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Topics - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / RNC vs DNC Two sides of the same coin
« on: Today at 08:20:43 AM »

Rejected Ron DeSantis Positions his Voice following Trump Conviction


Most Republican voters are not familiar with the Machiavellian ways of the multinational corporations who control most of the professionally Republican politicians as puppets.  A large percentage of political observers think the “corporate Republican” meme is overused, in part because they need to retain their own sense of stability.

The illusion of the two-party system is comfortable to the psyche, and the beneficiaries of the cognitive dissonance work earnestly to keep up pretenses.  However, there is a great awakening happening as people realize the UniParty is very real.

Democrats want power, Republicans want money.  Democrats use money to get power, Republicans use power to get money.  The ideology of the Democrats drives their donor activity, while the donor activity of the Republicans drives their ideology.  This is the structural difference between both wings of the UniParty apparatus.

In the aftermath of the Trump verdict, the corporations who control the professionally Republican approach have two vested candidates they would position as beneficiaries – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

You might remember that during the initial shock of the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid, Ron DeSantis sent one tweet from his personal account and then went silent for 5 days, hiding from all media.  At the conclusion of the 5-days, DeSantis emerged and began his August national branding tour, which then morphed into his 2022 “book tour.”  Everything was carefully scripted, planned, scheduled and controlled.

The professionally Republican groups that support Ron DeSantis, in addition to his online influencer group (formerly Ted Cruz Crew), do not like it when you point out the visible fingerprints of the Sea Island strategists around DeSantis; but I don’t care.  CTH points out their activity specifically because it is very predictable and part of the long history inside the modern Republican Party.

Following the Trump verdict in New York, team DeSantis position their narrative; only this time, they use the official account of the Florida governor, because he suspended his 2024 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. [The control group have him in waiting mode.]

There is a tribe of rabid professional Republicans – generally online influencers who receive pay, benefits and indulgences from the multinationals and billionaire class – who absolutely hate it when you point out the corporate agenda behind the DeSantis operation.  These are the same people, groups and organizations, who attacked us two years ago for pointing out the DeSantis plan for ’24.

The argument is akin to saying that anyone who supports Trump now should be excused for all their previous Machiavellian moves, hate-filled opposition and duplicity.  These are skillful professional GOPe abusers who make the same passive aggressive arguments as toxic leftists.  They swarm those who put sunlight on the Republican schemes and call us names for informing people about their Trojan Horse deceptions.

This highly structured commentary from Ron DeSantis (now using his Twitter account) is part of their professional political manipulation. These are the same GOPe entities who will be willfully blind to rules and regulations that ban “convicted felons” from federal (or Republican) campaigns.  See them for who they are and notice the positioning of Ron and Nikki in advance of the RNC convention.

In the past several decades, the motive of a Republican or Democrat politician, advancing their influence by running for political office, has absolutely nothing to do with representing the interests of the American people.  Nothing.  Their interests are to engage within the business of politics, while presenting themselves as qualified actors to retain the premise of political service.  This is why they will spend $10 million to win an office that only pays $400k/yr.

The business of buying, selling and controlling policy, is the core operation of people within the US political system.  As an outcome, the business has two wings – the RNC and the DNC.  Two private corporations inside the political industry who are in place to retain the overall business model.  The RNC and DNC are both funded by the same interests, banks, corporations, Wall St interests, and even foreign interests who purchase outcomes.

The RNC and DNC are two operational wings inside the industry of politics.  The are in the same business, but they have slightly different business models.

The Republicans (RNC) want money, the Democrats (DNC) want power.  The Republicans use power to get money, the Democrats use money to get power.  The donor activity of the Republicans drives their agenda.  The agenda of the Democrats drives their donor activity.  It is a subtle nuance, but once you really understand it, everything falls into place.

The Republican politicians are ambivalent to the outcomes of the Democrats.  The Republican group only cares about the money.  Threaten the power of the Democrats, and you get a toxic and violent response.  Threaten the money of the Republicans, and you get exactly the same level of response.  It is critical to understand that both the DNC and RNC are private corporations with no affiliation to government.

The MAGA base of support cannot trust this Republican corporate group and we must not be blind or unguarded about the Machiavellian schemes they construct.  Donald Trump is not a problem for the Republican Party; Donald Trump is our response to the problem within the Republican Party.

