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Messages - Rush

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Paul, I gave you a "Like" on that one because it's such a well argued and articulated position, not because I specifically agree with everything in there. I wish this site had different types of like/agree/dislike buttons. I'll respond more later, but traveling for the next couple of days.

I thought the same thing except I was wishing there was a "love" button because mere like doesn't express what I felt.

The last part in that video says it all:  Castro's personal worth was $900,000,000 when he died.  Those who enforce socialism are fucking hypocrites.

Spin Zone / Re: Fox's Ted Baxter FIRED - Not Fake News
« on: April 22, 2017, 06:48:56 AM »
Of course I can't know exactly what happened here. But I've been a female working in a male dominated environment and I know the general territory very well.  The facts are, males and females will play the sexual game EVERYWHERE and part of that means males will pursue females before the female, if ever, develops any interest. Back when I was young, such male attention at the workplace was considered normal so long as the advances never were used to threaten your job, or of course, never became forcible against your will.  If the attention was not wanted, a well placed verbal cut was usually sufficient to put a complete stop to it. If a woman accepted such attention, it then became her responsibility as much as the man's. You wouldn't dream of later accusing a man of "harassment" if you had failed to smack him away at the moment of the incident.

You could claim a "culture of sexual harassment" at any workplace, if by harassment you mean this biologically normal dance of the sexes.  But in today's world, apparently you are expected to cut this off, completely muzzle it.  That's never going to happen, it is against human nature.  Therefore, it is a set up for women to exploit for money, or for political purposes, any male or company. We have seen it over and over, used by the Democrats to destroy men they see as threats. So far it seems only Trump has been able to withstand this method of attack.

And don't get me started on how this atmosphere is misguiding our young people. Males are being taught that their normal testosterone urges are organically criminal and legally dangerous, and females are being taught that the slightest suggestive move, even if only verbal, has violated their emotional equilibrium. The message is that females are weak, despite all the feminist hype about female strength and independence.


The simple formula is when 50% of the SS benefits and any other income hits a certain amount you begin paying taxes on the SS benefits and the amount can range up to 85% of it being taxed.

So basically when the government said, "We'll take your money and keep it safe for you then give it back to you when you're old," they lied.

Paul, you have hit it out of the park.

Can't comment on your specifics, but here is the background on when SS benefits became taxable:

In 1981 the National Commission on Social Security Reform (sometimes referred to as the Greenspan Commission after its Chairman) was appointed by Congress and President Reagan to work on the financing crisis in Social Security. The result of their study included several amendments that were passed by Congress, signed by President Reagan and made into law in 1983. The specific rule applying to the taxation of Social Security benefits for the first time is copied below:

If the taxpayer's combined income (total of adjusted gross income, interest on tax-exempt bonds, and 50% of Social Security benefits and Tier I Railroad Retirement Benefits) exceeds a threshold amount ($25,000 for an individual, $32,000 for a married couple filing a joint return, and zero for a married person filing separately), the amount of benefits subject to income tax is the lesser of 50% of benefits or 50% of the excess of the taxpayer's combined income over the threshold amount. The additional income tax revenues resulting from this provision are transferred to the trust funds from which the corresponding benefits were paid. Effective for taxable years beginning after 1983.

Wow, thanks. I cannot imagine what sort of twisted mind came up with that.

She probably should not be.  Is is that the first 25k is not taxed or that you don't get taxed if you make less than 25k?  Of course if she makes more than 25k/year, that's a good thing, right?  Try TurboTax...

An accountant did them and I'll need to go look at it but all I remember is her "taxable" social security income was $4000 more this year than it was last year even though her total SS received was virtually the same from year to year, and the accountant told me it was because her portfolio earned more this year than last year.  If it's her portfolio income that triggered the tax, why was it listed as "social security" taxable income?

The whole thing totally bewilders me.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 21, 2017, 02:58:53 PM »
No, I'm saying I'd like to see Texas' gun laws catch up with a state like Arizona now that they have Constitutional carry. You no longer need a concealed weapon permit to carry concealed in the state.

Yes that would be nice.  I'm still going through the application process. You need the permit for concealed or open in Texas. In NC you don't need a permit for open.  It's all a big bother

I see the key to reducing Muslim terrorism being the moderate Muslims policing their own ranks.  If the moderate Muslims took a very hard stand against those committing acts of violence, then it would be drastically reduced.  Right now, I see them either just ignoring it, or actually supporting it in a non-transparent way.  I don't know what it will take to get moderate Muslims off their collective asses to punish the radical terrorists.

Ideally yes.  This plus everyone on the globe just getting brutal with them. You have to squash them like cockroaches. Until the moderate Muslim gets on board with this, the Islamic terrorist threat will only grow.

