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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 93
I paid over $100'000 in federal taxes this year.

I also paid $75k to date for a war that I did not want anything to do with, and apparently I owe another $150k on it.

Why do I have to pay for your agenda, when you don't have to pay for mine? Here's a thought - give me my war money back and I'll donate 50% of that to the charity of your choice.

Our Constitution calls for national defense, not a lot for "your agenda".  You can make an argument that the wars Obama continued, or started are not necessary for defense.  I will agree that a lot of the war on drugs, and war on terror is an excuse to grow government, and raise taxes on working people.  Try to roll back the Bush, and Democrats' Dept of Homeland Security, and other unnecessary crap, and see how both parties howl that we are making the country unsafe.   

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 17, 2017, 05:43:02 AM »
Regardless of how one defines "good", is there a difference between "common good" and "personal good"?  Does one trump the other?  Can there be a balance?

Balance is the key, and the big problem is that government has USED the "public good", and the "greater good" as an excuse to grow uncontrollably.  It is often difficult to make an argument against something when government claims it is "for the children", or "greater good/common good".  Many people typically only hear the first sentence, then don't think of the unintended consequences that occur when giving money, and power over to government to "solve" societal problems.  Glaring examples are Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and Healthcare Insurance (Obamacare). 

Spin Zone / Re: Would you support overturning Roe-v-Wade?
« on: April 13, 2017, 09:33:43 AM »
In the end it is all about breaking down common societal limits to 'free' the freaks from their shame about their behavior and damn it all to everyone else.

It is the elimination of RIGHT, and WRONG.  Everything, or almost everything is OK now so there is NO responsibility, nor accountability because it makes people FEEL badly, and it isn't "INCLUSIVE".  Whatever the hell that means.  It is a purposeful, and deliberate devolving of society so more government dependency, and control is created. 

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:48:13 PM »
While I approve of anything bad done to the monster than is Assad, the Mango Mussilini's missiles may make more malady than magnanimity.  Us at odds with the Russians benefits ISIS.  And the last thing we need is to be drawn into another foreign quagmire.  I would say that I hope the Cheeto Jesus knows what he's doing, but I am afraid I already know the answer to that one.

You do know that Mussolini, like Hitler, and Stalin was a brutal, murdering dictator, right?  Also, you do know that Jesus was a non-violent, caring, and very, very honest, and benevolent man, right?  So to reference Trump in the same paragraph as Mussolini, and Jesus is a bit ironic, no? 

The key to dealing with ISIS, and any terrorist, or terrorist state is to be forceful, not compromise, nor try to appease like Obama did.  Of course the Russian will object.  So what?  Nothing is going to happen between us, and them except Putin's respect for the U.S. just went up several notches. 

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: April 04, 2017, 08:03:08 AM »
Yes, healthcare costs, and healthcare insurance costs were rising prior to Obamacare.  However, healthcare insurance costs have risen at a much higher rate with Obamcare, especially with out of pocket costs.  Rising premiums (often doubling or tripling), higher co-pays, and much higher deductibles have created the perfect storm that Obamcare was designed to cause.  Hillary was supposed to push a single payer (government run) system, but fortunately that isn't going to happen.  Maybe we can avoid a "VA style" of healthcare in the future. 

Spin Zone / Re: Driver that killed 12 in church bus was texting.
« on: April 04, 2017, 06:15:52 AM »
I really don't see the need for all the name calling.

I think we all agree that this is a serious problem.  We just disagree to varying extents on the solution, which is primarily because there is NO good solution, and also because we may have some disagreements as to the severity of the problem.  So the best we can hope to accomplish is some sort of compromise.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem facing our country today is the inability of people to compromise.  People that regard the founding fathers as some sort of inspired deity often forget that the ONLY way they were able to produce the documents that they did was due to their ability to compromise.  Most of them violently hated some of the amendments they agreed to, but they agreed to it because they were Statesmen.

We seem to have devolved since them to a country of "Fuck You".

