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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: March 02, 2024, 07:30:07 AM »
We will not have a confrontation with Russia.   Right now Russia can do whatever they want because they know the US is weak and will not confront them.

If Trump becomes president, they will cool their aggression and use that time to rebuild their military internally.

The real threat to the US is China, Iran and the US Intelligence community.

Good point, and I agree.  I get the idea from Tucker's interview with Putin that Putin himself does not want a direct confrontation with America.  Iran on the other hand is run by insane Islamofascists who openly call for the destruction of the U.S. and China simply wants to dominate the western Pacific and the world's economy (both involving Taiwan's chip industry) - I think they will ultimately fail, but they are run by insane communists who actually will never take over the U.S. militarily, but ARE in the process currently of destroying her from within. Buying up farmland, contaminating our children with Tic-Toc propaganda, infiltrating our highest levels of government (Fang Fang) buying off even higher levels (Biden and son).  And of course the IC is complicit in ALL of this, themselves now taken over by America-hating leftists and control freak statists.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: March 01, 2024, 05:55:23 AM »
Gotta admit, I'm not really sure what this means.  Someone smarter than me can explain?

Came from this tweet on X:

So far I can’t find what it means.

The guy who was in charge of storing, testing and programming the vote machines in Delaware Cty, PA was suing Trump, etc. for defamation because two Republican poll workers made a scene accusing him of tampering with the vote machines to add 50,000 Biden votes, when they supposedly “knew” the guy had no ability to do that. (The complaint doesn’t explain how they could have known that, or why he couldn’t tamper with the vote count if he was in charge of programming the machines in the first place.)

It seems to me that what should settle this case would be a complete forensic examination of the machines to determine if they had indeed been tampered with but I haven’t found yet whether any attempt to do that was carried out.

It seems the plaintiffs decided to drop the case before it was heard.  Possibly because they were made aware of evidence the defendants were going to bring?  The tweets imply this is proof that fraud happened but I haven’t yet seen where this is actually stated, nor why the case was dropped.

And all of the above is my take from a brief search and I could have got something wrong.

Edit:  Maybe there was a settlement?  If so, that’s not really a win at all.  Need more info.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: March 01, 2024, 05:29:16 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:27:01 PM »
Gotta admit, I'm not really sure what this means.  Someone smarter than me can explain?

Came from this tweet on X:

Maybe this will help, but I don’t have time to read it tonight, I am crashing fast.

Spin Zone / Re: Leap year
« on: February 29, 2024, 07:00:12 AM »
The story about Christopher Columbus and the lunar eclipse demonstrates the technological superiority of the Europeans over the Native Americans which is why Europeans took over the land. Had nothing to do with whites being “evil” and neither group was morally or inherently superior. 

The technological advancement of white Europeans was an outgrowth of the geological circumstances of the European continent, not a result of white’s being “better” people. 

Likewise the still-primitive cultures of Native Americans did not represent moral superiority. Tribes raided and murdered each other same as humans everywhere for all time.

There were good and bad features of both, but neither were “better” people.

Spin Zone / Re: Mitch McConnell steps down
« on: February 28, 2024, 01:34:07 PM »
I hate to get my hopes up, but dare I say things are looking up?

My opposition to Trump was only that I thought someone else would have a better shot at winning in November.  But that is irrelevant now.

Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country, and support Trump.

Jews are leaving Biden because he is not helping Israel enough.
Arabs are leaving Biden because he IS help Israel too much.
Trump is picking up substantial support from blacks and Hispanics.

Rona Romney is stepping down.
Mitch is stepping down.
Nikki is now saying she will stay in the hunt until Super Tuesday, instead of till the end.
Koch's are moving support from Nikki to the Congressional races. 
If we can just get one or two Senate seats we keep get the Senate
Hopefully we can hang onto the house.

With all of this, Trump not only looks to win, but he will be going in with his eyes open and hopefully fewer Rs seeking to undermine him, like last time.

Sans cheating, I am feeling optimistic. (uh oh. I probably shouldn't have said that).

Agree, Trump is doing better in the polls than he was doing in 2016 or 2020 and he won both times. Hopefully this means he will win in such a landslide they can't cheat they're way out of it.  But if that happens, look to him having a very hard time getting things done as they will try to undermine his presidency every step of the way.

Spin Zone / Re: 53 MM FOR ILLEGALS IN NY
« on: February 27, 2024, 09:32:33 AM »
Asylum seekers must by law stop at the first country that doesn't actively oppress them.  As they made it through a dozen other safe countries, they are by definition not asylum seekers.  They are simply freeloaders.  If they want to work, let them work to improve their own country.  If they want to vote for change, let them vote to change their own country.

Trump understood that and made them stay in Mexico; Biden reversed that on day 1 damn him into Hell.  You cannot tell me that isn't deliberately opening the borders to ILLEGAL ALIENS and thus enabling an invasion which will be the end of our county and our culture.

