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Messages - Steingar

Pages: 1 ... 124 125 [126] 127 128 ... 184
Spin Zone / Re: Comey says:
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:30:02 PM »
The faculty lounge has spoken - without facts - as usual.

So you think a video of him saying he had no contact with the Russians when in fact he did isn't a fact?  I feel like a gadfly here just for positing them.  Apparently the only "facts" that count with you are those in support of your Cheeto Jesus.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey says:
« on: March 22, 2017, 12:14:24 PM »
The perfesser is back to reading and watching his fake news I see.

Spin Zone / Re: Comey says:
« on: March 22, 2017, 07:30:10 AM »
I understand what you are saying, but the level of involvement, and visibility at critical junctures seems too influential to me.  I also could be totally wrong, and he could be playing it right down the middle, but the perception is that he grandstands too much.

He's been in the unfortunate position of having two different bosses recuse themselves because of their behavior.  Loretta Lynch took leave of her senses and met with Bill Clinton, causing her to have to recuse herself from involvement with the Hillary Clinton E-mail investigation.  Sessions lied under oath to Congress, and as such has to recuse himself from the Russian investigation.

I'm with Gary.  Dude's done about as well as can be expected.  His job is catching bad guys, not politics.  But the situation has concerned him into the political role.  In the latter case he was questioned by Congress.

Spin Zone / Comey says:
« on: March 21, 2017, 01:41:06 PM »
I have been authorised by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign, and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts

That, and the the FBI had no information that the Obama administration wiretapped the Orange One.

Spin Zone / Re: Heart - Warming Lawyer Story
« on: March 17, 2017, 11:58:22 AM »
Ha - I didn't believe the story one bit once it got to the part "he saw two men along the roadside eating grass." Humans don't have the bacteria in their guts that produce the enzyme needed to digest the cellulose of that grass. Ruminants, such as cows, sheep, goats and deer, have the necessary digestive system.

Whatever you do, don't let a lawyer get your goat.

Actually, ruminants have no more ability to digest cellulose than humans.  What they do have is a specialized organ (the rumen) in which they grow endosymbiotic bacteria that digest cellulose and give off methane as a waste product.

Why do lawyers wear neckties?

Keeps the foreskins from creeping over their necks.

Spin Zone / Re: Heart - Warming Lawyer Story
« on: March 17, 2017, 10:36:18 AM »
Why don't lawyers go to the beach?

Cats try and bury them in the sand.

Spin Zone / Trump the surveilled
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:15:29 AM »
First Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.  Then the British.  Who next, Martians?

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 16, 2017, 10:27:45 AM »
That is utter bullshit. You speak as if healthcare and health insurance were a free-for-all before 2010. It was not. There were no subsidies, no mandate, and a small minority of people weren't covered by insurance.  Miraculous but true.

If by small you mean 10-20% of the population, then I guess we agree sorta.  That number just doesn't seem all that small to me.

That group can be split between two basic groups. Those who could not afford insurance. For the needy, we had Medicaid. Still do. For those that could afford it but that CHOSE not to buy insurance, the ACA turned the entire process upside down, eliminating affordable a la carte and catastrophic health insurance, forcing hundreds of millions of people to buy unaffordable plans that cover everything including unnecessary coverage like pregnancy for seniors, just so 10 or 20 million can get free or reduced cost insurance.

Because it simply doesn't work.  In order for insurance to work, healthy people have to pay for the sick.  Before Obamacare lots of people were kicked out of the system for being sick.  I have relatives among them.  If healthy people don't sign up and the insurance companies want to make any money,  that's how it has to be.  If everyone who's healthy says "I don't want to pay in unit I get sick", the damn thing doesn't work.

News flash:  Obama wasn't the first person to think about how insurance works. It has worked well for decades. Now insurance companies right and left are dropping out of the business.  What changed?

News flash, it wasn't working.  We spent more for less, I think we still do.  That isn't working, its failing.  What changed is the ACA was underfunded for the folks needing coverage, they're far more sick than the legislations writers envisioned.  It is in need of repair, there is no doubt.  But I predict that if the GOP straight up repeals is they'll go form the party of NO to the party of no more. They own it now.  If Ryan's Ryan's reverse Robin Hood plan gets passed expect the same results.  Folks will get monumentally pissed off when the GOP takes away their health care.

Like I said, I think the GOP should.  They should do what they've been saying they'll do.  Americans should wake up and realize that elections have consequences, and that's what they voted for.

Please show us where a presidential candidate is REQUIRED to disclose his federal and state tax returns.  Please show us a link to the law.

Of course he's not required to do so by law, I never intimated that he was.  It is a long-standing tradition that dates back decades though.  And it became a rather potent campaign issue.  For what?  This latest disclosure seems like more of a non-event than anything.  Again, either something really damning happened recently or he's really inept.  The latter wouldn't surprise me any given some of his more memorable shenanigans, I honestly hope its the case.  Because if something is damning enough to be worth all that trouble, it would have to be really bad.