Making America Great Again is an outcome of national economic policy.  At its core, MAGA is a national economic dynamic within a political movement that is represented by President Donald J. Trump.

It is critical to understand, the MAGA economic policy is essentially a national policy completely, and uniquely, under the control of the office of the President.  The impact to the lives of Americans is a direct outcome from national economic policy.  If a president wants to lead an independently wealthy country, he/she applies a very specific economic outlook to all other policy areas including energy, regulation and foreign policy.

It is also true that opposition to President Donald Trump is uniquely connected to the America First economic agenda.

Multimillion-dollar lobbyist firms like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable, along with dozens of economically established SuperPAC’s funded by Wall Street and multinational corporations, are vehemently opposed to the America First economic agenda.

All of the national politicians and political candidates taking money from these aforementioned groups necessarily bind themselves to a position that stands against the America First economic agenda.

In essence, if you take money from the multinationals, you cannot deliver on MAGA economic outcomes for banking, trade, finance etc.  And that’s exactly where we run into the problem.

Because MAGA national economic priorities conflict with the multinational corporations, hedge funds and the Wall Street donor class, all of the politicians who accept the influence checks from these self-interested groups cannot run on, or deliver, a MAGA national economic agenda.

At a local, county and state level, you have direct impact on the political policy agenda in your community.  Who you elect to the city council, school board, state house and Senate, as well as governor’s office, has an impact on those local and state priorities.  However, national economic policy, national energy and trade policy, and national foreign policy are not under your control.

As a result, the same skillset, or policy outlook, that makes a governor a successful state politician doesn’t carry into a federal office, [see the example of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker].  Yes, there are some executive and administration skills that carry over; however, on the bigger issue of steering the national policy agenda, almost every candidate for office comes with the baggage of having accepted donor contributions from a class of people who are paying for economic policy influence.

MAGA cannot be purchased.  It is a political outlook that seeks only to enhance the best interests of the American people, regardless of consequence for the multinationals or foreign beneficiaries of globalist U.S. economic policy.  Unfortunately, as a result, all of the beneficiaries are aligned to make sure the MAGA economic policy outlook is extinguished.  There are literally trillions at stake.  This reality underpins the opposition to Donald Trump.

When you understand why the national economic outlook of the President is so important, you can also understand why every political candidate is told not to discuss it by the handlers and campaign managers who are essentially selling their candidate to a millionaire and billionaire donor class who do not want an America First economic policy agenda.

There is no easy solution for this problem, and ironically this core economic issue is where you find supporters of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in alignment.

Where the Sanders and Trump camps split is on the solution.  Team Sanders wants the government to play the role of economic referee (regulation), while Team Trump wants the government to change the rules of the economic game (countervailing duties, tariffs etc).

Before Donald Trump entered politics, there was no home for people voting on the issue of a national economic agenda.

Both Democrat and Republican candidates had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy because they are all getting money from the same multinational corporate trough.  However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America First.

For decades, Middle America was begging the McConnells, Ryans, Boehners, Romneys, McCains, Bushes, et al, to make America First economic policies their priority.  All of our shouts for help fell upon deaf political ears plugged by corporate donations and influence.  Our communities were literally collapsing around us (see rust belt), and yet no national politician would do anything of consequence.

By the time Donald Trump arrived, decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause, because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA Republican coalition, a working class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not Republican because of political affiliation; it is “MAGA Republican” only because the Republican Party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle, there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA Republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of Americans first.

Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King, because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook.  Unfortunately, the Republican corporation does not carry that priority. Thus, the Big Ugly battle for control of the Republican Party remains in place and we must be very guarded about those who present themselves with MAGA masks.

Spin Zone / The Border Invasion
« on: May 16, 2024, 04:56:26 AM »

  So that means for the rest of his residency he will import about a million more illegals.   Gee, that's really taking action!

Spin Zone / Presidential Debates
« on: May 15, 2024, 03:18:52 PM »
So now FJB is dictating the format and the source of the debates.   He wants only liberal networks to host, no audience and the opposite mike turned off while speaking.

The first debate is with CNN, and moderated by two Trump hating correspondents.  Gee, will we see Trump getting hammered by the moderators while throwing softball questions to FJB?   Remember the Chris Wallace moderated debate where Wallace wanted to debate Trump?

