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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:50:33 PM »
See post #94.
I did, but I didn't feel like going down the same road as we usually do with that line of thinking. Liberals, or really those with any opposing viewpoints to the main Trump supporters on this board, are routinely shouted down. It's a circular argument at this point.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Birthday, Chuck Yeager
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:46:34 PM »
A person who truly had the right stuff.

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:45:01 PM »
Did I say it was?   I was pointing out some perspective, in reference to the present conversation.
Whataboutism to justify one's incorrect actions because another did it doesn't make it acceptable. In other words, two wrongs don't make a right.

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:40:07 PM »
American Thinker has a winning handful of articles today about the imploding Dems. Only in my wildest dreams would I ever have hoped to see a party fail so spectacularly with so little self awareness.

In other news, Cory Booker thinks the government should raise meat prices so people would eat less meat.
On a recent podcast with David French, he noted that the same enthusiasm you currently have about the Democrats imploding, the Democrats once had that Trump was the Republican nominee, and then he was elected. The point is that it can happen to Republicans just as it happened to Democrats. In general, I think he's got a point.

The Democrats really can't help themselves with the, "hold my beer" game, however.

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 10, 2019, 07:59:05 AM »
That is why many do not come here. They can not defend their positions with logic, facts, nor evidence.  Orange man bad!  Why?  Where are the facts and evidence?  Crickets.
If by "here" you mean PilotSpin, then I take issue with that logic. While I agree that many liberal positions are very hard to defend, especially on government run anything (the creep towards socialism), I think that if you start out by saying that liberal positions can't be defended, then there's no reason to even discuss it with you. After all, no matter what is said, nothing will be acceptable.

The reason we don't have many liberals here isn't because they can't defend their positions, it's because of how they're usually treated by a select few. The treatment part aside, why would they want to try and discuss their viewpoints when they won't be accepted by anyone to begin with? That seems to limit the ability to debate, I would think.

I find it sad and pathetic that the push for this guy’s resignation is coming from a decades old yearbook picture, and not of his endorsement of a law permitting infanticide. 

This is what my country has become.
This is a great point and absolutely true. The debate around Northam should be about this ridiculous law Virginia wants to pass. That has fallen to the back burner as the controversy around Northam picks up.

You forgot to add “except for Judge Roy Moore”.   ::)
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Roy Moore was credibly accused of sexual misconduct and he was unfit to hold office. I know you disagree with that, though, and that's fine. I don't think that renders what I said irrelevant or untrue.

Spin Zone / Re: Schultz for president
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:53:05 AM »
It's way too early for deciding any of that.  I suspect Schultz has ideas that are objectionable, although as a fiscal conservative/social liberal I think I would tend to align more with him than against him.  Which is probably something for the right to be concerned with - I'm a right leaning moderate, so if I'm willing to stop and consider a Democrat, it's a sign that there there are problems.
The economy is doing really well, unemployment continues to drop, and tax cuts have been passed. That's a very strong case for re-election. I'm not a fan of Trump's demeanor, nor his tweeting, but he's governed far more conservatively than I expected. In the end I think the left nominates someone who's far left and Trump wins. If the Democrats could actually nominate a moderate I think it would be a lot easier to beat Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: Does anyone still object to term limits?
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:49:10 AM »
I'd like to see Term Limits, or some form of removal of the advantage an incumbent has of getting re-elected over, and over where it is a thirty year or more career.  No I am not really advocating for making votes not count unless the votes can be proven as fraudulent or by illegal aliens which we all know is happening.
Fair enough.

Just curious, do we believe people can't or don't change over time?
I think people can and do change over time. I also think that when Democrats come out and take issue with Justice Kavanaugh because of unfounded allegations from 35 years ago, and point to his yearbook, that it's fair and proper to point out the same when it comes to them. Double standards are not acceptable. There should be one standard that we hold everyone to.

So... the bitch Kamala thinks tha the Governor of Virginia should step down so that the ENTIRE state can heal???

Does the entire state have the flu?

What utter liberal bullshit.
It's never good enough for you. You took issue with something that isn't even the point of her tweet (which was calling for the resignation of the governor).

Spin Zone / Re: Does anyone still object to term limits?
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:29:31 AM »
Plus, voting doesn’t work. I’m in Washington State. King County (Seattle) keeps it blue.

So yes, term limits are the only answer to career politicians.
Really? Then how'd we get Trump? He was supposed to lose. Hillary had it in the bag. That's what we were told. There was no reason to even vote since it was a done deal already.

The House just flipped, and at some point it will flip back again. The Senate will flip at some point as well. Voting does work.

Spin Zone / Re: Does anyone still object to term limits?
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:27:24 AM »
OK, want to keep it to just voting as a form of "Term Limits".  Then deduct 10% of their votes due to the INCUMBENT ADVANTAGE.  Incumbents of both parties use their party's power, and name recognition to their advantage.  It is a HUGE advantage.  They use YOUR tax dollars to buy favors from supporters while in office.  It is a total scam.
This isn't an actual proposal of yours, is it?

Spin Zone / Re: Does anyone still object to term limits?
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:26:27 AM »
Justices need to be shielded from retribution for unpopular decisions. So I think term limits as we usually think of them are not appropriate. But I could certainly be swayed on an age limit or something like that. Or as Rush says, cognitive screening.
This is the main reason I'm not sold on term limits for federal judgeships. Judges and justices need to be free of the political process so they rule based on the Constitution, not a political objective. I realize that's not how it really works anymore, but that's the theory behind why they have lifetime appointments.

Spin Zone / Re: South Dakota constitutional carry
« on: February 02, 2019, 01:29:01 AM »
Awesome! Glad to see another state added to the list. Now if we could only get national reciprocity passed, that would be even better.

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