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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 710 711 [712] 713 714
Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 28, 2015, 06:59:25 PM »

The girl tried to fight back from what I hear. Good for her!

You have got to be kidding me. Are you an anarchist?

Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: October 28, 2015, 06:57:27 PM »

Hillary does scare me because a lot of people will vote for her just because she is a woman.  However, I don't think she is electable unless there is a lot of voter fraud like the last election.

Love this. Yes, please keep repeating GOP talking points about massive voting fraud. The only problem is that you have no proof. On the other hand, southern states are doing a terrific job in disenfranchising poor voters who can't afford or acquire a drivers license. Even better, how about closing all the DMVs in counties that have a majority of minority voters.

Oh brother. And you're repeating the easily disproved lies of the Democrats about these "disenfranchised" voters who never seem to show up and be counted, and to my knowledge every single state that has a voter ID requirement will give someone a free ID for voting purposes.

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:13:19 PM »

Defying the rules, she broke her phone out in class.  It happens.  My kids have been caught doing that and suffered the consequences.  But this girl didn't put it away, and when the teacher told her to leave she said no.  The teacher summoned a member of administration who asked her to leave - she refused.  The SRO was called and he asked her to leave - she refused.

I think the officer was rough in his handling of her, but I do not see where he did anything to warrant being fired.  You simply can not have kids doing anything they want in school and defying authority.


Pilot Zone / Re: Planes are really cool
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:03:54 PM »

Lastnight, I was up past midnight on Controller looking at planes.  It's a carryover from my emotional attachment to the deal that I am reluctantly walking away from that I posted about on POA.
Someone PMd me and I gave him the seller's number.  As I type this, I think I'm going to cry....
You do that too, huh?  Late night cruising on Controller, ASO, TAP - all of the sudden it's 1:00am. :)

I didn't catch your story on "the other" board, but can you paraphrase it for me? 

Spin Zone / Re: Hello - By the way...
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:20:08 AM »
Amen. Thanks, Jason.

There aren't enough "real women" willing to stand up for "real women" against the "fake women." 

In the end, they're all slaves to the intentional PC destruction of ordered society.

Even my small liberal arts alma mater decided they needed to have "gender neutral" bathrooms on campus, because a tiny fraction of a fraction of the student body (like two people, as far as I can tell) didn't identify with a gender.

They should have just given them a kitty litter box and told them to have a good day. 

Spin Zone / Re: Average Joe's Money
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:59:54 AM »

I hate to say it, and some of my colleagues will jump on me I'm sure but the money is really starting to kill our political system.  The "donor class" is steering politics and government at this point and the citizenry be damned.  Remember Obama saying those on Wall Street should be in prison?  Who went to prison?  Where is Eric Holder working now? 

We're now seeing the money influence the polls on the "R" side of things in Iowa.  The Club for Growth did a huge buy to run ads against Trump and true to form his number have plummeted in Iowa.  I'll bet they thought it would help Jeb, but instead it boosted Carson to the lead.

I have mixed feelings on this. I hear what you're saying, but isn't the citizenry us? 

For example, I contribute to the NRA-ILA, with the intent that the NRA will lobby on my behalf. I also contribute to the Wisconsin CPA society PAC to do the same. Without pooling together with like-minded people, the individual doesn't have much of a voice. But why can't we pool our resources in our own self interest?

If I wanted to individually lobby against a gun control measure, the only people that might listen to me would be my one congressman, and two senators. That's it. I would have no access to other congressmen who would have sway over decisions on my life, because I'm not a constituent. So I choose to pool my resources.

As for Club for Growth, I didn't see the ads, but having lived in Iowa for 9 years, Iowans don't get buffaloed by the next seller of magic tonic. They are a skeptical state, and I sense they are starting not to buy the Trump show.

And if CFG is supporting Bush, I'm going to be pissed.


The daily caller sees similar correlation that started this thread.

First, United Nations officials label bacon and deli meats as carcinogens, and now scientists are claiming that higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are not only heating the planet, they’re making people dumber.

Read more:

I think, scientifically, the people that are getting dumber by high Co2 levels are those that believe the science is settled, and the debate is over.

Spin Zone / Shared responsibility payment you owed
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:37:37 AM »
Well, my wife is complaining about ACA and the economic impact in our household.  I'm normally a big picture guy, but I have to be respectful of my own bottom line as well.
In my home, we agree that ACA is a hustle and the insurance company rejection was just a game they played to hide the fact that they were going to make an even bigger killing off ACA (pun not intended but very apropos).
And therein lies the problem. People all over the country are having "economic impacts" from Obamacare that didn't necessarily exist pre-2010. Yes, people put up with faster-than-inflation health insurance rate increases. But now it's different.

"Normal" employer rates are going through the roof. (Remember, the employer mandate didn't kick in until this year). 

Young people are going to the exchanges, and finding premiums that are unaffordable, and deductibles that exceed anything they'd ever seen. So they're saying "fuck that" and are just going to pay the penalty and go without insurance.

I thought we had 50 million uninsured. Now we have what, 14 million on the exchanges?  Where is everyone else?

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Shows Off Her Fun Side
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:25:32 AM »

All who think Motoflier deserves to be banned for that picture, say Aye.

That's a terrible idea
You caused me to stab a fork in my eye to stop that image, sir. ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Plymouth Rock
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:22:47 AM »

1st post in this forum
"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us." - attributed to Malcolm X

Malcolm X was killed by Louie Farrakahn's Nation of Islam thugs, wasn't he?

Oh, wow!  I suppose that was suppose to start a flame war, right?!  Your Kung-Fu is weak.
He wasn't killed by 3 NOI members?

Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:17:02 AM »

Speaking for what is certain to be a vegetarian minority...

...I think mushrooms are a rough equivalent in our world.

No need for snarky, sarcastic comments on vegetarianism, but they seem pretty inevitable.
I'm a vagitarian.  Does that count?
:D  I see what you did there.

Spin Zone / Re: GOP Primaries Start Soon
« on: October 27, 2015, 08:40:55 PM »
With Carson - Trump the front end of the train, and Carly - Jeb somewhat in it, how would you feel if Donald Trump ended up President?

How would you feel about Ben Carson as President?

What about VP?

I like a Carson - Bush ticket, to give Ben someone to do the dirty work, while he works on big picture issues, instead of becoming bogged down with destroying the constitution, and ruining our economy, like Barack Obama.
I think having Bush anywhere near the ticket will guarantee a Hillary presidency.  He may have been a good governor, but he's not a great campaigner, not a good debater, and not a strong conservative, IMO. 

I don't trust Trump, but he may be inevitable.  I fear his negatives are too high to win the general election.  I'm not anti-Trump, but I'm not pro-Trump either. 

I do like Carson.  I'd like to know more about his changing 2nd Amendment positions, but overall I'm high on Carson.  I do fear that he would get eaten alive by professional bitch and politician Hillary in a presidential debate. 

I would love a Carson-Cruz, Carson-Fiorina, Or Carson-Rubio ticket.  I think there is no way in hell Trump would agree to be VP. 

Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: October 27, 2015, 08:23:05 PM »
Keep the conversations going!

I'm in.
Awesome!  Welcome my cello-playing friend!

Spin Zone / Re: Democratic Primaries Starting Soon, Too
« on: October 27, 2015, 08:21:39 PM »
Despite what he media seems to indicate, among the liberal folks I know, support for Hillary is tepid. Which, mind you, doesn't mean they'll all vote for a right-winger come election time.
If you had to take a poll, today, of your liberal friends, for whom would they cast their vote for president?

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