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Messages - Steingar

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Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 28, 2017, 09:25:43 AM »
Since when is letting the markets handle this considered "throwing my hands up"? The market will ensure that the costs are lowered if the government stays out of it. Costs are out of control right now, continuing to rise and quality of care is decreasing. All because of government.

No, costs are rising because there are more patients because there are more old people.  Moreover, modern medicine can do things to save lives that old-fashioned medicine couldn't.  Problem is it takes highly trained and specialized people (read expensive) not to mention expensive equipment and drugs.  Many cardiac events and cancers cost more than most folks make in their lifetimes.

You still have not identified where the authority comes from to fund the subsidies or why you seem to think I should pay for someone who is less healthy.

I can't account for the why.  If you're looking for teleological arguments I'd tell you to look up philosophies on altruism and living in a society.  I can tell you that you do one way or another.  If everyone waits to get medical insurance until they get sick the whole thing collapses.  You need healthy people to pay for the sick ones.

We don't have to have the ACA, or the AHCA. We can have something that actually works that has little to no federal government involvement.

We had that.  Tens of millions lacked any sort of coverage or medical care.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:27:33 AM »
Why do you seem to think it's acceptable for a government to tell its citizens what they will and will not purchase? I'm still waiting to see the authority for it because the general welfare clause fails.

Because the government winds up paying for it in the end.  Like I said, when the pain gets bad enough or when they find you unconscious on the floor you wind up in the ER.  If you haven't the cash government pays.  Since they're paying anyway says me they should be able to stipulate the how and why.  ER can't turn anyone away.

I feel horribly for those on the wrong side of this.  I feel awful for defending the ACA, I know it was worked out in a hurry and is far from perfect.  I do think it a step in the right direction.  The problem is simple, medical care is an inelastic commodity, and it sucks up 25% of our GDP.  Just throwing up your hands and saying let the markets do their thing is nuts, folks will die of easily treatable disease because they haven't enough cash.  And that's a waste.

Again, its here to stay.  If someone really does repeal it or defund the subsidies there will be heck to pay.  I think all but the most ideologically hidebound politicrats know this.  Says me, since we got it why not make it work right?

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 27, 2017, 02:28:11 PM »
Three our four of the current eight justices typically believe the Constitution as written. 

The problem is the Constitution is written in the broadest terms imaginable.  The Founders almost certainly did this on purpose, they wrote a document to last the ages.  In many cases it simply can't be read as written.  The Founders didn't know about airplanes, the internet, or vaccines.

The others want to "interpret" it using their own beliefs, and feelings for Social Justice, or whatever cause du jour they want.  That's not how it should work.  If you want it changed AMEND IT to reflect what you want.  Don't read things into it that aren't there.

That's the problem.  no matter what, you HAVE to read things in that aren't there, because there are lots of things now that weren't there in 1776.

I am tired of the government and politicians using the broad "for the public good", or "the public welfare" to steal from me, and confiscate others hard earned LIFE'S work.  It has become a form of slavery where we have to pay a larger, and large percentage of our life's earnings, often approaching or even exceeding 50% if you add up all the taxes, fees, and surcharges on everything you buy, or earn.  Government has become a for profit entity with only one goal in mind.  It's own growth.  That is what the ACA is about.  It didn't improve anyone's health care.

Says you.  I know quite a few people who's health care was improved dramatically.  I suspect GOP Senators would have had an easier time back in their districts if no one benefitted from it.

By the way, I am really tired of MY tax dollars getting sucked up into a military that builds more and more sophisticated weapons to blow up camels and tents and make me no safer and do almost no one any good.  I am tired of a War on Drugs in which the drugs are the only victors.  I am tired of paying for law enforcement that has turned America into an armed camp and regards my Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms as a trite inconvenience.   I am tired of initiatives based on someone else's invisible man in the sky.  I pay huge amounts of my taxes for this nonsense that doesn't benefit me in any way at all and I'm tired of it.

I bet there are lots of people who are tired of their taxes going to noisy airports so some rich guys can enjoy their airplanes.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 27, 2017, 01:03:26 PM »
Part of the general welfare is the containment of disease.  I think you would all agree that the Federal government has every right to prevent the spread of disease across state lines.  Hence we have things like vaccination programs, which do all of us more good than I can possibly say, unless you are one of the morons who won't vaccinate your child for fear of autism.  If that's you, I never ever want to meet you in person.  I do not suffer fools lightly.

The problem becomes what do you do when a good sized portion of the population is shut out from medical care. In the Founders day it didn't matter, doctors couldn't do much anyway and most people could easily afford what doctors could do.  Now its different, and you can easily spend more than you'll ever make on medical care.  We still have the problems of infectious diseases, and they''re compounded by the fact that everyone shows up sooner or later when the pain gets too bad or when they're found unconscious on the floor.  I've seen examples of both.  If they can't afford health insurance you pay for them one way or another.

Hence the ACA.  Set up a penalty so healthy people who don't have health insurance have to pay in anyway.  Call it a tax, because truly that's what it is.  We like to give tax breaks to promote desired behavior (owning a house, for example) so we tax an undesirable behavior.  Lots of those, by the way, like cigarette and liquor taxes.  I have to admit, the ACA is more sweeping.  This is a simple thing.  If healthy people don't put in the whole thing doesn't work.  We're back to being shut out if you have a "preexisting condition", which the insurance companies can declare you breathing.

The ACA, as imperfect as it is, is a step in the right direction.  If your politicians could just get together and cooperate, I bet they could fix its shortcomings and turn it into something that would really work for the American people.  It isn't going anywhere.

