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Messages - Dweyant

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Spin Zone / Re: Boom
« on: January 31, 2017, 06:07:50 AM »
So, based on my facebook feed you would think Trump is shooting muslims in the streets.

Maybe I'm missing something, but from what I can tell (really hard to find a non-biased news source) all this EO does is pause (not ban) immigration from seven terrorist watch list countries for 90 days, something Obama did for a longer period of time.

What am I missing? 

I think the left-wing extremists are getting dangerously close to losing all relevance.  They seem to be going full nuclear with everything Trump does. 


Spin Zone / Re: Fake Fake News
« on: January 18, 2017, 10:26:19 AM »
That was hilarious!

Spin Zone / Re: Al Quieda thought we would fold
« on: December 01, 2016, 08:47:03 AM »
But not Bernie!


Pilot Zone / Re: Tango Flight - Teen High School RV-12 Build
« on: December 01, 2016, 08:15:27 AM »
Please take a moment to check out the KVUE segment on Tango Flight and GISD’s Aerospace Engineering program.

Also, AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association), one of the largest pilots associations in the world did an online and print story on the program. The first article they did via phone interviews, they are sending a reporter from Maryland tomorrow (Friday) to do a follow up story on what we are doing!

A lot of people are working really hard to give the kids what we believe is a truly unique opportunity in a high school setting. We have combined a college level Aerospace Engineering class, with the hands on experience of building a Van’s RV-12 airplane, and also getting the chance to work with local aviation businesses.

Our web site is It doesn’t have a lot of content yet, but it does have links to our facebook page that has lots of pictures of the kids building.

As you can imagine, this is not an inexpensive program to get started. Our two year fund raising goal is $160,000, we believe that is an obtainable amount, but we need the help of local businesses and individuals to make that happen.

If you would please consider making a donation to Tango Flight, we would greatly appreciate it.

Tango Flight is the non-profit organization that we created to raise funds and hold ownership of the airplane (something the district didn’t want to do). We are working on getting our 501(c)3 status, but until we have that our local EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Chapter #187 has agreed to work with us and act as our 501(c)3.

There are a couple ways that you can make a donation if you would like.

Good - - We can accept credit cards, but they take a 5% cut, plus a 2.9% credit card fee. Donations via this web site are NOT Tax Deductible

Better – – Scroll down to the TangoFlight Paypal link. Paypal is only taking a 2.2% credit card processing fee since we are a non-profit (Tax Deductible)

Please feel free e-mail me with any questions that you might have. If you would like to come by EVHS and see the progress on the plane, and meet with some of the students just let me know.

Thank you so much for your continued support of the Georgetown Engineering program.

Merry Christmas,

-Dan Weyant

GISD Engineering Teacher

Tango Flight President

Spin Zone / Re: Burning the Flag
« on: December 01, 2016, 07:58:58 AM »
I'm pretty conservative on most issues.  I hate the idea of burning the flag, and think it is disgusting, however I would not be in favor of any sort of law that made it illegal.

I lump it into the KKK having the right to march, etc.  Disgusting stuff, but I firmly believe it is there right to do so.


Pilot Zone / Tango Flight - Teen High School RV-12 Build
« on: October 31, 2016, 05:06:27 AM »
I'm going to cut and paste a post I made at the "other" site below. 

As some of you may (or may not) know.  I am a semi-retired Engineer.  I am teaching a High School based Engineering class, at a central Texas school district (Georgetown ISD).  We are doing something that I believe is the first of its kinds in the country (a couple similar, but nothing exactly like this).  We are teaching a college level Aerospace Engineering class, getting kids hands on experience at the local airport (KGTU), and building a Van's RV-12.

I would encourage all of you to take a look at the links below.  This is a really cool program, and the kid are loving it!  We are working to raise the money to fund our first RV-12.  If you can make a donation it would be greatly appreciated.  More is better, but even $5 would be great.  Even if you can't make a donation please take a few minutes and read the AOPA article on us, and a bit about what we are doing.

If anyone would like to make a direct donation (i.e. send a check) please PM me and I'll send you the Tango Flight physical address.  We have partnered with our local EAA #187 chapter so if you send a check to them it is tax deductible.

Thanks for taking a look (see below)


We are making great progress with our first year RV-12 Build!

The kids and the mentors are doing great, really high quality work. We have completed the rudder, the vertical stabilizer, and are working on the stabilator.