No I'm not "racist" or "zenophobic" and I am NOT anti-immigration you fucking lying left. I am all for LEGAL immigration, like members of my own family who are Hispanic.  And one Brit.  And those are just the ones still alive.

Edit, not YOU username, I'm not calling you fucking lying left.   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Tulsi vs Nikki
« on: February 27, 2024, 05:39:56 AM »
No one is perfect. 2nd amendment absolutists are rare.  Trump himself has been for some gun control.  Tulsi has shifted to the right over time and it’s been gradual, which inclines me to believe it’s sincere, not just a lie made up to try to fool us.

Here are some reasons I think that:

She has come to see the federal government as an out of control tyranny, (duh!) and the DC bubble completely disconnected from the people, and hence has begun to understand the eventual possible need for the people to be armed enough to check a tyrannical government.  She has verbally expressed this, that gun rights are not simply for individual self defense.

Back in her younger days, isolated on that little island off in the Pacific, she was pretty focused on local environmental issues, hence a Democrat, and like many young people drawn toward liberalism.  But with time and refocusing on broader issues, she has moved away from progressivism, again, like many of us, as we get older and wiser. I believe we might give her the benefit of doubt.

Ability to avoid WW3 might be a priority in picking the VP. She is against the U.S. interfering in conflicts overseas, while being for defending us against attack at home.  She is also against the far left woke takeover.  She is FOR paper ballots and election security.

So while we must be wary and watch her on the 2nd Amendment issue, there is a good chance she is experiencing genuine growth, which if true is a good sign, a sign of open mindedness, intelligence, willingness to admit when she is wrong, and so forth.

You have to listen to her extensively and then get a gut feel for if she is sincere in her change of heart. So far I tend to think she is.  But I’ll be watching her carefully while remaining “guardedly optimistic”.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: February 26, 2024, 05:30:09 AM »
Now this,  it will be a very interesting year wonder what is next.

I am sick of being called “far right”!  Just because I wanted to replace Ronna McDaniel?  And because I like Trump because he lowered my taxes, made the U.S. energy independent and actually defended our border? 

This is Fox News, supposedly on my side, but a traitor. Going along with the left calling anyone not on the left “far right”.

Screwing around with language.  You don’t want to cut a little boy’s dick off because he picked up a doll once?  You’re “transphobic”.  You think Hamas are an evil terrorist group? You’re “Islamophobic”.  You think we should abide by the U.S. Constitution?  You’re a “domestic extremist”. You don’t want to allow millions of illegal aliens to overrun the country?  You’re “anti-immigration” - a lie

All of the above makes me a normal American. It’s the radical left agenda that’s extreme, and mentally sick, and they’ve worked it into the culture through a corrupt media of which Fox is as bad as the rest.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:47:27 AM »
Try boiled coffee the way the cowboys made it on the trail.

I did. My husband found a YouTube video on how to make it.  It was surprisingly good, despite breaking all the rules of coffee snobs like me.

Look, when you hire someone as the CEO, do you want a guy that will just give nice talks, make promises, then work behind the scenes to steal from the company and put it in further debt?

  Or do you hire a guy that talks a tough line, vows to take action against those stealing from the company, and vows to work diligently to make the company stronger and make the company number 1?

  We're electing a president, not appointing a Pope.   I want a guy that can do the job.

Trump read my mind on that subject. My husband and I were discussing who we wanted Trump to pick as VP. We talked about the pros and cons of each, whether they’d bring more votes, what their ideology is, their age, etc.  Finally I said to my husband, “None of that matters, what matters is do we want them as president.”

The very next day I get this text from Trump saying his number one criteria for choosing his VP is that they should be ready to assume the office of the presidency.

Anyhow, related to what you’re saying, we need those same qualities in the VP choice too. Leadership qualities require backbone, a willingness to do unpopular things, a dedication to protecting what they’re leading, not undermine it.

You are one to talk.  You constantly criticize people like me, Jim or Peter for saying things that you would let go if your "friends" said them.

Saying that you can't criticize a veteran because he is a veteran is idiotic. I say that having lost a father, an uncle and several close friends due to military combat.

Admit that some veterans need criticizing and I will drop this.

I’m not sure he said that. But anyway, I’ll criticize a veteran all day long for stuff he does unrelated to war. My dang leftist Democrat brother is a vet.  In everyday matters they don’t deserve any more respect than anyone else. 

I will not criticize anything they do in combat.  Or generally related to being deployed.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 23, 2024, 05:39:44 AM »
Not actually a joke. Just fact.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 22, 2024, 05:49:25 PM »
Coffee is literally the only reason I get up in the morning.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 01:21:13 PM »
Democrats are the communist menace our parents worried about.

And Republicans (with few exceptions) are their useful idiots. Or enablers.

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