Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: President-Elect Bob Noel on July 18, 2021, 05:57:53 AM

Title: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: President-Elect Bob Noel on July 18, 2021, 05:57:53 AM
An opinion piece in the local newspaper claims that lack of total approval of vaccines creates hesitancy.

Apparently some people just aren't listening to those that haven't been vaccinated yet and who might never agree to get the shot(s).

Sure, some are probably waiting for full approval (let Mikey try it first...), but lack of honesty and the outright lies have sown distrust of those claiming that the vaccines are completely safe and effective.

Unfortunately, I don't have any magic to overcome this.  But, certainly one necessary step would be for those claiming to be leaders to establish credibility.

Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Rush on July 18, 2021, 07:20:35 AM
Well put but it won’t happen. Fauci will remain the “leader” and his credibility is hopelessly gone.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: nddons on July 18, 2021, 08:27:16 AM

Unfortunately, I don't have any magic to overcome this.  But, certainly one necessary step would be for those claiming to be leaders to establish credibility.


Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Little Joe on July 19, 2021, 05:42:39 AM
An opinion piece in the local newspaper claims that lack of total approval of vaccines creates hesitancy.

Apparently some people just aren't listening to those that haven't been vaccinated yet and who might never agree to get the shot(s).

Sure, some are probably waiting for full approval (let Mikey try it first...), but lack of honesty and the outright lies have sown distrust of those claiming that the vaccines are completely safe and effective.

Unfortunately, I don't have any magic to overcome this.  But, certainly one necessary step would be for those claiming to be leaders to establish credibility.
I read a similar article.  I don't know if it was the same one, but the one I read did not even pretend that the temporary approval of the vaccines was the cause of vaccine hesitancy.  It is just one of the excuses used my the hesitant.

And I don't think anyone actually claims the vaccines are 100% safe.  If they do claim that they are stupid or lying.  But I truly believe that the vaccines really are much much safer than the disease itself, and the chances of getting the disease is much higher than that chance of having a SERIOUS reaction to the disease.

I do understand the resistance to the mask mandates.  While I do believe they may help some, if good masks are worn properly.  But the majority of masks I see are a joke and they way people wear them destroys even the minimal protection they offer.  I also hate masks because I can't hear well and the masks make people sound all muffled and incomprehensible to me.

And I do believe that the lockdowns do much more damage than the disease.  There were fewer than 2k Covid deaths last week.  Whether you believe that number or not, that is less than 24k US deaths / year.  in 2020, due to reduced driving, traffic deaths were DOWN TO around 40k and we didn't ban driving.

But I still don't understand all the vaccine hesitancy.  I really believe that if more people got the vaccine, the economy would improve, in spite of Biden and the Dems.

Or was all the work that Trump put into rapidly developing those vaccines wasted and useless?
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Number7 on July 19, 2021, 05:53:55 AM
How is it that the senile imposter, the fake president, pedo jo regime can know which house to show up and demand vaccination without violating patient privacy?

And by the way, what did ever happen to 'My Body, My Choice'???
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Username on July 19, 2021, 05:57:31 AM
How is it that the senile imposter, the fake president, pedo jo regime can know which house to show up and demand vaccination without violating patient privacy?

And by the way, what did ever happen to 'My Body, My Choice'???
It's very easy.  An abortion doesn't harm any other human being.  Oh wait.... it does!
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Rush on July 19, 2021, 06:24:41 AM

And I do believe that the lockdowns do much more damage than the disease.  There were fewer than 2k Covid deaths last week.  Whether you believe that number or not, that is less than 24k US deaths / year.  in 2020, due to reduced driving, traffic deaths were DOWN TO around 40k and we didn't ban driving.

But I still don't understand all the vaccine hesitancy.  I really believe that if more people got the vaccine, the economy would improve, in spite of Biden and the Dems.

Or was all the work that Trump put into rapidly developing those vaccines wasted and useless?

It is a FACT the lockdowns do much more damage than the disease. I’m sorry if it offends anyone but the disease mostly kills people that already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The only economic damage done by the disease is depriving nursing homes of a couple more months of income.

The lockdowns devastate young people and middle aged people trying to save for retirement, by killing jobs and businesses, damaging their social lives, damaging their health by putting off “elective” procedures, causing massive inflation and devaluation of everyone’s money, drug deaths, suicides and, overseas, massive starvation.

You’re wrong about the economy improving if everyone got the vaccine because you are assuming the social distancing will end. There is no evidence that will happen and many signals it will not. We are being told that the vaccines don’t work against new variants, and that we will need boosters in coming years, and that even if we get natural immunity by getting the disease we still need the vaccine and that we must still wear masks even if we are vaccinated. So what’s changed?

They have discovered lockdowns as a tool of social control, a way to prevent “right to assemble” and coincidentally it works well against the very people they want to oppress (the middle and working classes) while they don’t seem to enforce it against Marxist rioters, and the ruling class just ignore the rules.

Even if there is no directive from TPTB, people have now been conditioned into fear and have become agoraphobic. I have a coworker who is refusing to return to the office even though everyone including him is vaccinated and they are putting up those horrid clear barriers between office cubicles and going on a 50% capacity rotating plan. The news media hammers constantly on the continuing danger, and I see no end in sight.

