Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Little Joe on March 03, 2018, 05:36:22 AM

Title: PBS to launch conservative talk show.
Post by: Little Joe on March 03, 2018, 05:36:22 AM

But I don't want a new "conservativer" talk show.  I want an "honest" show.  I want a show that we can post a link to and people don't make weird noises and say "of course THEY would say that".

I often defend FOX because they provide a different view from the MSM, and they will report things the MSM won't, but even they admit they are biased (although lately, it is getting hard to tell that). 

Wouldn't it be nice to have a show that actually presented ALL the important news and facts without trying to spin it to defend or detract from one side or the other?
Title: Re: PBS to launch conservative talk show.
Post by: bflynn on March 03, 2018, 06:10:05 AM
Interesting. I might have to try to get PBS.  I need a better antenna and haven't put the effort into it.

Weird, but I have been hearing a similar rightward creep in NPR - I listen in the mornings because the local talk show host is just annoying. But the interviewer was challenging their host the other day about gun control and got them to admit that there was really no evidence to support their assertions.  I had to double check what station I was on.  Of course, right after that the news came on and told us all how the president was causing the end of civilization, so it was easy to tell. 
Title: Re: PBS to launch conservative talk show.
Post by: Number7 on March 03, 2018, 07:44:31 AM
Leftist radio died a tragic death. Remember Air America?

Leftist TV is such a joke that nobody with an actual brain watches it, except for fodder.

Leftist news like Newsweek and NYT are so far gone that even their liberal readers have tuned them out and their current and
coming bankruptcies prove that making shit up and calling it news is a dead horse.

Conservative talk radio is making hundreds of millions and the audience is huge. Part of that is because people need a source to go to that actually has a scintilla of integrity.

Do you know anyone who actually believes CNN when the go all stupid (which is 24/7)?

The only one I can actually point to in my orbit, is a seventy year old woman who still thinks Monica made it all up, that Clarence Thomas really did put a pubic hair in that lying pile of dog shit, Anita Hill's coffee cup and that the guy who shot up the congressional republican baseball practice was actually a paid republican trying to make democrats seem violent.