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Messages - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Re: March 10 GOP Debate
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:52:14 PM »


What an articulate, well reasoned post. Thanks for that.

There's an expression: "The perception is the reality".

And my post on the topic was simply answering the allegation that the Trump=Hitler was concocted by the media, solely to bring Trump down. Emphasizing the fact that I had had a similar sentiment prior to reading it elsewhere. It was, in fact, a particular speech I listened to in my car where he was mocking Bush and Kerry in a very sarcastic, bombastic manner, and it all just sounded familiar, somehow.

Admittedly, "The Rise and Fall..." is not the be all and end all chronicle of what happened there, but I trust it got the broad sweep correctly. Another gem is "Berlin Diary", also by William Shirer, outlining a small slice of what transpired in the first person as a correspondent. Well worth the read. And available somewhere online as a pdf, IIRC.

But, again, thank for your post, and I see where you're coming from. Though the "Obama=Hitler" seems like a bit of a stretch.
I seriously doubt Gimp was advancing the "Obama = Hitler" analogy.  I think he was merely stating that it was less of a stretch than "Trump = Hitler".  I don't think Obama is near the demon that Hitler was.  But he has a very similar ability to mesmerize the masses through skillful oratory.

Spin Zone / Re: How Can We Fix Our Nation's Financial Ills?
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:40:07 PM »
Well, I was talking about the deficit, sorry... US budget deficit, so I thought it kind of obvious that it would be about raising tax revenue. There are differing ways to raise tax revenue and among them is raising tax rates. It is likely that any real solution would incorporate raising tax rates as well as a host of other schemes. We have a lot of debt to pay down.
There are a lot schemes we can use to cut the deficit.  But first among them is to reduce deficit spending.

As they say, "When you are trying to get yourself out of a hole, the first thing you have to do is stop digging".

Pilot Zone / Re: A Raft Of Problems
« on: March 03, 2016, 07:18:50 PM »
Hey, what's this thing do?
He was trying to land, so he pulled the red handle.
But it wasn't a Cirrus.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberalism is the new slavery
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:08:44 PM »
In order to change that, the fairy tales surrounding history must be exposed and done away with.
Do you mean the fairy tale that says that living on government assistance is easier or preferable to going out into the real world and earning a living?  I know that after a while people get discouraged and just give up, or that some people just don't believe they have the ability to earn more by working than government assistant pays.

I also think that when people become dependent on government assistance, the idea of losing it is frightening especially after they have already lost confidence in themselves.  And that is what liberalism does; it replaces peoples perception of self reliance with the security of government reliance.

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