Of course, this is all in desperation.  Biden is crashing, his dementia is only getting worse. He's alienating his own base as well.  All of the lawfare against Trump is failing.   So the new democrat plan is to get Trump on TV in a debate and hope he goes off unhinged.  If not, the debate videos can be carefully edited for soundbites.


Spin Zone / Yet Another Example of What We are Importing
« on: May 07, 2024, 03:08:10 PM »

A twenty-year-old illegal migrant has been arrested after allegedly kidnapping and raping an 11-year-old girl outside her Florida home.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office identified Marvin Dionel Perez Lopez as the girl's attacker, claiming he forced her into his white van where the alleged sexual assault took place.

The child's mother, according to police, searched for her daughter and saw the van not far from where she and Lopez lived in Lake Worth.

The mother caught a glimpse of her daughter and the suspect in the van and began banging on the door, shouting at him to free the girl, according to an arrest report.

Sherriff's deputies said Lopez fled from the van at that point. The victim's mother then stopped by Lopez's apartment where his brother also lived. Lopez's brother got him to come home where the mother confronted him.

After listening to Lopez's pleas for forgiveness, the victim's mother called 911.

Spin Zone / Democrat Fascism
« on: May 04, 2024, 12:55:02 PM »

  I'm open to an honest conversation on this topic.  I would like to hear from someone who is a democrat, and have them explain why the party has embraced fascism, anti semitism and overall embrace of totalitarianism.

 No name calling, no rants, just please explain why these ideologies are appealing.

Spin Zone / October 7th
« on: May 01, 2024, 03:51:37 PM »

   The terrorist are promising more Oct 7th style attacks.  We are watching organized protest on college campuses around the country.

 This summer the protest will escalate.  Then by October, we'll be ripe for an attack on US soil, which, BTW, would be a prelude to a national emergency.  Right before November.

  See what's going on?


Joe Biden is a lucky bungler.

With no Fox News cameras around and nobody paying much attention to what was going on in Niger, a disgraceful, utterly humiliating exit of the U.S. military from that benighted country now led by a military junta, has dealt the U.S. another strategic blow, and entirely preventably. The crummy little tinpot junta now running Niger has managed to kick Uncle Sam around, much as the Taliban and Iran did, creating an accumulating pattern of lost U.S. influence. And sure enough, they got us good, because Joe Biden let them.

According to the New York Times:

More than 1,000 American military personnel will leave Niger in the coming months, Biden administration officials said on Friday, upending U.S. counterterrorism and security policy in the tumultuous Sahel region of Africa.

In the second of two meetings this week in Washington, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell told Niger’s prime minister, Ali Lamine Zeine, that the United States disagreed with the country’s turn toward Russia for security and Iran for a possible deal on its uranium reserves, and the failure of Niger’s military government to map out a path to return to democracy, according to a senior State Department official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss diplomatic talks.

The decision was not a particular surprise. Niger said last month that it was revoking its military cooperation deal with the United States following a highly contentious set of meetings in Niger’s capital, Niamey, with a high-level American diplomatic and military delegation.

The base was a critical node in the U.S. war on al-Qaida, ISIS, and all their evil little allies operating terrorist operations from the northern African region. Niger had been the U.S.'s bigfoot footprint in that region and its value was incalculable.

With that the baseline reality, some of the self-righteous karens at the State Department decided that now was just the time to lecture and hector Niger's mirrored-sunglass coup leaders about 'democracy,' as if that place ever had any idea about the concept.

The coup leaders didn't take it well, and ordered the U.S. out. To make matters worse, they held 1,000 U.S. servicemen hostage in the desert without water or food for weeks, as the U.S. attempted to hold on, until this past week when the U.S. agreed to fork over the brand-new state-of-art U.S. $110 million military base there just so we could get our servicemembers out. And to make it worse, they decided to hand it over to Russia.

The Times also notes that on Niger's famous yellowcake front, they've decided to give access to that to Iran, which has lots of money from President Obama's and Joe Biden's release of impounded Iranian cash along with big nuclear ambitions. Niger's coup leaders would probably like a slice of that for themselves, and the uranium they exchange it for will supply the missing magic to advance Iran's evil plans.

Who the heck was behind this disaster, who couldn't figure out that hot-from-a-coup coup leaders preening in their military uniforms might just take a 'democracy' diktat pretty badly? Who got into the screaming match instead of treated these characters with kid gloves as a national security matter? Who failed to forecast that they'd react the way they did?

