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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:35:08 AM »
My most fervent hope is that Trump can somehow help unite us.  I realize there is a low probability of that because most liberals I know will refuse to admit that they agree with anything Trump says or does.  But I still hope.

I hope that intelligent liberals like MarkZ and Asechrest will be able to see the good that Trump offers and helps him to heal the wounds we all have.

There is absolutely no chance that liberals will accept any positive changes Trump facilitates. It is not in the psyche of liberals to admit anyone not approved by their progressive masters can do, be, say, think anything good, positive, productive, or uniting.
The lies will get farther and farther from reality, especially if the stock market continues to rebound from the Obama blizzard of crushing regulation and never ending witch hunts against conservatives.
People capable of honestly examining the record will know it, but the snowflakes, useless academics and professionally offended will do what Markz and witmo do. They will lie about the truth and demand that people accept the DNC lies as truth.

Spin Zone / Re: It's "O"ver!
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:15:23 AM »
The primal howl ... I bet if you asked one of these people exactly why they are so upset, their answer would be either incoherent or misinformed.

The most pathetic thing about those snowflakes is that many of them are not registered to vote and many others that were, 'forgot' to go vote. The left has become a wasteland of stupidity, surrounding the likes of Bernie Sanders and Maxine Waters.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:11:26 AM »
He's a goofball.  I read something the other day that seems to make more sense the more I think about it.  He'll do something so stupid in the next 60 days that we'll be referring to President Pence.

Did you shit your diaper while playing with your crayons sitting in a circle?
What a load of puerile bullshit.

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:10:18 AM »
Congrats to the deplorables.

Go fuck yourself.
It is so tiring to read your delusions and see the need you have to pretend things that simply aren't.
Enjoy the safe space of the faculty lounge and play with your crayons and play-doe.
Of course you can always take it out on your students....
Oh, wait.
You do that every day.

Spin Zone / Re: The Fat Ass Wookie is GONE!!!
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:06:40 AM »
I stayed with FOXNEWS until the communists pigs left DC to make sure they really were gone.
Good Riddance.
Maybe Donald can fumigate the place from their stink.

Spin Zone / HAPPY NO-bama DAY!!!!
« on: January 20, 2017, 07:24:57 AM »

The Best Things in America are about to become available again.
Starting with jobs, growth, economic upturns and the end of the ignorance of progressive racism, violence, liberal stupidity ruining the government and the abject idiocy of the moronic snowflakes.

Spin Zone / Re: More MSM Meltdown
« on: January 19, 2017, 06:54:25 AM »
Racism, violence, arson, murder and terrorism is so liberal democrat-progressive these days.


My problem is how do you ensure adults with children receive the incentive they need to "pull up their bootstraps" without causing undue hardship to their children. Someone posted subsidized day care facilities, wherein other adults could work for said facilities.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Your response, right there, focuses the spotlight on one the most dramatic failures of liberalism.
YOU DON'T insure (not ensure unless you have elderly problems) someone adults find their incentive to succeed. You stop subsidizing their LACK of incentive to succeed and watch how fast they learn to support themselves.
Other than as a vote buying scam, social welfare as it is administrated today is the biggest reason people fail to succeed.

Spin Zone / Re: The Orange Overlord comprised by the Reds?
« on: January 19, 2017, 06:47:58 AM »
Sorry, I just saw this shit on the news.  I suppose since it wasn't on Breitbart or Fox it must automatically not be real.  Sorry for anything untoward about you Orange Overlord.  I guess anything negative about his Orangesness doesn't belong in your nice echo chamber.  Sorry to disrupt the Conservative harmony.

Thinking of your intellectual paucity and the way you proclaim your superior intelligence and how deserving you think you are, I shudder to think of you having the power to FORCE young people to listen to your never ending bullshit, slanted opinions and delusional fears.
At least in the real world people can turn you off, tune you out, or simply ignore your fascist rantings. In the classroom you get to lord it and your non-existent, superior intellect over them.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is creating even more jobs!
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:33:50 AM »
How long before the IRS looks into all that unpaid tax revenue?
I'm sure Lois Lerner will get right on it.

Spin Zone / Re: Serious Question on supposed Russian Hacking
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:32:53 AM »
The funniest things in entertainment are coming out of the democrat party and progressive media these days.
Their ignorant ranting and insane hypocrisy is better than anything on TV, or at the movies.
One day the party is going to end and the whole country is going to realize how pathetic, weak, whiny, and dishonest the democrats have become and the 2016 election is going to look like a walk in that park compared to how bad they are going to get ripped when that happens.

Spin Zone / Re: More MSM Meltdown
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:30:41 AM »
Marc Lamont Hill is a racist bigot who says things to get attention.

Isn't that the correct definition of the entire democrat party these days?

Spin Zone / Re: Why aren't these people under arrest?
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:29:45 AM »
It used to be that the really REALLY stupid-ness came from code pink and everyone not too stoned, or stupid to see through their obsession with getting attention, laughed at them. Now the sickness has spread throughout loony, loopy, lefty-ville to the point htat you can't find the adult leftists because the lunatic fringe has taken over the entire house.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake Fake News
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:27:49 AM »
I have never seen a news segment that so destroys the fake news leftists. He was epic last night.

Spin Zone / Re: The Orange Overlord comprised by the Reds?
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:25:15 AM »
Potentially credible intelligence findings say yes.  Story on CNN:

Find you some play-doe and crayons at the end of the hall and sit in a circle with the other snowflakes until adulthood breaks out.

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