It's also a cultural thing, a "we" vs "them" thing.  If on the whole your culture has more in common with the terrorists, then you will side with them, even if you on theory disagree with their methods of targeting innocent civilians. Those who grew up in Muslim cultures that I have spoken with, the key is that they are exposed to Western culture and ideas, and begin to identify more with Western culture and values. That is when they become actively against the terrorists. The radical fundamentalists seem to be rooted in outdated stone age, nomadic, tribal ideas, such as covering up their women, chopping off hands and heads, etc.

While were at it can we stop taxing Social Security Benefits.

I was doing Mom's taxes. She is 90. I got to thinking what the HELL is she doing paying taxes on her Social Security benefits?

Your FICA "contributions" are already a forced tax. So paying tax on it when you get it back is double taxation. I don't know why I always assumed they weren't taxed.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:12:23 AM »
I'm glad.  I will eventually move back.  I think there is more "freedom" there (not the coast of course), and a great way to get away from angry northeasterners!   ;D

Well I love the climate. Low humidity, no winter to speak of.  Other than that I like the way the roads and highways are different from urban NC, more logical, and of course no state income tax. Our property taxes are higher, but altogether we saved total compared to living in NC. The people are just completely different. That's not a good or bad thing, just different demographics. I do love the Texas pride and sense of self sufficiency.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 21, 2017, 06:27:37 AM »
Hope you enjoy it!  Sound great.  I miss the West.

I don't miss the East.  I love it out here.   ;D


I'm not prepared at this point to go to war with a billion Muslims.

I am. Better now than when there are 4 billion Muslims.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: April 21, 2017, 06:03:06 AM »
Legal and moral are two different things. I can agree that legally, a baby is not a person with full rights until birth. And not even then if the birth is before viability.  For example, if I miscarry at an early stage and the baby is the size of a pea and I inadvertently flush it down the toilet, I do not want to be charged with the crime of not disposing properly of a body, and I would not want to deal with the paperwork of filing a birth certificate and a death certificate. There is a point where it is unreasonable to declare a fetus, or especially an embryo, a person in every LEGAL sense.

But the unborn doesn't need to be a person with full rights in order for us to make induced abortion a crime. We have laws against animal cruelty without giving animals personhood. So the whole discussion about what point the baby is considered a person in his own right is moot as I see it.

But morally it's completely different. I believe cutting up a baby while inside is exactly the same thing as cutting him up after birth. A baby has the same thoughts and feelings and physical senses moments after birth as he did moments before.  Going back to an earlier stage of pregnancy you can argue not. A baby - fetus - embryo - needs brain cells and a nervous system to have these qualities. But all the way to conception it contains a unique set of DNA and there is no clear dividing line where morally you can be certain you aren't killing a legitimate human. And since there is no clear line, in my view, you must go all the way back to conception. But not before. You're not killing a potential human by spilling seed in the shower or using birth control. That's carrying things too far.

Personally and morally, if someone has an abortion at any stage, I feel it's a human, for example, hypothetical only, if my grown child had an abortion for convenience, I would never forgive them for killing my grandchild.

Killing is a factual term but murder is a legal term. Abortion at any stage and for any reason is to kill a human being. But whether it is murder depends on the legal status. If it is legal to have an abortion to save the mother, then that would not be murder; it would be homicide in self defense.

But legally, at what point and for what reasons someone may have an abortion is a matter too contentious and complex that I do what we should:  Look to the law.  Hence my position that constitutionally the feds should stay out of it, and on a state level, I have no place to say in 49 states, and if it were put to a vote in MY state, I'd vote with my conscience, where ever that led me considering the particulars of the bill.

If "everyone" is "rich" you still have the upper 5% and the bottom 10%, and everything in between. Still "unfair" according to our Communist friends.

By the standards of most of the rest of the world, our poorest are very rich. They have potable running water, indoor plumbing, access to food, (if only the most unhealthy and cheapest, it still keeps them fat, not starving), big screen TV and cell phones. Except for the homeless, they've roofs over their heads. It's all relative, it doesn't matter how much you lift those at the bottom, they will still be seen as disadvantaged victims because others are higher.  It is completely against nature to try to equalize everyone's conditions. Our species is not an egalitarian one. People will act according to their DNA, not according to an ideal forced upon them by a political ideology. Leftist theory always requires that people suddenly and against their nature, lose their tendency to self sort into a pecking order and when they don't, force and threat of punishment is used. The irony is - this is exactly that - the self sorting into a pecking order with the leftist on top. There can be no such thing as an anarchist socialist utopia. It's a fantasy. Leftism will always be about those in power keeping a lock on the rest of us while preaching their utopian ideal out of a dishonest mouth.

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