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Messages - nddons

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The 25th Amendment is not a “way to remove a President”.  That’s the msm ignorant interpretation.

To lawfully remove a President it’s covered in the constitution by a process of impeachment.  The 25th is a way to replace a President in the event he can’t fulfill his obligation. It was never ever intended to circumvent the impeachment process.
Exactly. Further, the use of the 25th Amendment is not within the power of these people. Power rests with the cabinet, not law enforcement officials.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberals Outnumber Conservatives in Only 6 States
« on: February 23, 2019, 01:01:15 PM »
Who is President?
And this is why the Electoral College is an impediment for liberals.

Did you miss, or just ignore the part where I sad as long as they follow thr law. Assassination is not legal.
The point is there is no law that isn’t broken in a coup. They may be peaceful, but I’ve never heard of a lawful coup.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 23, 2019, 09:50:26 AM »
We have a booming economy.
Historically low unemployment including for Blacks, and Hispanics.
We have very low energy prices including gasoline which goes right to a working person's bottom line.
Stock markets are In good shape.
Less regulations.
At least an attempt to better secure the border. 

Do you think most people are really going to want to mess with that because the Media, and Democrats constantly yell, "Orange Man Bad!!!" ?
Sadly, yes, it’s possible. Scott Walker has been nothing but an unmitigated success in Wisconsin, for all of Wisconsin. He was defeated in November by a pencil neck socialist tool for the unions, in large part due to hate of him, not of his track record. Some municipalities in liberal strongholds also had non-binding pot legalization referendums in the ballot, so that brought out the stoners too.

Face it, a large part of this country is just in angry rage for no reason, and would be fully willing to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 23, 2019, 09:35:06 AM »
Yea, I agree with you there. I tend to think that women who sport Charles Manson eyes are on the psycho side of things.

How do you know I have "no legal training"?  Or does it just make you feel better about yourself to be condescending.  Yes, courts are politically motivated, and some are corrupt, and do sometimes get it wrong.  Grow up.
When you see that four justices would have held that the RKBA is not an individual right, thats all you need to know that Steingar’s faith in judges is naive at best.

I actually heard about that and was dismayed and surprised (yes, the story was carried in the “mainstream liberal media”).  Dismayed that the students resorted to violence, and surprised that they would.  The UC system is very selective, I would have thought their students clever enough to know better.
Oh come on doctor. You can’t be this naive. The behavior of the students comes about through implicit and direct permission and acquiescence and support from the faculty and leadership at those schools. When you have an army of privates and corporals willing to take the fight to the enemy on your behalf, you support them. That’s what is happening on many college campuses today.

If you think this is bullshit, tell me why schools haven’t cracked down and expelled students for preventing conservative speakers from speaking on campus, for violently attacking college republicans, and for other unlawful activities undertaken right on their own campuses under their own noses.

Coups remove the power of the States to elect a President.  They circumvent our legal system and take "The People" totally out of the equation.  So you were OK with the JFK assassination?
Exactly. Little Joe seems to miss the point.

A rebellion is one thing. A coup is an attempt by a small group of of power mongers - the deep state, the intelligence community, the military, etc. - to underhandedly use the levers of power in government to undermine the will of the People.  Fuck that. That’s treason and should be punished as such.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders is running in 2020
« on: February 23, 2019, 08:46:42 AM »
Back to the OT of the thread: Bernie's age doesn't bother me. Yes it's a liability, statistically speaking, but statistics don't address the individual. He has always seemed sharp and I've seen nothing in his recent public appearances to suggest cognitive decline. My problem with Bernie is his policies (Medicare for all would be a disaster in this time of $22 trillion debt), his narrow focus on economic inequality (he lives in a left-wing populist world where the common man is good and big business the epitome of evil), and the fact that he can't discuss international affairs intelligently to save his life, my main takeaway from the Clinton-Sanders debates in 2016.

So far there hasn't been an announced dem candidate I could vote for. They're mostly left-wing extremists pushing Sanders-style "democratic socialism", not a real centrist in the bunch. Sad. I'm still very lukewarm to Trump and much of what he does scares the crap out of me, but he has grown into the job more than I expected, and I'd have to hold my nose and punch his number on the ballot if the alternative were any of the current crop of Dems.

My long-shot hope is that a moderate Republican (maybe someone like Kasich - definitely NOT Weld) successfully challenges Trump in the primaries. I realize it isn't likely to happen unless Trump does something REALLY disastrous, but I'm afraid our next President is going to be a socialist if it doesn't. Heck, I strongly suspect that if the Dems had gone for Bernie, we would have a socialist in the WH now.
Primarying a first term president is the best way to elect the opposition party.  Too much money, resources, volunteers, and strategy is wasted beating your primary opponents before you ever step foot into the general.

