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Messages - Steingar

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Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: September 23, 2021, 07:24:28 AM »
Curious, how do you justify the 15,000 deaths so far attributed to the so called vaccine?

I've asked you like 4 times to document this.  All I get for my efforts are insults.  I have an antivaxxer student, I asked him the same question.  All I got was dubious anecdotes.

I "justify" the deaths as unfortunate occurrences that occurred around the time of vaccination.  Given the millions have been vaccinated, it stands to reason that some fraction was already on the way to some sort of adverse outcome.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: May 20, 2021, 08:00:11 AM »

First week February I developed a sore throat, at the top of the throat at the back of the mouth, but over time if moved lower, and over time made swallowing very difficult and painful. Covid tests were negative, a strong course of anti-biotics had no effect. My Dr suspected it to be viral, and likely Covid even though the tests were negative.

After much discussion with Dr friends  and knowing that some got relief from Covid symptoms, I opted to get the Pfizer shots, the first was on 4/10. Within 24hrs of the 1st shot, the sore throat that had painfully persisted for two months was but a dull hinderance. By 48hrs after the shot, all symptoms were gone and have not returned.

Coincidence? Covid long haul symptoms? Who the hell knows...

Complete coincidence.  Your illness was caused by a virus other than COVID, and you got the shot about the time you body got the upper hand.  A full fledged immune response doesn't occur in most folks until a couple weeks after the shot.  Certainly not 24 hours.  It is possible that the adjuvant in the vaccination got your immune system into a higher gear, though.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: May 18, 2021, 08:22:34 AM »
Not “vaccine hesitancy,” but refusal to participate in the largest drug trial in the history of the world. No long-term studies, so no knowledge of long-term effects.

Given that there is no agent to cause long term effects (mRNAs are labile, and the gene therapy vectors don't stick around) the potential for any long term effects is minimal.  Moreover the vaccines have been in use for about a year now (since the first clinical trials) and no long term adverse effects have been reported.  In the mean time COVID has a 1% mortality and a 30-40% morbidity, causing all sorts of very long lasting adverse effects.

Not anti-science, but zero trust in those whose politics and profits hide their motives behind the science.

Otherwise known as antiscience.

The governments, the pharmaceutical companies, the mercurial “guidance” from CDC and NIH and WHO (now the unvaccinated must wear masks to protect the vaccinated), the myriad “we don’t know” answers from doctors, the refusal of those in power to bring to justice perpetrators of all manner of crimes against humanity, including massive election fraud and release of a virus to cripple the world ... these and more all richly have earned our distrust.

Elected officials have done the best they can with limited information and expertise.  As far as where the virus came from, I can't entirely disagree.  The possibility that it is an accidental lab release has not been investigated to the satisfaction of many. Indeed there was a letter in the latest edition of Science decrying just this. Sadly, the fact that the virus came from an authoritative state with little appetite for self-examination suggests that a full accounting may never be revealed.

If they can admit to not knowing, refuse to investigate and prosecute, and have to bludgeon, threaten and cajole to get people to receive a vaccine that in an environment of trust we willingly would receive, then I can admit to not wanting to participate.

Who exactly would you prosecute?  The Chinese head of State?  Really? 

Vaccine hesitancy has become part of the fabric of our society.  I really don't care if you want to get sick and die.  I don' know you and I really don't care to do so.  I just feel sorry for all the others you contaminate.  Actually, to a degree I don't, since the ones you sicken had the opportunity to become vaccinated if they live in the US.  The ones I really feel sorry for are the rest of us, since your folly could easily blow back on the rest of us if the virus evolves sufficiently.  The more people it infects the more opportunity it has to do so.

Enjoy your puree.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: May 18, 2021, 06:26:09 AM »
A gain of function mutation is one that allows an organism to do something new.  For example, were I to add the gene encoding jellyfish green fluorescent protein to a mouse, something I can do quite easily, that mouse would glow green under UV light, something mice can't normally do.  Not only that, but all of the offspring that inherit the gene will glow green.  Thus the gene is dominant, only 1 copy is sufficient to make the mouse glow green.  There are dominant human diseases, like Huntington's and Achondroplasia, that only require 1 copy.  That is really different from a recessive, where both your alleles have to be affected in order to manifest the disease.  Cystic fibrosis, Tay Sacs and a number of other human genetic diseases fall under this paradigm.

A gain of function mutation in a virus can be an out and out disaster.  What I think everyone is afraid of is the the COVID virus will get a gain of function mutation that will allow it to overcome vaccine surveillance.  If any strain does so our current vaccines will be useless.

