join the "coffee club" and get regular shipments. I guess if I was an easily triggered snowflake I would take that as a death threat.  I love this company.

Spin Zone / Measure of Muslim backwardness
« on: June 17, 2017, 05:37:58 AM »

The UN uses tampon awareness among women as a yardstick to how progressed a nation is.

I am appalled to find in the 21st century There are women not given access to this superior method of dealing with Aunt Flo.

Spin Zone / One of the secrets of being old
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:23:56 AM »
Do you remember when you were young and told an old person something and they had this stupid blank look on their face?  And you knew it was because they couldn't relate to what you just said and they were so stuck in the mud they would never be able to grasp the wild incredible thing you just told them about? So you just dropped the subject because they were so old fashioned they had no clue what you were about?

That happened to me a lot when I was young. Now I'm an old person and now I know what was really going on behind the face.  The stupid blank look is boredom because you have already been there done that and know more about it than the young person can possibly imagine and you are so over it.

Spin Zone / A treat for you guys
« on: May 27, 2017, 05:59:31 AM »
Even you liberals if you just want eye candy.  ;D

Spin Zone / Here's a new twist....
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:03:59 PM »

Here's an excerpt from the first post, interesting discussion follows, and it ended up getting locked.  Could the elite left be even more out of touch with all of humanity than I imagined?

Internet cafe, Beijing, Flickr/Kai Hendry. Some rights reserved.
If you look at any thread about Trump, Islam or immigration on a Chinese social media platform these days, it’s impossible to avoid encountering the term baizuo, or literally, the ‘white left’. It first emerged about two years ago, and yet has quickly become one of the most popular derogatory descriptions for Chinese netizens to discredit their opponents in online debates.

So what does ‘white left’ mean in the Chinese context, and what’s behind the rise of its (negative) popularity? It might not be an easy task to define the term, for as a social media buzzword and very often an instrument for ad hominem attack, it could mean different things for different people. A thread on “why well-educated elites in the west are seen as naïve “white left” in China” on Zhihu, a question-and-answer website said to have a high percentage of active users who are professionals and intellectuals, might serve as a starting point.

The question has received more than 400 answers from Zhihu users, which include some of the most representative perceptions of the 'white left'. Although the emphasis varies, baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours....

Spin Zone / University chairman packs faculty with left wing activists
« on: April 09, 2017, 09:41:12 AM »
And forces out anyone who disagrees with him. 

In 1970!

I was rummaging through my father's old letters and came across THIS.

I know universities have become skewed toward the left. I had always assumed a mere social or cultural spread of left wing ideology, I never suspected such a deliberate, systematic cleansing of anyone not in lock step.  And already back then?

Spin Zone / The working class
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:41:22 PM »

Spin Zone / At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:20:05 PM »
This is a fascinating listen, if you can get past the first couple of minutes.  Gets down to the bedrock of modern liberalism.

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