Any GOP primary candidate knows this, and if they get into the game, you will know they’re playing for the other team.

Got news dickwad.  Some of those soldiers being memorialized were Jewish.  how do you think that there families feel about that monument?

If it really is the state let them put up a monument that everyone can agree to, and not just one religion.  Lots of militaria items that would be perfectly appropriate.  Obviously you're perfectly happy with our government promoting the Christian religion, but lot son folks aren't.
If those families were upset, and I doubt that they were, those families should have protested or helped shape the memorial. The fact is the vast majority of those that died were Christian. The people at that time felt this was the best way to remember them.  It would be sacrilege to remove it or change it at this point in time.

It is of no importance that it troubles you so greatly, or that you are projecting your feigned outrage into the families of the dead, who themselves are probably dead. 

Get over yourself.

I agree with you about not using my tax money to fund other people’s religious symbols. I also don’t want to fund their pet (fake) environmental projects, their abortions, their college loan, their cell phones and food stamps, hell 90% of my money is funding crap I disagree with. But I don’t mind funding a war memorial for dead vets, this thing isn’t pushing religion, it’s honoring our dead warriors.

But is it your position that you’re triggered when you see a cross?  To you it represents the whole history of persecution of Jews?  If so how do you go around town seeing churches? How do you watch vampire movies? Holding a cross up to a vampire isn’t symbolizing persecution of Jews; it’s symbolizing triumph of good over evil. Likewise that memorial isn’t symbolizing persecution of Jews any more than the local church steeple is; it’s symbolizing honor for our war dead - specifically those 49. And that’s all it means.

In one respect I do agree with you completely and that is we do need to be on guard about religious groups inserting themselves into governing bodies. The current threat is the push to implement sharia law - in places here in the states! These atheist groups need to pick their battles, and that is one I could get behind.
But they won’t, Rush. You will not see the Freedom From Religion Foundation or any leftist group to touch a Muslim issue.  It’s popular and accepted in today’s society to persecute Catholics and Christians; not so much with Muslims, despite their clear unwillingness to integrate into American society.

Were it a secular purpose they could have used a secular symbol.  A tank or a fighter jet on a pylon seem appropriate.  And with a secular symbol state funding is slam dunk, those soldiers died for the state.  But they chose a religious symbol, hence the problems today.  I strongly object to paying for other people's religious symbols.  Why should I have to pay my money towards something that not only do I not believe in but that also represents a millennium of repression of my people?
Because, asshole, it’s NOT about you, it’s about them, and our country’s promise to honor our war dead.  Our soldiers’ Religion was on their dog tags because it was that important. If they still has their head intact, they could hopefully identify their religion and bury them accordingly.

Check out the American Battle Monument Commission website to see which graves or memorials you wish to defile.

No one living today has the moral right to be offended by the memorials and graves of our war dead erected yesterday. Those that do are the weakest human beings ever to disgrace this nation.

Baloney. The first has been interpreted as a wall between Chirch and State since the time of Jefferson. Tons of precedent. Learn something about your own Republic.
Hey dipshit. I’ve obviously read more about it than you.

What Jefferson wrote about separation of church and state was not authoritative. It was his opinion. Yet the mental midgets cling to it like grim death.

Madison Wisconsin is the home to the Freedom FROM Religion Foundation, the group of twerps who keep suing around the country to get religious symbols removed from the public and often private square.

Most towns and municipalities don’t have the money to fight such lawsuits, so they fold to the pressure.

By the way, most precedent has happened in the late 20th century and is full of misinterpretation of the very thing that you have done. It’s about time for the originality intent of the First Amendment to come back in vogue.

Law of supremacy.  Since Congress can't do it, State governments can't do it either. That means the State governments can't choose favorites either.  Verboten.  If someone wants to put up religious symbols on public land they have the first amendment to protect their right, and I'm all for it.  If the good citizens of Maryland really want their cross they can privately raise the funds to maintain it.  I will applaud their efforts.  But their government's hands are tied, since that particular symbol is associated with one particular religion, and the State isn't allowed to choose favorites, again due to the First Amendment.
Wrong. The Amendment requires that congress makes a law. I’m not quite sure why you keep ignoring that part. The words matter.

Picking and choosing favorites is not in the Constitution. That’s what you and others WANT it to say, but that’s not what it says.

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