All of our vaccines are directed against the viral spike protein, which stick out of the virus and gives it its name (Corona, or crown).  The spike protein binds avidly to the ubiquitous human protein Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2).  None of the variants yet have mutations that change the spike protein to the point where it isn't recognized by vaccine induced antibodies. But vaccine hesitancy in the West means that there is a sizable reservoir of potential viral infections, and the more infections the more the virus will be able to evolve.  We're its ecosystem.  Moreover, we're going to get cases coming in from other nations where vaccination hasn't made effective inroads.  The probability of the virus mutating beyond vaccine surveillance is really low, but with sufficient infections low probability outcomes become near certainty.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: April 28, 2021, 07:26:48 AM »
Small pox was a virus that killed and hurt all kinds of people.  It was a horrible virus.  It is now gone because of vaccines.  Polio used to kill and maim thousands of children, now it is gone in most parts of the world because of vaccines.  Those who argue against vaccines are blithering idiots.

Spin Zone / Re: Court to take up case of Constitutional Carry.
« on: April 27, 2021, 08:20:07 AM »
The 2nd Amendment does state "
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
. To bear arms to to carry them with you.

Spin Zone / Re: Automatic Rifles? Really?
« on: March 25, 2021, 08:31:29 AM »
I heard this on the radio this morning.  I'm not sure who said it, but I'm sure it won't really surprise anyone here.

The closest mass killing with an auto that I can recall was that guy that used a bumps stock.
I assume he is thinking "AR15" is an Automatic Rifle.

Total BS.  Folks in America are shot with all kinds of firearms.  There is only one item of commonality that link nearly all of them.  The vast majority of firearm victims in the US are known to their assailants.  Half are suicides.  The incidents of malefactors shooting masses of people with assault rifles are outliers, most assault rifle owners are law-abiding citizens acting well within their rights.  Indeed most firearm owners are law-abiding citizens acting responsibly within their rights.  There are as many firearms in circulation in the US as there are people.  If America was how the media portrays us we'd be at war.

Spin Zone / Re: “I believe in science”
« on: December 21, 2020, 09:28:09 AM »
When “scientists” accept grants from politicians who have drawn pre-conceived or agenda-driven conclusions, anything can be manipulated. 

Only one man has been infallible; the rest of us, including scientists, priests, even pilots, are highly flawed human beings.

I work in a field where public trust means literally everything.  In fact “public” is in the name of my profession of “Public Accounting.”  Still, bad actors exist. Think Enron and Arthur Andersen. 28,000 Andersen partners and employees lost their jobs.

If only the DOJ held scientists to the same standards as CPAs.

Scientists accept grants from government agencies and charitable foundations.  All of these use groups of scientist to peer evaluate grants to determine which get funded.  Have any of you served on any of these?  I have.  There are no top-down political directives, only the rules of the granters that are understood by the grantees beforehand.  The emphasis has always been on funding the best science.

Spin Zone / Re: “I believe in science”
« on: December 18, 2020, 10:20:06 AM »
The only thing with which you have to have faith in regards to scientific advancement is that the folks doing it report their work honestly.  That's an easy thing to believe, since the consequences for doing otherwise are dire.

I imagine most of you believe in talking snakes and invisible men in the sky.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 03, 2020, 01:47:21 PM »
Multiple witnesses who've offered sworn affidavits are being harassed and threatened.  The number is growing daily.   Even last night at the MI hearing the democrat legislator, after hearing a long testimony of a witness immediately began harassing her, in which the chairman had to shut her down.  Despicable.

 Media outlets are censoring individuals as we type.  Big Tech has cancelled witness accounts and taken down their content.  MSM is refusing to carry any media in which evidence is being presented.

I asked a simple question. Who's been indicted, and who's in jail. 

Most of those alleging malfeasance do so anonymously, or won't come forward to support their allegations.  Most of the allegations that have bene substantiated are simply misunderstandings.  Like I said, Barr, with the weight of the Justice department and the FBI behind him, couldn't find any reasonable election fraud.  Barr, who set  out to find it because that's what his boss told him to do.

I doubt you'll even stop alleging this, no matter how many claims are debunked, no matter how many people fail to come up with any evidence.  I think the only way you'd stop believing it is if Trump himself denied it, and he won't.  But good news, he plans to run again in 2024.  Should be fun.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: December 03, 2020, 12:37:50 PM »
But that's not what the majority of Democrats were saying/doing.I agree 100% with all of that.But the fact that his suits have been shot down or tossed out doesn't mean they aren't true.

What it means is they lacked evidence.  That is, their basis wasn't factual.  Trump has no facts at all behind him.

The fact that the votes are being certified doesn't mean there wasn't fraud. 

