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Messages - Steingar

Pages: 1 ... 120 121 [122] 123 124 ... 184
Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 04, 2017, 08:44:56 AM »
I wanted the short body Mooney specifically for two reasons.  The first was the small back seat.  I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've really needed a back seat.  Why pay for and haul a big one around that I'm not going to use?  I'd feel different had I Steinspawn, but I don't.

The second was the Johnson bar.  Like the man said, no motors to break, or inspect.  No seals to leak, either.  One does have to replace doughnuts from time to time, but they aren't that bad.  Ruptured one on my bad landing.

And of course, the main reason was Mooneys are one of the most efficient GA airplanes.  I like flying fast.

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:20:17 AM »
Indeed they are.  We'll see, the forecast is for IFR wx this weekend.  We've a good forecast for early next week, so perhaps I'll play hoockey one day.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:18:10 AM »
Human sexuality is a really complex thing.  I suspect that sexual proclivities follow a bell curve.  Perhaps the peak of the curve are heterosexuals who might consider a homosexual experience if the situation was right.  On one end you have homosexuals who would never consider a heterosexual relationship.  On the other perhaps you have folks who cringe at the thought of a homosexual relationship.

Actually, the location of the peak of the curve is a mystery to me.  I do applaud the POTUS emeritus for his honesty and candor.  I suspect conservacrats would rather all talk of homosexuality be hidden from view, sort of like the 50's.  Of course, those who protest loudest...

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:12:24 AM »
The perfesser says borders are just imaginary lines anyway.   Wonder how he would feel if an alien family built a shanty in his backyard and set up residence?   They could tap into his electric and dig a latrine. 

 I mean, after all, they are just trying to better themselves, right?

Actually, if they'd mow the damn yard I'd probably be down with it. ;D  But I digress.  No one wants a shanty in their back yard, that's where NIMBY comes form.  My response would be to reach out to the social services in my community (paid for with my tax dollars) and get the folks the assistance they need so they don't have to live in a shanty.  The Conservacrat approach is to sick INS on them.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 03, 2017, 10:32:14 AM »
The statute of limitations doesn't kick in if the crime is ongoing.  The illegal alien would have to leave the country for the period of the statute.

But that's the crux of the issue.  The 7/11 robber can get by a statute of limitations by not robbing for however many years.  AN illegal alien can't no matter how above board they are.  That's the sticking point you all seem to have.  Like I said, so long as there is some sort of stiff penalty my hope is the illegals would prefer to be legals.  Not he other hand if they want it that much why don't we make it work in our favor?

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 03, 2017, 10:30:03 AM »
My bike is going to the mechanic to get some armor.  Frame and engine sliders, spools for the front and rear wheels.  Instructions said to take it to a mechanic so I will.  Good enough excuse I guess.  And I may be getting my airplane back this weekend!

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 01:26:59 PM »
If he indeed robbed 7-11's as a teenager, we are concluding he was arrested, tried and convicted.   He paid his debt to society and has cleaned up.

 The illegal alien has not been arrested or tried for his crimes.

 You keep advocating amnesty for the illegal alien, even when he has clearly broken laws.   In your utopia shouldn't the 7-11 bandit get the same amnesty?

Here's the thing.  The thief can turn himself in, get a fair trail, do his time and get out.  The illegal alien gets naught but deported.  What does an illegal alien have to gain by turning themselves in?  Nothing!

Moreover, once our wayward teenager stops robbing, he can go back to being a regular citizen.  However, the illegal alien is illegal the whole time.  There is no way for him or her to rectify the situation other than return to the situation he fled in the first place.  Like I said, if they're here and doing well it may be they have the right stuff.  Like the 7/11 robber there should be some sort of sanction or penalty, and it should hurt.  You are correct, they broke the law.  But it should be a sanction they can live with. 

But you didn't answer the question.  If someone like our wayward robber comes to you, do you hire him?  He was guilty of some fairly serious offenses!  Now we have people who intentionally broke the law some time ago.  Yes they're illegal while they stay here, but there is less intent in that than robbing 7/11's.  You have a very similar situation.  The only real difference is the one was born on a different patch of dirt.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 01:04:46 PM »
So someone who robbed 7/11s as a 20 year old but has since been a model citizen gets no penalty?

Hows this.  Someone applies to you for a job.  Yeah, they robbed 7/11's as teenagers.  They're now 30, have a completely clean record, have been working steadily and are involved in their community.  What do you do?

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 10:11:09 AM »
We already have laws in place that provide a legal immigration process, and path to citizenship.

