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Messages - Old Crow

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: June 01, 2024, 06:54:02 AM »
  IF the democrat communist succeed in keeping the executive, and the UniParty holds both houses of congress this will get worse, way worse.   The UniParty has approved a new FBI HQ that will rival the size of the Pentagon, the executive requested and the house approved 80,000 new IRS agents, the executive has been arming and stockpiling ammunition for various federal agencies at unimaginable levels.   

  Right now the executive is in overload mode introducing more and more regulations for federal agencies giving them more power and the ability to circumvent the judicial.

  Want to add more?  We have 10 million plus invaders in our country, and the democrat communist are already talking about mass amnesty (free citizenship).  These 10 million plus will need jobs and housing.  Someone will have to pay for this.  The executive has already began proposing massive tax increases and the UniParty congress is happy to oblige.

  Another democrat communist strategy is unrealized gains tax.   This will bring in a national property tax.  It will also begin shrinking retirement savings for many.   This is all needed for the "wealth transfer" that the communist adore.  Remember BHO saying "we need to spread the wealth around"?  (ours, not his of course)

  Think the green new deal is really bad?   It will be on steriods if the communist remain in power.   Be ready for rolling blackouts to become common place, and power (electrical, fossil fuel) to be divided by "equity" (live in a very red area? Less power for you!)

  Think this is fear mongering?  Better start paying attention to what's going on behind the curtain.  Look at the damage already done.

The Patriot Act and all other anti-terrorist efforts were sold to us as protecting us against Islamo-terrorists from abroad.  Now, all of that is focused inward, on us, U.S. citizens, so-called "domestic terrorists" defined as MAGA, Trump supporters, or anyone disagreeing with the regime. ALL of us are subject to mass surveillance and data collection, so that as soon as you step out of line, they already have what they need to hang you, while their useful idiots go free.  They've declared half the country the enemy of "democracy" (they mean their own fascist asses.)

Spin Zone / Re: Where Does America Go From Here
« on: May 31, 2024, 06:14:36 AM »
... But you’re right, I’m not sure this country can recover from this. Now that the precedent has been set, no one will run for president or a high government office ever again who isn’t in with the Uniparty, for fear of literal prison under spurious made up charges. The weaponization of the “justice” system against anyone they don’t approve of is complete.

That's one of the long-term problems with the what the democrats have done.

Spin Zone / Re: Where Does America Go From Here
« on: May 31, 2024, 06:09:55 AM »
There is a way to fight back, but the republicans will have to grow a set of balls.

In the red states the AG's and the DA's should start looking at these leftist whackos and empaneling grand juries.  Hit them back with indictment after indictment.   The democrat communist have set the precedent, so go for it.

BHO and Bill & Hillary need to be brought up on charges. Go after all of the Bidens.   Go after Schiff, Swalwell, Raskin, AOC, Pelosi and several others.

Fight back.  Fight fire with fire.

Spin Zone / Re: Where Does America Go From Here
« on: May 31, 2024, 05:20:07 AM »
I’m not going to judge Jim unless I find out he voted for Biden.  But you’re right, I’m not sure this country can recover from this. Now that the precedent has been set, no one will run for president or a high government office ever again who isn’t in with the Uniparty, for fear of literal prison under spurious made up charges. The weaponization of the “justice” system against anyone they don’t approve of is complete.

  Big campaign donors are being cautious with donations due to the fact the regime will use their DoJ to go after anyone the regime disapproves.  This is all part of the plan, to scare away supporters using the power of government.

 The continued round up of J6 protestors is a show to the average citizen "you could be next", straight out of Stalin's Russia.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 31, 2024, 04:54:07 AM »
A bookkeeping entry they said was in error, a misdemeanor.  Raised to a felony because the prosecution said it was to further a campaign finance crime.  That is federal, that DC declined to prosecute, and that NY does not have jurisdiction.  With a judge who donates to the democrats.  Whose daughter has a business that does advertising for democrats who would benefit greatly from a conviction.  Where a lawyer from FJB's DOJ was recruited for the prosecution.

And now the sentencing will be four days before the Republican convention.

Nope... not political at all.

Spin Zone / Re: ATF raid in AR
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:49:46 AM »
The regime has decided to go after the guns, damn the constitution.

Here's a guy that got 10 years for legally building his own guns:

I have a feeling this is going to be a landmark case when the Supreme Court hears this. It shouldn't make it that far, but NY keeps forgetting that the right to bear arms does exist. The judge needs to be run off the bench and disbarred for denying him the right to put up a defense.

Spin Zone / Re: On Memorial Day
« on: May 27, 2024, 04:24:16 AM »
I have no plans except to double down on my intention to not vote for warmongering Democrats and RINOs.

Spin Zone / Re: Yep. Treason is the right word.
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:00:00 PM »
So the people that paid their college loans back on time like me and many others get to finance the deadbeats. The responsible American Citizen is screwed, yet again, by the Democrats.  I hate them and the UniParty.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 19, 2024, 08:05:46 AM »
It has been my observation that those screaming racist, bigot, homophobe are the most bigoted, racist,  intolerant people on earth.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:41:55 AM »
And a lot of the snowflakes think the “right wing” stuff is allowed

A moderate Democrat, a left leaning centrist, or what was a liberal just a few years ago, are all now “far right”.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:31:04 PM »
The resident Marxists didn’t like that I suppose

It’s funny how the fucking Marxist lefties can insult the rest of us any way thy wish, but cry like pussies the moment someone responds.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:54:13 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Weather In Florida
« on: May 14, 2024, 06:01:17 PM »
I flew east today. Weather enroute. Landed at RDU about 2 pm and it was a bumpy approach. Pilot had mentioned “low ceilings” and nobody had their window open so I was in a closed off box and couldn't see outside and had no idea where we were and so feared a missed approach the whole way until I felt a big “bump” and realized we had touched down. Yay, I get to live another day. First class roast chicken was good. I will NEVER fly in the back again. All they do in first class is treat you like a human.  Been raining cats and dogs here ever since. My Uber driver was named Mohammed. He was actually a righteous man, we had a good conversation about how to do right by your spouse.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:49:41 PM »
liberal talking points with no basis in reality. 

which is redundant

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 13, 2024, 07:22:19 AM »
The ignorance on display is astounding.   Nothing but liberal talking points.

Her parents need to go and get refunds on her education.

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