As far as what does the Constitution allow and what doesn't it, that question is now moot.  The ACA got the blessing of the Supreme Court, its a done deal.  Yeah, perhaps some court in the future will see differently, but that won't come any time soon.  Courts respect precedent.  You guys like to go on and on about what's Constitutional and what isn't.  Think about this: nine of the best legal scholars in America often can't agree what is and isn't Constitutional.  Do you really think its that cut and dried?  Do you really think your sophistries are the end of the game?

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 26, 2017, 06:01:01 PM »
Point fingers all you want. Blame helps no one and solves nothing.  No doubt you'll all accuse me of academic tripe just for saying this much.

I told this to all of you months ago.  Once given, a benefit is very difficult to take away.  The GOP learned this the hard way.  There is a contingent that will not compromise on anything whether or not it is good for the land.  Compromise leaves them vulnerable to electoral challenge from their own party.  So for the Freedom Caucus it is their way or the highway.  They have made the House GOP very unruly.  Ryan is the second GOP speaker to go down in flames.

In the mean time there are GOP Representatives who know repeal will see the end of their Congressional careers.  It's a weird thing, folks were lukewarm about receiving the benefit, but are outraged at loosing it.  Go figure.

Personally I think the best way forward is for moderates on both sides to get together and actually fix the ACA.  That I don't expect to see in my lifetime.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:31:41 PM »
Why do you think the federal government should be involved in health care or abortion and where do they derive this authority from?

Authority clearly arises from interstate commerce.  Why should they be involved?  Because every nation like ours that has government sponsored health care system does it better than us.  They spend less and get more.  That isn't some damned liberal talking point, it is the plain and honest truth.  I honestly don't care whether something is Liberal or Conservative.  I care about what works.

The only arguments you can make against government sponsored health care are all ideological ones.  Fact of the matter is it works.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:52:36 PM »
That's a specious argument. What did the poor and impoverished do for contraception before Obamacare?

Prior to Roe v. Wade they still got abortions, but they weren't sanitary or safe, and lots died.

Abortion rates have been coming down for two decades, but was there a marked reduction in abortion rates since Obamacare magically provided contraceptives to the poor?  No.

The real problem is Obamacare never provided for the sort of expensive (up front) long term contraception that is truly effective. Things like IUDs and Norplant are effective for years and highly efficacious. I have read that these haven't been funded and aren't in use for those without private insurance.  The sad thing is I think they're actually parsimonious compared to other methods of birth control (the pill isn't cheap), but the cost is all up front.

As I've said before, if someone has information to the contrary I'm all ears.  I worry a great deal about politification of the sources I see.  I miss Al Jazeera.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:47:54 PM »
What about abstinence, or using condoms which the poor can get free at clinics or other places?

Condoms don't work at anything near 100% efficacy.  Abstinence would be wonderful, but the reproductive drive has been evolving for millions of years and is the one constant in biology.  That, and even the brightest people can make poor decisions.  Contraception is a far more reliable method of birth control.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:33:43 PM »
The problem with dismantling Planned Parenthood is they're the chief suppliers of contraceptive care to the poor.  Moreover, if Obamacare is well and truly gutted, contraceptive care will be cut off to even more of the impoverished.  The best way to reduce the number of abortions is to not have unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:22:08 AM »
Can you elaborate on that?  I'd love to use a good argument for that with my in-laws.

I wish I could, but to be perfectly honest its just something I've read a number of times in the news.  That said, the bill appears to be a reverse Robin hood in classic GOP style, so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest were it true.  If someone has facts that suggest otherwise I would love to see them. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:14:10 AM »
The saddest thing is more people would retain coverage if they just 86'd Obamacare.

Spin Zone / Re: It's starting to get deep now.......
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:44:43 PM »
Best thing Congress could do is repeal the Patriot act.  Damn thing is Orwellian.

Spin Zone / Re: It's starting to get deep now.......
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:58:42 AM »
Absolutely!!!  The NSA, FBI, CIA, BATF, and the Bush (with help from the Republicans and Democrats in Congress) Dept of Homeland Security, plus a plethora of other agencies we know about, and DON'T know about is taking away our privacy, and freedom.  Technology has taken surveillance, and illegal intrusion to a whole new level.

On this we agree entirely.  These folks have no business spying on Americans.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey says:
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:57:31 AM »
Watch the video and please pay attention to how the question is worded by Senator Coke Head, and then listen to how Senator Sessions answers the question.

 Senator Sessions as a SENATOR on a committee had interactions with various ambassadors, just like other senators.   Senator Sessions made it clear he did not have interactions on behalf of the Trump campaign.

I listened to his answer, which was (and I think I'm quoting quite precisely) "I did not have communications with the Russians".  He wasn't even asked that.  He was asked what he would do if I he found out that such communications took place.  A good answer might have been to initiate an investigation with the FBI.  Instead he said that he hadn't had communications with the Russians, which he had.  i.e. a flat out lie.  That why he's not involved in the investigation.

He could just as easily said he had communications with the Russian ambassador as part of his duties.  I doubt it would have caused much of a stir, I suspect Senators talk to ambassadors all the time.  But why did he have to lie about it?

The whole thing is so farging weird.  I've said before that I doubt there's anything to this.  My guess is that Trump could just come clean and the whole thing would blow over just like that.  Just like the big brouhaha about his tax returns.  Someone leaked some, and its a non story.   Instead he obfuscates, doubles down on insanely specious accusations., and generally draws attention back onto what he doesn't want folks to dwell on.

But I stand by my words.  I always said a Trump Presidency would be entertaining.

Spin Zone / Re: It's starting to get deep now.......
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:49:04 AM »
The security state has been metastasizing out of control for some time now.  About time folks woke up to it.

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