I agree that we no longer have "statesman", nor the ability to compromise, and I think I know the reason especially in the political arenas, with self serving politicians of BOTH parties.  Blame can be given to the Left, and the Right, however, (surprise, surprise) I do blame the Left more. 

The Democrat Party, and their Left supporters have become extreme to the point that compromise still means a pretty far left outcome.  They always want the Right to move towards THEIR position to call it compromise.  The Left rarely moves, unless absolutely forced to the Right, nor even the center anymore.  They are upheld in the court of public opinion by the Media which has just become their propaganda arm, so rarely is there any meaningful, public outcry.     

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:58:29 AM »
A conservative organization, the Catholic church, is the single largest non-government health care provider in the world.

I am not taking anything away from Catholic Charities, hospitals, nor the vast amount of charitable work they have done.  However, I wouldn't currently call them a "Conservative organization".  They are led, currently, by a Pope that is a devout Communist, with far left ideals.  He is more in line with the ideas of the Globalists/Statists, and the government wealth transferors, than anything.  It is very concerning that such a large, powerful organization is led by this type of individual.

BTW, I was raised Roman Catholic, and have nothing against the religion although I no longer practice it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Gorsuch and the Senate Battle
« on: March 30, 2017, 12:17:48 PM »
Harry Reid and the Dems Tee'd this one up. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Truth About Islam
« on: March 29, 2017, 10:45:11 AM »
Islam is at war with the rest of the world and they are using every possible tactic (immigration and population growth being the most widespread and successful) unfortunately it seems only they know it.

I do understand, and agree that a major faction of Islam is at war with the rest of the world.  I also have a suspicion that it is tolerated by the mainstream Muslims, if not outright supported.  My question is, why do Progressives (sometimes called "Liberals") in Europe, and the U.S. encourage the legal, and illegal immigration of un-vetted Muslims, often from areas, and countries of known terrorism?  What benefit do they see for the citizens of the accepting countries?  Is it just a guilt thing, or misguided attempt at altruism?  It baffles the rational mind.  (not that I am one of those) :)

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:42:35 AM »
Because the government winds up paying for it in the end.  Like I said, when the pain gets bad enough or when they find you unconscious on the floor you wind up in the ER.  If you haven't the cash government pays.  Since they're paying anyway says me they should be able to stipulate the how and why.  ER can't turn anyone away.

No, the government doesn't pay for it.  WE PAY FOR IT.  The government does not create any wealth, it only takes wealth, but I agree we need to manage care for those that can not pay for it in a more efficient manner.  The ACA does NOT do that. 

Spin Zone / Re: thoughts on this
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:26:54 AM »
And this just out:

I am still "pro-pipeline".  But I do want to point out that even pipelines are not a panacea.  Without regulations and standards, you can rest assured SOME companies will cut corners and we will have more "accidents" and us citizens will wind up paying for that too.

Who said anything about getting rid of pipeline standards, and regulations?  They are necessary.  Let's just make sure they make sense, and not just to run up government fees, or grow government. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are We Not Hearing About This Story..........
« on: March 22, 2017, 08:00:53 AM »
The FBI needs somebody like Giuliani running it.

I don't know.  He's a politician, and politicians like to be seen, and heard A LOT.  I prefer to not have the FBI Director involved in public debate, or politics.  In general I like Giuliani though. 

Spin Zone / Re: Handshake
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:47:04 AM »
And it's not for us to decide whether this was a snub or not. The Germans believe it was. Maybe they're pretending, I dunno.

The MEDIA is telling you it was a snub, to take your attention away from any positives that came out of the meeting, and you blindly believe them?

Spin Zone / Re: Handshake
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:39:06 PM »
Disagree. Merkel asks if he wants to shake, and he simply ignores her.

I'm ok with foreign leaders that display actions counter to our interests to know we disagree with them. I am glad we no longer have that limp wristed fool in the office.

Spin Zone / Re: Handshake
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:47:57 PM »
I hope more and more people are realizing the media is the enemy.

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