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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 157
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: June 01, 2024, 07:08:56 AM »
It wouldn't help.  You just make shit up anyway.

How do you go from here:to here:
Why on earth would you think I thought it was a fair trial in an unbiased venue with an unbiased judge?  If you make that kind of leap then there is no amount of explaining I can do to help.

You're purposely vague, obtuse and make statements that lead to these speculative conclusions. It doesn't happen with anyone else here nor on other websites. Why is that?

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 30, 2024, 08:53:32 PM »
Zelensky declared martial law the morning after Russia invaded this last time. Ukraine's parliament has been voting to extend it every 90 days or it lapses. The last vote to extend Ukrainian martial law for another 90 days was on May 8.

Petro Poroshenko was president of Ukraine before Zelensky and he had declared Ukrainian martial law in 2018 for 30 days after Russia fired upon and seized three Ukrainian naval vessels and their crews.

Russian aggression was the common element in those declarations, not the person who was president at the time and definitely not Blinken.
Got it, so Zelensky was the one that initially declared and you believe Blinken is not pulling the strings over there.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:55:50 PM »
It has nothing to do with bases. You are using anything and everything to avoid the truth, jim.

DEMOCRATS need to stop running wars to keep their donors in the MIC flush with cash from our pockets.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:11:00 AM »
The high information voters are seeing through the show trials and persecutions.    Also, blacks, Latinos and other minority voters who the democrats have kept on the plantation are seeing this for what it really is.

The DNC (Democrat National Communist) are driving voters to Trump.  I hope they keep it up.
This is exactly what I'm seeing.  Blacks and Latinos who have been unfairly treated by the justice system are watching the same kind of perverted justice system that affects them.  And they are sympathetic to President Trump's fight against it.

Spin Zone / Re: Draining the Swamp
« on: May 26, 2024, 06:13:28 AM »
I respect that he had the intention to drain the swamp.  He had no idea how difficult that would be.  It's nearly impossible to fire federal / state employees.  And they know how to fight back.  All else being equal, and with no artificial pandemic panic, he may have been able to carve away at the deep state swamp.  He just never had a good shot at it.  I think that next time he'll be more prepared, be more knowledgeable, and will have a better team of advisors than last time.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 23, 2024, 05:51:27 PM »
But still, a complete Russian victory over there will be far worse than us supporting Ukraine.


Spin Zone / Re: Hell Gained A Deserving Resident This Weekend
« on: May 21, 2024, 03:56:34 AM »
John Kerry will be there at some point to tell you that climate change is the reason Hell is so hot.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 19, 2024, 06:15:27 AM »
In the tiny, little minds of leftists, anything that doesn’t worship whatever bullshit their masters tell them they are all for, today, is racist.
The "You're a racist!" thing has been so overused that people are now saying "Yeah, so what?"  No longer is it a weapon that causes instant capitulation.  A word that was once useful in describing unacceptable behavior is now meaningless.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:41:55 AM »
And a lot of the snowflakes think the “right wing” stuff is allowed

A moderate Democrat, a left leaning centrist, or what was a liberal just a few years ago, are all now “far right”.

Spin Zone / Re: The Setup.....
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:42:10 AM »
Obama is an evil fuck.   Everything about him is sleazy and indicative of his nefarious intentions.

His partner Big Mike is just as corrupt.   

But white liberals and leftist just couldn't get enough of President Teleprompter.   Even while he was fucking them over, they loved it and wanted more.

Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.

Valerie Jarrett still lives with them in is hugely influential. The Iranians are running her.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 15, 2024, 05:42:06 PM »
The resident Marxists didn’t like that I suppose

That's exactly the issue Eppy.

Remember, Pilot Spin was created to be POAs off the books Spin Zone. How'd that work out?

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 15, 2024, 01:53:52 PM »
The resident Marxists didn’t like that I suppose

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:49:41 PM »
liberal talking points with no basis in reality. 

which is redundant

Spin Zone / Re: Tulsi - I’m sold!
« on: May 07, 2024, 12:35:56 PM »
I've always liked Tulsi, but I hate what they are doing to Kristi.
And I'm not ready to give up on her yet just because a bunch of Karen's got their panties it a twist.
“They” aren’t doing anything to Noam. She’s self-immolating. And it’s not just the book.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 03, 2024, 08:53:01 AM »
I highly recommend everyone to prepare contingency plans for this fall.   If you liked the first 4 years of the Biden Regime, just wait to see what's in store for us if the communist manage to steal another election.    We will see the greatest transfer of wealth in history take place just to start, and then watch the constitution evaporate.

Don't you mean the greatest theft of wealth?

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