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Messages - bflynn

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Spin Zone / Re: "The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump"
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:55:25 AM »
I was kind of wondering how many people would reject his concerns because of where they were published.  ;)

I think it's more that I reject the premise of the question.  Acceptance of Donald Trump is not dangerous.

I'm still not voting for him for conscience reasons, but those who opposed him before and accept him now are not doing a dangerous thing.

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 27, 2016, 05:59:37 AM »
Goes beyond that.  When I am looking to hire, I usually take a little time and research backgrounds, schools included.  Stories like this about the school reflect negatively upon graduates of that school.  I'd rather see (and have seen) a NCAA investigation that basketball players are getting "improper" tutoring because then at least I know the school cares to teach students. 

So, thanks to certain activist, there are a number of schools that I just flat out will not hire from because the school is rotten.  Think about this if you have someone headed off to college...

Spin Zone / Re: Primed To Fight The Government
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:33:43 PM »
So the government is afraid of the militia...

I'd say the 2nd Amendment is working perfectly.

Spin Zone / Re: Gun control
« on: May 21, 2016, 05:04:51 PM »
This is the only kind of gun control we need:

Spin Zone / Re: Whole Foods Accuser Drops Lawsuit Over Cake
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:13:46 PM »
Yes.  I noticed that he very carefully avoided saying that he lied. 

Over and over again I see fanatics on the left try to create issues.  They so desperately want to "catch" the right doing something like this and it's always a fraud. 

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:22:08 AM »
You are correct.  I wonder if Kristin was also so knowledgeable about the history.

Me too.  I was saving the trouble of having to go out and dig out the history of why HB2 is actually better than what it was fixing.

Spin Zone / Re: Study: Fear Makes White Americans more Conservative
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:19:11 AM »
I'll take my share of the credit for making many of you Conservative. You're welcome.

"Two researchers from the Department of Psychology and Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University demonstrated that the more white Americans know about the changing demographics of the United States, the more likely they are to endorse conservative policy positions"

Let see...

Under the current political environment, there is a large prejudice against white people and a big tendency to ignore the rules.  Why on earth would white people fear becoming a minority?

But a better question would be - why should anyone fear being a minority in a real Republic? 

Spin Zone / Re: Whoops! DOJ Just Destroyed Women's Sports
« on: May 16, 2016, 07:29:26 PM »
Please tell me you understand why North Carolina passed the law otherwise more than 15 minutes of study is required.

It was a reaction to a very poorly worded Charlotte town ordinance which permitted anyone to legally use any bathroom they wanted based on which gender they choose to claim.  I can't find the ordinance exact wording right now, but it essentially said that your gender was based on your self identification.  A police officer responding to a complaint about a man in the women's restroom or locker room would be powerless to order him to leave.  That was true even if the man was dressed as a man but said he "felt" like a woman that day.

I think the NC Legislature overreacted to the ordinance.  They needed something but they probably went too far.  I don't think it is difficult to see why they wound up where they did and I hear more than a little support from around the state.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:45:21 PM »
Well I guess it all depends on how the photo is interpreted.

Well, the statement I made is true regardless of how the picture is interpreted.  However the raised fist is a racist symbol for black power.  I cannot interpret it in any way except as a racist political statement because it has never been used in any other way.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:33:08 PM »
Well...let's recap.

He's flipped on min wage, he's now in bed with insiders like McConnell, Boehner, now Rove is in his camp.  Yep, good thing that all the Trumpkins disavowed the "establishment" that Trump help build and pay for!

I keep telling everyone that you're not understanding him.  He is a deal maker.  From his own mouth, you're not going to believe the deals he makes.  Nothing that he says can be taken at face value, it is ALL on the table for trade.  He will trade one policy off in order to get another policy implemented.

Whatever pet project of yours you think he is favor of, try again.  He is in favor of having your support so that you make an issue more valuable on the trading block and that allows him to make more deals.

Spin Zone / Re: Downballot feeling the effect
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:25:16 PM »
Those that are in danger of losing their congressional or senate seat deserve to lose because they are incompetent or inept.  If they can't retain office on their own merits why should they depend on a presidential nominee to do it for them?

That's a nice fantasy but the reality is that a de-energized electorate does not go to the polls.  Very few people are excited about voting for Donald.  Slightly more are excited about voting for Hillary.  That's her and the Democrat's edge.

I will be voting because I view it as a duty.  But I can only say that I will not vote for Donald.  I don't think I'll vote for Hillary anyway.

Remember - the key phrase is "Madame President" and you did it by making Donald the candidate.  Congratulations. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Went Wrong for the Cruz Campaign
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:59:44 AM »
I think what went wrong for Cruz was the media.  They wanted a Trump / Hillary matchup because it was the one which is most suited to having Hillary as president.  So the media has been very nice and very accommodating to Donald up to now.  They're not going to pivot immediately, but consider that yesterday he was the darling bad boy trying to get the nomination and now he has pretty much secured it and become their enemy.  The nice phase is over.

Spin Zone / Re: A Different Approach
« on: April 26, 2016, 06:37:55 AM »
There is a meme going around showing a lady, Sarina, and a muscular man.  Apparently both had sex change operations in the past. The meme alleges that according to the new NC law the man would have to use the ladies room and the lady would have to use the men's room.  A FB friend of mine shared it so I immediately called him out on it and quoted the NC Law showing that their birth certificates would now show their new genders.  He and his friends didn't like that and immediately changed the subject and went on the attack.  I went to his wall this morning to try and find the meme and it would appear that he deleted the posts.

Do tell.

The awkward part isn't the people who pass for the opposite sex.  They will go into the bathroom, do their business and nobody will be the wiser.

There are three places that we run into trouble -
1) Transgender / crossdressers that don't pass.  These people stand out no matter what bathroom they use because THEY STAND OUT. 
2) No matter what your gender, you have no business exposing yourself in a place with a minor of the biologically opposite sex can see it.  That's illegal today but there are people who do it.
3) Perverts who want to use crossdressing as way to gain access to bathrooms of the opposite sex for a thrill.  In all the stories I've found of them, these are primarily men.

Ok, so let's address that.
1) no rules by anyone on public bathroom use.  Bathrooms exist for the purpose of public sanitation and let's not complicate it beyond that.
2) If you are transgender then you bear a heightened responsibility not to expose your genitalia to a minor of the other sex.  That's the law today and if you break it then you are guilty of corruption of a minor and you may wind up being forced to register as a sex offender the same way the flasher in the trench coat would.  Sorry, but heap it on the pile of burdens you have to bear.
3) Bathrooms exist for the purposes of public sanitation.  If you are caught using a public bathroom for sexual gratification then it is 1) A class ? misdemeanor for all parties if it is consensual or 2) a class ? felony if it involves an involuntary participant or a minor and you must register as a sex offender. 

Bathroom functions are private and for sanitation and as long as you keep it in that realm then we can all get along.

Probably makes way too much sense. 

Not me.  I raise the seat so I won't pee on it.  But occasionally, I forget to put it down.  As it turns out, I believe women would rather have me pee on the seat than to leave it up.  They seem to be incapable of realizing the seat is up and they sit down and fall in.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

I put both seats down.  If they can't figure that one out, they have a different problem.

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