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Messages - The Loan Arranger

Pages: 1 [2]
Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 28, 2023, 11:03:28 AM »
Sounds like your machine’s MAC address was being banned, not the IP.  I didn’t know that’s how it worked and it kind of creeps me out that the system is collecting MAC addresses.

I had never heard/seen such a thing either. I tried using a company computer to log in with my original ID and that computer was banned as well.

No worries though. I have no intention of trying it again and waiting another 7 years or so before I get a new computer.

I'll return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 28, 2023, 11:00:28 AM »
  Wasn't me.

  Welcome to the board.

Oops!! You're right. My apologies. It was Anthony.

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 28, 2023, 10:33:27 AM »
The only bans that have ever happened here are spammers.

Actually, I think you were the one I was chatting with.

I promise I won't spam you!!!

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 28, 2023, 10:01:36 AM »
Welcome by the way.


Thanks for the welcome.

I was here before as NippleBoy and had a few posts, but I was accidentally banned after the great hack of 2019. I chatted with one of the mods (can't remember which one anymore) to find out what happened, and they agreed that the ban was accidental, but for whatever reason, it could not get undone and suggested I just continue with a different username. Unfortunately, any ID I used on my computer was banned as well. Or at the very least I could not login from my computer regardless of which ID I used. As such, I waited until I got a new computer before attempting it again.

So, all that being said, thanks again for the welcome. And I hope I don't get banned again!!!

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 21, 2023, 12:07:52 AM »
Late to the party, but let's say it does become a shooting war between liberal and conservatives. Not states, but rather regions. It seems that most liberals tend to congregate in large cities where conservatives are spread out. As such, the target for eliminating liberals is much smaller; easier to take out a bunch at one time.

Add to that, I would guess most of the rank and file military folks are conservative as well and would turn on their woke generals. So the big weapons would be in control of the conservative side. The liberals? Not so much.

In reality, I doubt such a scenario would happen. It would take a hell of a lot of covert organization to plan such an action. But one can dream.

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