I don't get what Trump was hiding.  So his 2005 taxes got outed, he pays a little less than most of us, more than some.  The whole thing seems like a non-event, certainly not worthy of a campaign issue.  Either there is something really damning in his more recent returns or he's even more inept than I thought.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 16, 2017, 09:40:59 AM »
Weeks?  I hear the wait times are months or more if you can get approved for the procedure.  Everyone has "access" to health care in the U.S. if they need it.  They can walk into an ER, and get treatment.

The ER is THE most expensive way to deliver medical care.  And they can turn away no one.

The rich will always get good health care.  The challenge is to make it affordable to the masses, and that is not what Obamacare does.  You need to check your "facts" also.

I cannot disagree, Obamacare is far from perfect.  It is far closer to the current GOP plan, which is reverse Robin Hood if ever I saw it.

I have seen some really bad emergency rooms, but I have never seen a waiting line over a week long.

The night I drove my mother in law to the ER it was full of people, many if not most of whom were moaning in pain.  My MIL was admitted immediately and was in a room a couple hours later.  As I left I saw the people I had seen coming in still there.  Talking to one of the nurses I discovered that they would be treated, but they could only be admitted slowly since there was no medical history, rendering diagnosis and treatment very difficult.  Like I said, the ER is the most expensive.  I suspect no one in nations with nationalized health care has to wait that long for emergency treatment.

Everyone in this country has access to health care.  Many choose not to access it though.  As has been said, if you don't force someone to buy something they don't want, they won't.

Everyone has some access to catastrophic intervention.  What many don't have is access to the sort of regular health care than can prevent catastrophes.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 16, 2017, 06:37:09 AM »
So Canada, and the UK have good systems?  Have you talked to any of those subjects about their healthcare in those countries, about the quality, availability, and the resulting tax burden?

Absolutely.  Remember, our system includes millions upon millions of uninsured, who have no access to the system whatsoever.  Compare someone who has to wait a week to someone who has no access, it isn't a comparison.  Again, if you look at per capita spending the US places in dead last among Western nations.

I know these facts are inconvenient, but they are true.  You can look them up.  It is also true that if you look at the best health care of the richest here, it is far better than what you get with the nationalized system.  If everyone had access to that it would be great.  But everyone doesn't.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:05:06 PM »
As I have said previously, the goal of Obamacare was to fail, and then be replaced by a single payer (government run) healthcare.  None of the Republicans wanted it, nor voted for it. 

The GOP decided that the better course was to become the party of NO.  Worked for them too.  Democrats are now the minority party just about everywhere in the United States.  Large swaths of the nation are now effectively single party rule.

The thing about single payer systems is the ones extant are better than ours in just about every way.  They're cheaper and deliver better results overall.  I know if you're wealthy you can get better care here. But overall they do far better for less.  But I doubt you'll ever see that in the United States.  Americans are too individualistic, or something.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 01:24:07 PM »
I agree.  However, Trump and the Republican majority was elected on Repeal, and Replace.  The replace part is what they are struggling with as you don't want the replacement to be WORSE than what is already there.

Eye of the beholder.  Like I said, in order to achieve its goals, the Obamacare replacement is going to need some mechanism to get healthy people to sign up for health care insurance.  And that mechanism is going to have to make it as or more expensive to not sign up for insurance as it is to sign up for it.  In other words; mandate.  No way around it.

Right now it is illegal for a hospital emergency room to turn away patients.  Even were it legal, I can't see empathic human beings turning away the suffering.  Sociopaths perhaps.  And the emergency rooms is the most expensive way to treat illness.  Regular doctor visits are orders of magnitude less expensive.  Hence subsidies.  There is no way to accomplish this without folks paying in.  That can be in new taxes, or higher premiums, or any number of different ways.  But it will happen.

Again, this is a fait accomplis.  Once given it is VERY difficult to take away a benefit.  Dilute it somewhat perhaps, but not delete it.  The GOP cannot do this alone.  Moderates want some form of Obamacare, Conservatives want straight repeal.  They'll never get the majority they need within their own party.  The only way to reform Obamacare is to involve the Democrats, but at that point you aren't repealing anymore.

The Ryan plan is already dead on arrival, and they won't just repeal.  They know better than that.  You can expect to see Obamacare in some form for the foreseeable future.

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 15, 2017, 11:51:33 AM »
You know not of what you speak.  What Gov. Romney proposed and what the liberals inflicted on Massachusetts are two entirely different things.

Gov. Romney proposed basically catastrophic health insurance and the democrats bloated it with coverage for everything under the sun.

No surprise that it cost waaaaay more than the plan proposed by Gov Romeny.  And no surprise that health insurance costs in massachusetts continue to be amoung the highest in the nation.

Whether it was his plan or not he signed it into law.  But like I said, to do the things Obamacare was set up to do (prevent discrimination against the sick and provide medical care to the poor) whatever gets put in place is going to look a whole lot like Obamacare.  And if Govco doesn't do those things I predict a change in management. I am far from alone in this.  That's why the GOP's efforts to repeal have amounted to naught, and will continue to do so.  The Politicians like their jobs.  Personally, I'd like to see them stick to their guns.  Do what they said they'd do and weather the political fallout for good or ill.  The American people had a very clear choice in the last election.  They chose the guy who said he was going to get rid of Obamacare and burn down the house. 

Fine, burn it down.  Elections have consequences.  About time the American electorate woke up to that fact.

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