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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Vietnam Wall some history
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:13:11 PM »
You realize that article is almost two weeks old.  Perhaps Trump doesn't think he needs to advertise his upcoming strategy so the enemy knows what is coming, like Obama did.
Exactly. Trump was spot on for not yapping to Pelosi and Schitt about the mission to kill the head of isis.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 27, 2019, 07:15:20 AM »
Yes, Reagan and all of us had a valuable lesson reinforced with that one.  When you do actually compromise with the Democrats make sure they do what they are promising to do before you actually do anything.  They usually don't come through with their end of the bargain unless FORCED by you not doing yours. 

Democrats are the DISHONEST fanatics and prove it over and over with things like immigration, and other issues.
This is why “Omnibus” or “Comprehensive” bills are worthless. They hide too much shit, and prevent accountability to their terms.

“Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is code for “Let’s fuck with Republicans again so they never get their wall.”

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 09:28:30 AM »
Yes, but you had a different perspective then, so you can't judge your previous self by your present self.   Have a shot of Bourbon and call it even.  :)
I know you weren’t talking to me, but I’m going to take that advice tonight regardless. I have a bottle of Buffalo Trace that I need to crack open tonight.

Spin Zone / Re: Katie Hill
« on: October 25, 2019, 07:40:57 AM »
He should have been charged and convicted of DUI and Manslaughter at the minimum.  Shows how brainwashed the Far Lefties of Mass are.  At least it stopped him from running for President, at least that is the theory.  What a socialist hell hole, but so is the rest of New England.
But it didn’t stop him from running.

He wasn’t elected POTUS, but it’s not for a lack of trying. He ran for the democratic nomination in:

1968, 1972, 1976, and 1980, where he came in second to Jimmy Carter.

Since July 18, 1969, Mary Jo Kopechne has been unavailable for comment.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary just may be onto something!
« on: October 24, 2019, 07:41:39 AM »
Here’s my theory: the election is won on superficial appeal, nothing else. This is because the dedicated right and left know their ideology. It’s the swing vote in the middle that will throw the numbers one way or the other, and many swing voters don’t know ideology from a hole in the ground nor are they well informed on issues.

Suppose there were identical twins running for president. Exact same position on all issues, but the only difference is one talks with a British accent and the other with a hillbilly or Deep South drawl. Which will win? The Brit of course. Americans have been conditioned by the entertainment industry to believe hillbillies are ignorant inbreds, and southerners are narrow minded, racist religious fanatics.

Unfortunately this is less true today than in the past because nowadays the mainstream media is far too biased, so the uninformed are automatically pushed Democrat. But let’s say the news was actually unbiased. All else equal, the taller candidate has an advantage. The better looking candidate has an advantage. Possibly the male still has an advantage and the white may have an advantage over a person of color. People vote largely how their subconscious directs them to.

Have you ever been at the booth and confronted a race about which you had failed to do your homework?  A local race where the party affiliation is not mentioned plus you have no clue what their positions are on the issues and you have never even heard of either candidate? You know nothing at all about them except their name. What do you do? The choice is, leave it blank, vote based on name alone, or, research has shown, more people than not just vote for the first name on the list.
My dad taught me that if I wasn’t sure about a race, vote for the person with the Polish name.

Now here in Wisconsin we have a tool that will hopefully never die. When the leftists voted to recall Scott Walker, they had to get xxx,xxx number of people to sign a recall petition. Those who signed presumed that their signature was private. It was not.

Conservatives banded together to memorialize those signatures. I was one of those people. Now, when I get a judge or a school board member that I haven’t heard about, I can look them up before I vote to see if they signed the recall petition.

You can have fun with this. Jeffrey Skiles of Miracle on the Hudson fame signed it. The database will link back to the original signature on the petition. Good stuff.

Spin Zone / Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 23, 2019, 02:12:56 PM »
Basically, because it's still a third world place and they're stuck in a vicious circle. Can't have manufacturing until you have a stable society and you cannot have a stable society until you have an economic base: ie: manufacturing. China is attempting to break the cycle but as steingar points out, not doing it very well (corruption, etc.)

For successful manufacturing you need:

*Education (designers, managers, engineers)  The best and smartest leave for the U.S. and Europe. Education is sub-par for the rest.

*Infrastructure (roads, energy, logistics such as shipping warehouses) Roads suck, power is spotty, internet and phone is unreliable. The geography makes this difficult as well; jungles, mountains

*Capital investments (money and stable currency) Difficult to get loans or investors, chronic poverty has resulted in bad money management practices. Unstable local markets.

*Cultural and political stability (religious conflicts, civil wars, corruption, anarchy) Even if these are overcome, they're too recent for companies to feel secure locating there.
The great British Empire tried to advance many countries in Africa - Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Rhodesia, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and a few others. All basically failures except for South Africa. If the Brits can’t do it, I’m not sure anyone else can pull it off.

To make any movement whatsoever, you have to end the corruption. I’m not sure that is possible.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 23, 2019, 02:08:05 PM »
So I had a silly thought... to actually look at legislation.  Now, there are lots of bills that get submitted and only a small percentage make it all the way to becoming law.


The 115th Congress had 18732 pieces of legislation, 443 became law (no vetos)

The 116th Congress has (so far) 10324 pieces of legislation, 65 became law (6 vetos from President Trump)

Now, while I'm retired, I don't have infinite time to look through 10324 pieces of legislation (never mind the other type of stuff such as resolutions, etc).  So, I thought I'd look first at the legislation that passed.  At first I looked at the 115th Congress, but at first blush there were lots of republican co-sponsors of bills sponsored by democrats.  And I figured that looking through 65 bills would be easier... at least to get an initial feel of things.

