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Messages - bflynn

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I would say that you both need to cool it and try to seek to understand the other person rather than convince them of why they're wrong.

I view fanaticism as the key problem of our country right now.  You are part of it.

Spin Zone / Re: Disney is Anti-Semitic!
« on: July 08, 2016, 02:48:43 PM »
You're not the target audience for the anti-semetic imagery however.  Trump is courting that segment of the population.

I am an on-the-fence, middle moderate with a slight right lean in a battleground state.  I am exactly the target audience.

I think the only people who would call this image racist 1) are racist themselves or 2) dislike the message and are attempting to detour it with a racism charge, thus cheapening real racism.

Spin Zone / Re: oh the poor poor snowflakes
« on: July 08, 2016, 02:43:42 PM »
Idiot or not, you can expect people like her to be empowered if Hillary wins.  Her position will become the norm.

Spin Zone / Re: Disney is Anti-Semitic!
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:14:17 AM »
Except for the source of the entire graphic being a rather anti-semetic corner of the alt-right movement.

Ok, but I never knew where the image came from.  So all I see is a bunch of money connected to Clinton's scandals and a starburst with a message.  I think that's what most people see unless they're carrying around a chip and looking for racism.

Meanwhile the message of the image rings true with me - Hillary is perhaps the most corrupt person I have ever seen in politics.  Attempted distractions about racism say more about the people leveling the charges than the anonymous group that built the image.

Spin Zone / Re: President Obama and Islam
« on: July 07, 2016, 01:24:25 PM »
Even if the guy was a Muslim (which he isn't), what's the damn difference?  A Muslim has just as much right to be POTUS as a Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, Jew, Hindu or Jain.

We are not at war with radical fundamentalist Catholics, radical fundamentalist Mormons, radical fundamentalist Protestants, radical fundamentalist Jews, radical fundamentalist Hindus or radical fundamentalist Jain.  His personal bias compromises the security of the United States.  I find that abhorrent but as a law abiding citizen, I'm forced to endure it  because there is no legal path to removing him from office.  But my patience is pretty thin.

Spin Zone / Re: The "Do" and "Not Do" about racism
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:04:48 PM »
Piggybacking here - did you guys hear about the 32 young black men killied on Monday in Illinois?  It wasn't ISIS or terrorism or cops shooting suspects. It was just young black men shooting other young black men on Independence Day. 

Where is the outrage?  The protests?  The hand wringing?  Nobody did this but the people involved.

Very disappointing.  He touted himself as a true conservative, and turned out to be Obama's bitch.

I tend to think that Ryan is not so much Obama's bitch as he is in an impossible position.  He had to try to ride herd on a large group of fanatics who don't all agree on what they're fanatics about.  None of them want to compromise, all of them look for reasons to disagree and nobody knows the art of compromising.  At the core, that is why Congress is deadlocked.  It isn't Republicans, it isn't Democrats, it isn't liberals, conservative or progressives, it's all of them. 

The solution is get all the fanatics out of Congress, including the one you agree with.

True, but not the entire story.  There are limits on successful application of this idea.  The limitations are not as great as they were 20 years ago, but they are still there; denial doesn't make them go away.

What limits?  You keep suggesting that somehow high school limits children of black (and BTW brown) color, but not white or yellow color skin.  But you can't talk about it.

You run in here, drop a load of crap on the floor and the strut around talking about how hurt you are.  Sorry, I don't buy it.  In the past 30 years I have never heard a black person say that they went to school, paid attention, studied hard, graduated and then say that they can't find a job because all the businesses are racist.  Why?  It doesn't happen.

I'm for us not hearing more complaints and start hearing recommendations for solutions.

Poverty and income differences between black families and white families?  How about comparing that to HS and college graduations?  More white people attend and graduate HS and college, so you would expect college graduates to make more money.

WHY do more white people graduate HS and college? Now you're getting somewhere.  DC is one of the worst where 86% of white students graduate high school but only 58% of black students do.  Are DC schools institutionally racist or are black students dropping out of school?  Where does the fault lie?

I also think that when white people experience racism, we write it off.  Black people write it down.  Yes, I live in the south and when I'm out I experience racism pretty much daily in some form.

But I don't really care.  My family has only been here about 100 years and we've dealt with our own racism.  Nobody would hire my great-grandfather, the Mick, so he opened his own business, a bar and worked his way up.  My grandfather worked that bar his whole life and pretty much went from working there to dying in the hospital from cancer.  My grandmother was from polish mine workers, slaves to the company store - it's not just a song, it's family history.  I was only the third fourth in my family to go to college and the first to go to graduate school. 

How did we do it - work.  It's four letter word.

Spin Zone / Re: Poll Analysis
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:39:12 AM »
Any presidential poll which does not do a state by state breakdown of the electoral vote is pretty much useless.  It doesn't matter how much Hillary wins New York and New Jersey by, she doesn't get any more electoral votes.

Right now the polling isn't there for a state by state comparison.  The "best guess" by the left leaning organizations tend to favor Hillary by ~150 votes, but in some cases they're basing that on "well last time that state was blue".

Spin Zone / Re: Change of Pace - BrExit...what do you think
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:59:06 AM »
There's going to be some chaos for a little while because no one understands all the impacts of this.  Uncertainty lowers value.  But in the long run, the mini panic going on is going to be much ado about nothing.

Great time for a vacation to the UK.