Even if we were all 100% vaccinated they’ll move the goal post again. We’ll need a booster, or we’ll need a new version against a new variant. They’re going to keep this up forever. Freedom is gone, stick a fork in us, we’re done.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist on July 19, 2021, 06:25:12 AM
How is it that the senile imposter, the fake president, pedo jo regime can know which house to show up and demand vaccination without violating patient privacy?

And by the way, what did ever happen to 'My Body, My Choice' ???
Not sure HIPPA applies to the Government.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Rush on July 19, 2021, 06:31:29 AM
Not sure HIPPA applies to the Government.

It doesn’t. If you read the privacy crap your doctor makes you sign you can see the many loopholes. We know that the state records your name when you get the vaccine and we know the CDC is demanding the states share that data with them. There’s some conflict when state privacy law makes them strip identifying data but I’m sure the CDC is pushing to override that on some “emergency” basis. I’m wondering if the same will enable the boots on the ground to have that info in hand when they ring your doorbell.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: nddons on July 19, 2021, 10:56:58 AM
It is a FACT the lockdowns do much more damage than the disease. I’m sorry if it offends anyone but the disease mostly kills people that already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The only economic damage done by the disease is depriving nursing homes of a couple more months of income.

The lockdowns devastate young people and middle aged people trying to save for retirement, by killing jobs and businesses, damaging their social lives, damaging their health by putting off “elective” procedures, causing massive inflation and devaluation of everyone’s money, drug deaths, suicides and, overseas, massive starvation.

You’re wrong about the economy improving if everyone got the vaccine because you are assuming the social distancing will end. There is no evidence that will happen and many signals it will not. We are being told that the vaccines don’t work against new variants, and that we will need boosters in coming years, and that even if we get natural immunity by getting the disease we still need the vaccine and that we must still wear masks even if we are vaccinated. So what’s changed?

They have discovered lockdowns as a tool of social control, a way to prevent “right to assemble” and coincidentally it works well against the very people they want to oppress (the middle and working classes) while they don’t seem to enforce it against Marxist rioters, and the ruling class just ignore the rules.

Even if there is no directive from TPTB, people have now been conditioned into fear and have become agoraphobic. I have a coworker who is refusing to return to the office even though everyone including him is vaccinated and they are putting up those horrid clear barriers between office cubicles and going on a 50% capacity rotating plan. The news media hammers constantly on the continuing danger, and I see no end in sight.

Even if we were all 100% vaccinated they’ll move the goal post again. We’ll need a booster, or we’ll need a new version against a new variant. They’re going to keep this up forever. Freedom is gone, stick a fork in us, we’re done.
You are spot on.  Fear works.

Most of us had drills to sit in the hallway or under our school desks in the event of global thermonuclear war. Yet we went on with life.

Yet OUR children’s generation, and their children, stop living because they might get sick with the flu.

What the fuck happened to us? 
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Lucifer on July 19, 2021, 10:59:14 AM

What the fuck happened to us?

Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Number7 on July 19, 2021, 11:58:52 AM
You are spot on.  Fear works.

Most of us had drills to sit in the hallway or under our school desks in the event of global thermonuclear war. Yet we went on with life.

Yet OUR children’s generation, and their children, stop living because they might get sick with the flu.

What the fuck happened to us?

They started to hold those drills when I was in grade school.

One day I got fed up with it and refused to crawl under my desk and hide my head between my knees.

The teacher lost her mind but I held my ground and kept repeating that IF a nuclear bomb hit us the desk wasn't going to be any help whatsoever.

Eventually she gave up.

It was too stupid for words.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Rush on July 19, 2021, 12:59:46 PM
They started to hold those drills when I was in grade school.

One day I got fed up with it and refused to crawl under my desk and hide my head between my knees.

The teacher lost her mind but I held my ground and kept repeating that IF a nuclear bomb hit us the desk wasn't going to be any help whatsoever.

Eventually she gave up.

It was too stupid for words.

Keep in mind 50% of the population has IQs less than 100.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: nddons on July 19, 2021, 01:01:58 PM
Typical Victor Davis Hanson. Outstanding.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: bflynn on July 19, 2021, 01:21:15 PM
An opinion piece in the local newspaper claims that lack of total approval of vaccines creates hesitancy.

I disagree.  The government's single minded lies since the vaccines became available have created a massive credibility issue.  If they didn't know, they should have just said "we don't know".  Instead, they operated out of fear and created resentment for making us suffer through isolation because of their ignorance. 

Want to ban people for misinformation?  Start with Fauci.  Then the former surgeon general, whatever his name is.  Then every Democrat who refused to consider that it might actually have been a lab accident in Wuhan that started all this.

The vaccine?  Get it.  Or don't get it, I don't really care.  They either work or they don't.  If they work, then unvaccinated people can be excused from taking part in any prevention measures.  If they don't work, then nobody should be getting them. 

This has become a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  90+% of the new cases are from vaccinated people and almost all the others are detection cases with minor symptoms at most.  To my knowledge, nobody who has gotten vaccinated went to the hospital for covid. 

My take is they work.  Call your shot.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: Little Joe on July 19, 2021, 01:39:06 PM

Want to ban people for misinformation? 
They don't want to ban people for MISinformation.
They want to ban people for non-conforming information.
Title: Re: Vax "hesitancy"
Post by: texasag93 on July 19, 2021, 07:39:23 PM
They don't want to ban people for MISinformation.
They want to ban people for non-conforming information.

They want to ban and cancel people... and are making shit up to do it.