No, but there is no evidence for said fraud. There are no facts supporting it, at least, not enough to sway even a single judge.  Not one.

The fact that the media purposely ignores reports of truck loads of ballots being "found" after the deadline and they are allowed to be counted anyway doesn't make it right.  The fact that judges are making laws and legislators are ignoring laws isn't right, even if it is being allowed.

The fact that the media purposely ignores reports of truck loads of ballots being "found" after the deadline and they are allowed to be counted anyway doesn't make it right.

The media hasn't ignored any of this, they've debunked them.  Most of the claims of fraud turn out to be nothing of the sort.

The fact that judges are making laws and legislators are ignoring laws isn't right, even if it is being allowed.
The law judges things by fact.  Most of what Trump and his familiars have is innuendo.  Recall he was saying the exact same thing until he narrowly own the 2016 election.  Then all of sudden all his imagined slights mysteriously disappeared.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 03, 2020, 12:30:02 PM »
Can you please show us in the US Constitution where it refers to the popular vote with regards to Presidential elections?

You obviously don't read English so good.  What I said was that Trump won by a much narrower margin than Biden.  But no one tried to dispute his victory.

You are, once again, totally missing the point.  What denigrates our faith in free and fair elections is election fraud.   We the people of the United States choose our government, and when that process has been corrupted, we the people demand answers and want a fair and honest review.   That's what is being asked.

All your doing is empowering a guy who claims fraud EVERY time he looses.  He did it when he didn't get his Emmy, he did it when he lost his first primary, and he's doing it now.  But you can't seem to see that because you're blinded by the orange glow coming off his fool head.

De-legitimizing our government is allowing people to take office under dubious and suspected circumstances.

The only "dubious circumstances" is your guy lost, can't take it, and you aren't sufficiently clever to see the pattern.  There isn't one shred of evidence of the sort of fraud needed to change the outcome.  Even Trump's biggest stooge, Barr, couldn't find any.  Now that he's announced that little factoid publicly Trump will probably fire him.

But here you are wanting to give in to these foreign entities that have corrupted our election system.  It's people like yourself that is surrendering to them because they helped get your guy elected.
The only one who's engaged foreign entities to swing an elections Trump himself.  Maybe he tried it with the Russians, though I don't think so.  He definitely tried it with the Ukrainians, and I think he tried it with the Chinese too.

The American people again are wanting answers, and they are not wanting to be told by a party that is run by far left Marxist to "Get use to it your guy lost".

No, idiots are wanting answers because they live in a delusional alternate reality where their guy won despite the fact that he got fewer votes and fewer electors.

Just the mere fact that the Progressive Left is putting up such a fight to censor and silence anyone who speaks up against this tells us all where the real problems are.
Please give an example of how someone is trying to censor the idiots who think Trump won the election. Who's been threatened with legal action?  Who's in jail?

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: December 03, 2020, 12:09:35 PM »
What were you saying when the Dems kept saying "Russia, Russia, Russia" for years?
I was saying to let Muller has his say.  And during the whole thing I was saying that I didn't think Trump actually did anything wrong, at least not with intent.  What I did think he did was obstruction, but that's another matter.

All of Trump's lawsuits have been shot down.  The votes are being certified.  The game is up.  Biden is the next POTUS. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 03, 2020, 12:05:27 PM »
Biden won through 4 bubble states and the collective margin of victory in those 4 states was under 57,000.  We're not talking about millions of votes, we're talking about fewer than 15,000 votes in each state.  That is way closer than any recent election.
And if I'm not mistaken at least 3 of those states had Republican legislatures, Republican Secretaries of State, and equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans tallying the vote.  That's a lot of people (who you all deride as knuckledragging troglodytes) carrying out massive election fraud.  And unless they were conspiring with each other all these people were independently courting serious jail time if caught.  Biden won by more than Trump did in 2016 (remember, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote) and no one cried foul. 

What I really hate about this is it denigrates our faith in Democracy.  Democracy is the ONLY legitimacy our leaders have.  if we start questioning elections just because our guy didn't win we delegitimize our basis of government. 

And that's just what our adversaries want.  By buying into this garbage you're all helping old Vladimir Putin, who really does punch outside his weight.  Congratulations Comrade.  Fact is your guy lost.  Get used to it.

Spin Zone / Re: any bets on when this one gets locked?
« on: November 25, 2020, 10:40:13 AM »
I still think it hysterical that you guys regard a little scrap of cloth you put over your face as tyranny.  I wouldn't have guessed that in a hundred years.  You guys must never have seen the sign "no shirt, no shoes, no service".  Those are scraps of cloth too.  Tyranny!

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