And I propose new laws, so someone who entered illegally but demonstrated good citizenship otherwise can remain.

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:57:22 AM »
I doubt it, Mcconnel is too big a pussy.  The Dems are celebrating this bill, laughing at republicans.  Trump is looking for more republicans to be elected or the nix the filibuster.  He doesn't need either, he needs to force the shutdown and take control of the narrative.  He needs to get these liberal senators primaried and get a few of them defeated.  I've always said that these wuss republicans would snap in line if they were smacked on the nose, time to smack them on the nose.

The Mango Mussilini will sign it, since he doesn't want to be seen as responsible for a government shutdown freshly in office.  The GOP are in a tough spot, they own the budget and they know it.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:56:08 AM »
And after making the arduous trek, the first thing they want to do is go on the dole and expect the culture to change to their way of life.

What I've been told by people who've studied this (and have no source to back myself up) is that first generation immigrants do cost our society (social services and whatnot), but that it is well made up for by their second and third generation.  The idea is these folks aren't generational welfare recipients.  To be honest, I question whether any of them are long-term welfare recipients.  Problem is the issue is so politicized that I don't trust very many sources to give me unfiltered information.

I guess entering the USA illegally is on the same level,  as far as Steingar is concerned as a burglar stealing your wife's jewelry.
You should just stand by and let them steal from you because that's the liberal thing to do, you know.
Funny how liberals want to persecute conservatives over the silliest and downright most ignorant things, but they are not so much concerned with inconvenient laws when stealing votes is concerned.

First, I would happily stand band let anyone steal anything from me.  I consider it folly to risk my life to protect insured property.  My insurer would much rather I keep paying my premiums rather than die protecting my property.

Second, I didn't say I thought entering the US was on a par with stealing.  I asked.  I honestly don't know, though I feel it is in the balance of things a minor offense.  A border is nothing more than a line drawn in the dirt.  It corresponds to no natural law I can identify.  Those who enter illegally victimize no one.

That is my own take on it.  Yours might be otherwise, and that's fine.  My point was not to make these folks instant citizens, that isn't right and even I agree.  But I think we could figure out some penalty that they had to pay in order to rectify their transgression.  There are all sorts of crimes where the perpetrator pays a fine in lieu of some other punishment.  Most motor vehicle violations are handled this way, for example.  The punishment has to fit the crime, or course.  That's why I actually ask how bad a crime is it?  I think not so much, you think its tantamount to murder.  I'd like to think that we as Americans could come to some sort of compromise, a collective view that could be put into some sort of law making a path to citizenship for these folks.

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:35:33 AM »

Obama was close to the end of his term.  Previously, he got to put two far left radical justices on the court.  Sotomayor, and Kagan.  Trump is at the beginning of his term, and put a Constitutionalist on the court, and deserves more picks.  Elections have consequences as Obama said.

It doesn't matter.  The Constitution doesn't say anything about the POTUS being at the end of his term, or how many justices he can appoint.  Obama nominated someone and the GOP shoved it back in his face.  The Dems will payback first chance they get, and that will be the new normal.  The SCOTUS will be broken forever, and you'll have the GOP to thank.  Then again, conservacrats say that the government that governs least governs best.  I've hear int said here more than once.  They're going to get their wish in spades.

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:32:35 AM »
I believe his goal is to restore the bike, as a hobby, not learning to ride.  Learning to ride is a side benefit.

I gathered that, but I think it folly to subject a gorgeous rebuilt classic to the rigors of training.  Better to guy a small bike for not much, learn on it, and sell it for not much.  Then ride the restoration to bike shows and whatnot.

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:02:02 PM »
My fear is when the Democrats take over the Senate after the midterm elections they'll do to Trump what the GOP did to Obama.  Deny him his SCOTUS pick.  If they're in the majority they can. The SCOTUS will be permanently broken, and will only admit justices when the POTUS and the Senate majority are from the same party.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 07:58:03 PM »
The question is how serious do we think their crime (entering illegally) really is?  Is it at the level of a misdemeanor?  After all, who here hasn't sped on the highway, driven under a bit to much influence, inflated a loss or understated an earning on their taxes, or broken any one of the thousands of laws we have in the US?  Or is it felonious, like murder or armed robbery?

Like I said, I honestly think that if they're here, productive and staying out of trouble we should find a way to keep them.  That might involve some steep fines, or some community service, or some other punishment that lets them remain productive.

You can scream about what's fair and what isn't until you're blue in the face.  What is far more important is what works in practice, not what your ideology tells you. These folks can make a serious addition to our nation, bringing in ambition and values, not to mention some really good alleles.

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