This is just downright scary. Suspension of civil rights for 5 years based on "suspicion" and the subject has to show "good behavior" during that time? Last time I checked, being required to maintain good behavior for a period of time was called "probation" or "parole" and comes after a criminal conviction and is part of the sentencing. He's trying to skip that entire process. This will be abused and soon enough conservatives will be on that list.

This man needs to be recalled and/or impeached.

Isn't this what we call the Patriot Act?  Maybe the answer is to admit that we were wrong to EVER do away with due process and to cancel the Patriot Act.  Of course then we'd have to admit that we acted stupidly out of fear and we've been too cowardly to admit it.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary on Quarterly Capitalism
« on: June 04, 2016, 01:38:52 PM »
It's a bogus question. 

There's no such thing as a very good return 5 years out and asking the question as if there were is deceitful.  The uncertainty 5 years out is known by every business manager and is part of the CEO's calculations.  You don't know what's going to happen in 5 years, so the question being answered is really "would you sacrifice all of your returns today for the possibility of great returns in 5 years".  The answer is going to be no every time.

When I hear things like this I wonder if they're stupid or purposefully leading people astray.

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: June 02, 2016, 07:46:18 AM »
I would define myself as a knowledgable person.  I educated myself both because of meeting good people and later because Charlotte pushed an agenda to which the NC legislature reacted.

Not aware that I'm "making up definitions", although there are so many that I will agree it's possible I may have used an incorrect word in the past.  Are you arguing semantics of something that you yourself didn't know about when this thread started?

As I understand it, and no one has proven me wrong yet, most jurisdictions never had laws about which gender/sex/genitalia/chromosomes/etc, could use which restrooms.  This whole predator thing being something new based on Charlotte's misguided actions is bunk.

You are incorrect, this did not start with Charlotte.  It started in other places, such as Toronto and Washington state, both of which have or are trying to walk back their laws because of problems what resulted from them.  Did you even bother to look or did you just decide for yourself that there's no problem?

This is a rare case where we don't have to guess.  Several states have already tried this out and we (at least I) know what happens.  Perverted men use the law to gain access to women's bathrooms.  There are more than 25 reported police cases of it and who knows how many unreported.  Breaking down the bathroom barrier puts the predator in a situation where they are one on one with their victims and we are down to some remaining traces of a moral constraint to protect women. 

In North Carolina, if a man enters a women's bathroom, then he is in the wrong.  No question, it's a black and white thing.  I'm comfortable with that.  If someone is in NC and is not comfortable, I-85, I-77 and I-95 run north and south and I-40 runs west.  Pick one. 

You've got some horrible prejudices in here that I'm going to challenge because I see these preconceived notions about people as why you and they give up.

The things that got them trapped in the ghetto in the first place are forces beyond their control

The thing that has them trapped is their own mind.  There is not a single person that could not walk out of that ghetto today and get help to move up to something better.  There are job assistance programs out there that will help you move up, assuming you blew your first chance in primary school.

But that's the issue, I'm defining "better" in a way they don't.  To them, better is Obama paying their mortgage and free cell phones and that just isn't sustainable.  Who perpetuates the idea that living off freebies from others forever is even categorized as good?

They are not trapped, they are making a choice to take free stuff because we continue to make the free stuff available to them. 

...most damaging factor in all this mess, sending most of the males to prison before they have any chance at becoming a decent MAN.

"Most" males don't go to prison before they become decent men, the number is high at 35% and that includes the entire lifetime of adult males.  They go to prison BECAUSE they fail to become decent men and BECAUSE they break laws.

Assuming there IS a job out there for you, if it's not a fun job,

Where do you have the idea that a job should be fun?  Work is a four letter word and you don't get paid to do what you want to do, you get paid to do what needs to be done.  A job doesn't have to be fun, some of them really suck. 

And there ARE jobs out there.  There are job training programs out there for anyone who wants it.  The trouble I see is that government has made being idle tolerable or even comfortable.  It should never be a tolerable choice, it should be uncomfortable in order to very strongly encourage everyone to work and to gain the self respect of self sufficiency.

Being a famous musician or actor has got to be one of the most high pressure jobs possible

Sorry, but "famous musician" doesn't make anybody's list of most high pressure jobs.  Firefighter, police, military, pilot, LEO, teacher, corporate executive, heck even taxi drivers have more stressful jobs. 

If you have a job that is very meaningful and rewarding, you're less likely to do drugs but if you get your engineering degree and can't find a job other than flipping burgers, and someone enables you by paying your rent and groceries, you escape worrying about your dismal career prospects by doing drugs. 

There are a lot of people with engineering degrees doing drugs rather than flipping burgers?  Here,, 300,000 engineering job in the United States.  If you want to complain that the standards are too high, then complain to businesses, I have the same complaint.  But the jobs are there and it's a matter of marketing yourself correctly to get them.

If you don't like that, then there ARE jobs flipping burgers.  Or driving the garbage truck.  Or even sweeping up the barbershop floor.  Every single person has the ability to contribute something and if they choose not to because they'd rather hang out then I really don't have sympathy for them.

There are lots of places that I place the blame, but one is social promotion in schools.  If a kid hasn't learned what they need to know then passing them to the next grade tells them that knowledge is irrelevant when the exact opposite is true.  I don't care if you get 18 year olds in the 4th grade because they can't master the material.  Set the standard and require that people meet it to advance.  That's the best lesson they can learn in school, achievement matters.

Then take away the free stuff, there is nothing more disrespectful than to suggest to someone that they're worthless and cannot do anything.  Everyone contributes.

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