If your premise of Republicans being fanatics without compromise is true, then none (or perhaps very few) pieces of legislation would have Republican co-sponsors.  Eight of the 65 had zero co-sponsors.  Five house bills were sponsored by a (D) without any co-sponsors.  Three Senate bills had zero co-sponsors (1 D, 2 R).

Of the remaining 57 bills, three bills sponsored by a democrat had 0 republican sponsors.  That means 54 bills included republicans as co-sponsors.   Interestly, 2 hour bills sponsored by democrats only had democrat co-sponsors, and 2 house bills sponsored by republicans only had republican co-sponsors.  All the rest had a mixture.

yup, those republicans are fanatics.  No doubt about it.

pesky facts.
When you obtain your intelligence from, you get what you pay for.

Spin Zone / Re: Abuse of power in the impeachment process
« on: October 23, 2019, 07:41:20 AM »
No time to elaborate now, but I am concerned above all with Trump's handling of foreign policy and the military. The final outcome is still uncertain, but the way (not the fact that he did, but the way) he withdrew troops from Syria seems to show either a lack of thinking things through, or a casual disregard of an important national security priority (keeping ISIS from rising up again).

I'm sure that I'll be accused of listening only to the MSM on this, but I don't see how the facts that have been reported in the last few days can be spun any other way.
Our 50-1,000 troops trained over 50,000 Kurds and Syrian military ever since Obama sent our armed forces into Syria. 

As we’ve learned in Iraq and Afghanistan, after losing 4,902 men and women in trying to do the same, you can only lead a dog to water, but you can’t make him drink.

If ISIS fighters are being let out of jails by Syrians, what exactly is the US supposed to do? 

Sorry, but I’m tired of our men and women getting killed by combatants, and getting fragged by the very people we are trying to “help.” 

Spin Zone / Re: Abuse of power in the impeachment process
« on: October 22, 2019, 02:36:57 PM »
Just about everyone in the State department connected to this thing is saying quid pro quo.  This is not going away.  Your Golden boy is in deep do do.  And the youth doesn't even know what he did wrong.  And none of you give a shit because its Trump.
Every interaction with foreign governments involve some sort of quid pro quo. When foreign nations want our support, we should expect something in return.  That’s not illegal, immoral, unethical, or a high crime or misdemeanor.  Yet when I read the transcripts of the call, I read nothing that says a quid pro quo. Nothing.

Read it at

Let me know where the QPQ exists.

Spin Zone / Romney
« on: October 22, 2019, 09:50:56 AM »
BTW, when you lead with insults...whatever you say afterwards is lost.

On this topic, I believe I'm better informed or at least not hampered by partisan blindness.  You can't see wrong because your side could never be wrong to you.  Then equally I can never trust your assessment of Democrats either.  You are one of the ones who would literally not find fault with Trump if he shot someone on 5th Avenue.  Who isn't thinking?

You've run out ideas and moved to insults...Roger that.  Sorry, internet rules, you lose.
Why would you be insulted by me saying you aren’t a moderate?  My, aren’t we sensitive.

And nice deflection from your unwillingness to answer my question about why you think the GOP has become fanatical.

Spin Zone / Re: Romney
« on: October 21, 2019, 01:18:47 PM »
Actually, I don’t think Romney has moved that much. The Republican Party has just become more fanatical and therefore he is less acceptable.
Thanks for confirming what I’ve thought for quite a while. You aren’t a moderate in any way. Moderates at least try to think.

Instead, you are projectile vomiting the same  bombastic rhetoric coming out of CNNMSNBCABC etc.

Exactly how has the GOP become fanatical?  Do they support infanticide?  Gun confiscation?  Censorship?  Men using girls bathrooms because they think they are female?  Mass de-incarceration of criminals?   Free-passage across our borders?  Ignoring federal laws through “sanctuary”? 

Spin Zone / Re: Y’all are always wondering what’s next ...
« on: October 20, 2019, 02:41:07 PM »
Can I sign mine up for welfare now? He's black, doesn't work, and doesn't speak english.
Ha!  Outstanding point.

Same with my chocolate lab. Didn’t NO mayor Ray Nagin call New Orleans a “chocolate city?” 

My lab just had doggy ACL surgery. I think Medicaid should cover that.

Pilot Zone / Re: New Pilot Forum
« on: October 20, 2019, 07:23:20 AM »

Correct, he told Brian that doing away with the SZ saved PoA.
Kind of like how decriminalizing drug use and shitting in the streets has saved San Francisco.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 19, 2019, 03:22:05 PM »
The MIC doesn’t care.  Endless wars are big business.  Look at how much this country has sank into Afghanistan, with the majority of that money being spent on contractors and not the US military.  Those contracts are lucrative.

Thus why all the crying by the establishment (R’s and D’s), their handlers are losing money if the US doesn’t gin up a war in Syria, and they’re even more pissed off because we didn’t charge into Iran. 

The MIC needs simple minds to demand more military actions.  After all, it’s all about business.
We can’t do much about the MIC. What slays me are people like bflynn who love to continue to use our limited forces with severely restricted ROEs as pawns in a 1,300 year conflict. Most conservatives have learned their lesson after the last 18 years. Libs?  Not so much.

Spin Zone / Re: Getting our boys out of the way
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:21:52 PM »
I keep hearing this type of complaint.

It doesn't matter what the US does, some people are going to keep claiming the US reputation is crap (or worse) because of [insert whatever the US does or doesn't do]
Including many Americans who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.

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