And aside from the huge loss of military presence and the expensive base in the desert, now to be enjoyed by Russians expanding their footprint to west Africa, who is responsible for this horrific loss of U.S. influence? This roughly creates a second stepping stone of influence for Russia, which got the first lilypad in in Syria, when Obama drew his red line and turned tail, while this gives them a second base of influence. Advantage: Russia. Disadvantage: The U.S.

And how very embarrassing that they achieved their aim of taking the U.S. base through holding U.S. troops effectively hostage? Jim Hoft at GatewayPundit has lots more links and background about this disgraceful Biden special, which has become a feature, not a bug, of his foreign policy.

While few in the U.S. pay much attention to Niger, you can bet our enemies do, as well as most educated European audiences, who aren't that far from the place anyway.  They see the humiliation, they readjust their expectations, and Biden just hopes nobody in the voting public in the states notices.

Well, we've noticed, because we've seen this show before. It's time to throw the whole Biden crew out come November, because if we don't, there will be much more like this to come, as U.S. influence on the global stage shrinks down to nothing and our capacity to fight terrorism will be nil.

Spin Zone / Biden Calls for 44.6% Capital Gains Tax Rate
« on: April 24, 2024, 04:59:16 PM »

And don’t forget to add the state capital gains tax: the Biden combined federal-state rate would exceed 50% in many states

President Biden has formally proposed the highest top capital gains tax in over 100 years.

Here is a direct quote from the Biden 2025 budget proposal: “Together, the proposals would increase the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends to 44.6 percent.”

Yes, you read that correctly: A Biden top capital gains and dividends tax rate of 44.6%.

Under the Biden proposal, the combined federal-state capital gains tax exceeds 50% in many states. California will face a combined federal-state rate of 59%, New Jersey 55.3%, Oregon at 54.5%, Minnesota at 54.4%, and New York state at 53.4%.

Worse, capital gains are not indexed to inflation. So Americans already get stuck paying tax on some “gains” that are not real. It is a tax on inflation, something created by Washington and then taxed by Washington. Biden’s high inflation makes this especially painful.

Many hard working couples who started a small business at age 25 who now wish to sell the business at age 65 will face the Biden proposed 44.6% top rate, plus state capital gains taxes. And much of that “gain” isn’t real due to inflation. But they’ll owe tax on it.

Capital gains taxes are often a form of double taxation. When capital gains come from stocks, stock mutual funds, or stock ETFs, the capital gains tax is a cascaded second layer of tax on top of the current federal corporate income tax of 21%. (Biden has also proposed a corporate income tax hike to 28%).

Spin Zone / Bird Flu. The new Scamdemic
« on: April 20, 2024, 09:15:55 AM »
Notice how the propaganda media is hyping up bird flu lately?

The above article is one of many.   This directly affects the nations food supply.

Look for either Pfizer or Moderna to come up with MRNA vaccines for farm animals that will be paid for by the taxpayer and mandated by the government, or the government demanding millions of animals slaughtered which will drastically cut the food supply.

"Never let a crisis go to waste"

Spin Zone / Nixon’s parting words
« on: April 19, 2024, 11:14:20 AM »

Spin Zone / Your Government Hates You
« on: April 17, 2024, 04:33:34 PM »

  They've worked hard to let us know how bad they despise the citizen.  Unending CR's, open borders, two tiered justice system.   Elected officials that openly defy the will of their constituents. Elected officials that are using insider information to enrichen themselves, while using the justice system to prosecute citizens who attempt to do the same thing.

  The so called republican Speaker is going to push through a Saturday night vote on more money for the Ukraine dictator.  Of course expect these bills to be pork laden as well.


Spin Zone / Ending private firearm sales
« on: April 12, 2024, 05:59:11 PM »
Totally unconstitutional.   But congress was dumb enough to pass the Safer Communities Act in 2022, and now the DoJ is "adding" definitions.   DoJ does not have the authority to make law. or to rewrite a law already passed.

Spin Zone / Gaza Port
« on: March 12, 2024, 06:58:15 AM »
So FJB has the US military building a port for Gaza.    You can't make this shit up.

"Humanitarian Aid".  Let's call it what it really is, "resupplying Hamas".


Spin Zone / Way to go GOP!!!!
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:22:47 PM »
Another stop gap spending bill full of pork, and nothing on border security.   In fact, nothing for the GOP.

So much for a republican led house.

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