We have received and inventoried the Empenage and Fuselage kits, and should have the Wing kit before Thanksgiving break.

The class is setup so that the kids are rotating between the PLTW Aerospace Academics, building the airplane, and interning with local businesses at the KGTU airport. Truly an incredible experience for the kids.

We have had success raising money to pay for the first three kits, but we need to pull the funds together to pay for the finish kit, firewall forward, and avionics kits.

Along those lines, please take a moment and check out the GoFundMe site that we setup.

There is a good writeup with links to the really cool AOPA article on our program and a link to our Facebook page with tons of pictures (one of the students grandparents is a professional photographer!).

If you would like to make a donation on the GoFundMe site it would be greatly appreciated. Even a few dollars, but even if you don't, please take a few minutes to read about the incredible work these kids are doing.

If anyone would like to make a donation and needs it to be tax deductible we can do that as well, please PM me and I'll get you details for that.

Thanks for taking a look!


Spin Zone / Re: THIS would be so cool...
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:09:21 AM »
I'm ready to sign up!

Spin Zone / Re: Kaepernick is an attention whore
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:15:51 AM »
It is my understanding that "cop-killer" bullets are those design to penetrate body armor.  (and yes, I understand that any bullet with sufficient mass and velocity will defeat body armor... with the exception of frangible ammo.)  These bullets are most definitely not the same as self-defense ammo (at least that's my understanding).

Your understanding is incorrect.  I shoot the same ammo that the cops in my area use.  It is designed to penetrate (sort of the point of shooting someone), but not go through and be a danger of hitting someone else.

Spin Zone / Re: Kaepernick is an attention whore
« on: September 06, 2016, 06:04:19 AM »
It is important for the cops to stay better equipped than the criminals.  When any punk might have an automatic weapon and or cop-killer bullets, and when gangs of punks have multiple weapons the cops need to gear up, which then obviously helps escalate an arms war.

The answer isn't to disarm the cops (or honest citizens).  The answer is to disarm the criminals.

Please list the last time a criminal used a full auto to commit a crime?  Also, please define what a "cop-killer" bullet is?  Or are you referring to the self-defense ammo that is available to everyone for self defense?

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton On Benghazi
« on: April 11, 2016, 07:52:11 AM »

Obamacare was a compromise as the Dems wanted single payer national health care.  NAFTA and free trade has been more a GOP supported thing that the Dems.  NDAA is meaningless as we have one of those every few years.  Which year are you talking about?

Obamacare was a compromise?  It was shoved through with more back door deals than I can count, and not supported by a single Republican.  If that is your definition of a compromise I am truly frightened.


Spin Zone / Re: YGBFSM. Intel gay incentive
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:12:28 PM »
I've read about several initiatives to get STEM and Computer training into classrooms where there is a high black concentration.  This is all private activity.
I also personally donated time to a majority black HS and have a few friends that do the same (at other HSs).

That's great, as. STEM teacher it depresses me how hard it is to get girls and minorities (really any kids) to show an interest in Engineering.


Spin Zone / Re: Punished for Doing the Right Thing
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:16:42 AM »
Oh, and most districts have a very strict policy about kids having any drugs on them (inhaler is a drug).  This is because of repeated incidents of kids sharing drugs, someone OD's and the district gets sued. 

Stupid, yes, but thanks to lawsuits you can at least understand why the districts are put in such a difficult position.


Spin Zone / Re: Punished for Doing the Right Thing
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:14:51 AM »
I teach High School, and yes there are some really "interesting" policies.

However, my guess is there is quite a bit more to this than we know.  What frequently happens with this sort of thing is the school district can't comment because of privacy laws, so all we here is the somewhat(?) slanted story from one side.

Not saying who is in the right/wrong on this, I don't know, just that I have seen things that if the entire story was generally known public opinion would be way different.

I.e. I've seen kids fake this sort of thing just to get out of class, cause a disruption, etc.  Maybe this kid has a history of this sort of thing, maybe the two of them together use this frequently to get out of class?  Again, no knowledge, just pointing out there is likely a lot of missing details.


Spin Zone / Re: EAA Changes to Young Eagles Program
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:02:28 AM »
Haven't decided for sure yet, but I'm leaning towards not doing it.

Without the SSN I'll consider it, with it no way.

I've been back ground checked to death, and frankly I'm not sure it's worth the effort to give away my time and money. 


Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:35:55 AM »
That was when SNL was actually worth watching.

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