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Messages - Steingar

Pages: 1 ... 140 141 [142] 143 144 ... 184
Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:34:52 PM »
According to you guys I have no right to dislike out and out assholes.  Whatever.

Only once???

Yes, terrorists crashed jets into the Twin Towers and other assorted landmarks.  I did (temporarily) forget the Kamikaze campaign in the Pacific, which was also attack by airplane.  I should point out that the vast, vast majority of attacks by airplanes were actually attacks by bullets fired out of guns carried by airplanes, or bombs dropped by airplanes, and not the airplanes themselves.  I should also point out that airplanes have lots of other functions besides killing people, while the number of uses for a firearm is considerably less.

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:15:42 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:13:35 PM »
NO.  So what if a few here apply that to you.  Should your political affiliation be wiped off the face of the earth because you're disliked?

Obviously not.  Thankfully I don't care if I'm disliked, never won a popularity contest and won't start now.

Tolerance does not have a topic.  You either have respect for people or you are intolerant of them.  There is no partial ground.

Actually, you are tolerant of groups, ideologies, religious leanings, all sorts of things.  Tolerance as applied to individuals is a very different concept.

You aren't required to agree with them, but you must defend their right to be an asshole.   

if there is a group that espouses an ideology with which you violently disagree, it is your duty as an American to support their right to free expression.

Being intolerant of intolerance is not a solution to the problem, it is a continuation of the problem.  You aren't fixing the problem, you ARE the problem.   

Actually, many if not most instances of intolerance violate our founding documents.  America and Americans invented inclusivity.  It is nearly a unique American phenomenon. 

Otherwise, you can justify any bad behavior by just saying "that person is a jerk".
If someone is behaving atrociously you have every right to point out their atrocious behavior.  You have every right to distance yourself from them and probably should.  Life is short.

Spin Zone / Re: Less Than Two Months To Go
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:07:38 PM »
Trump cut off the health insurance to his nephew who was busy dying in hospital.  Great guy.

Do you hate airplanes?  They are used to kill, and in fact kill on a mass scale.

Only once.  Put it this way, who is more likely to convince someone to support firearm rights?  A die-hard firearm owner to whom the 2nd amendment is the only one that counts, or someone like me, who doesn't really like them but who thinks personal freedom trumps perceived security.  Sorry, I have lots of facts lined up in my corner to support my position.  Most of what I hear from firearm enthusiasts is both shrill and partizan.  Closed-minded little me.

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:25:43 PM »
Which assholes should be allowed to speak on college campii and which should not?

Ones that are acceptable to the students and faculty.

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 11:25:51 AM »
We certainly can't have tolerance and diversity, can we.

Tolerance means not discriminating against someone on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or other non-personal factors.  It does not mean disliking assholes.

Imagine how this hypothetical statement would be viewed:

I claim that I'm the staunchest support of gay rights on Pilot Spin.  Not only am I straight, but I actively despise gays.  I think the presence of gays in our society is a travesty.  Even though I recognize homosexuality as immoral deviant behavior, I will defend the rights of people to be gay.

If someone who opposes homosexuality for religious reasons or based on the ick factor defends their rights due to the higher calling of liberty and inclusivity they'd have my respect.  Easier to support something because you like it.  Harder to support something because, even though you don't like it, there are higher principles involved.  Sorry you don't see it that way.

Spin Zone / Re: You can't make this "diversity" stuff up
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:42:33 AM »
Wouldn't want that windbag anywhere near my alma mater.

Are you backing away from claiming you are the "staunchest gun rights advocate on this board"?

Yes, I am.  I not only do not own firearms, but I actively despise them.  I think the presence of the majority in a household is for the most part a mistake (all that said, I fully believe that there are lots and lots of very good reasons to own a firearm, but that's beside the point).  Even though I hate firearms I would sooner die than prevent another from owning one.  I don't believe in a law that, absent a documented threat, prevents you from owning something to make me feel safer.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Campaign?
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:02:57 AM »
What specifically is unrealistic?  I keep hearing Democrats say that and convincing each other that it must be true, but what details do you say are unrealistic?

Trump getting his way in a Congress where just about everyone despises him.

My, you have such a wonderful opinion of yourself.

Since you undoubtably vote democrate your claim of being a gun rights advocate is quite, um, interesting.

And with respect to being the "staunchest"...  who here thinks that Steingar had more credibility as a gun rights advocate than anyone else on this board?

Find where I've advocated gun control.  Good luck with that.

Spin Zone / Re: Anti-Semitism On Campus
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:00:28 AM »
Now that is a laughable statement if there ever was one.

So perfesser, being such a "worldly man", tell us which countries and parts of the world you have lived and worked in (not just vacationed)?

Those who attend University must have or have access to the resources to pay tuition, which is breathtakingly expensive.  Thus they will have or at least tend to have resources for travel.  Moreover, many relocate for school.  Certainly not all, but many.

As for yours truly, I present a poor example of worldliness, since I have only lived in 5 American cities and traveled to similar number of nations in Europe and the Americas.  I did do a 2 month sojourn in Mexico on my motorcycle, and do recommend travel to anyone.  Opens your eyes.  All my travel has been for work, the only vacation I take is Oshkosh.  Since I'm a pilot I expend my resources on my airplane, and don't take all the trips I might like.  The nut is only so big.

Yet you never need proof when you are attacking republicans, gun owners and MMGW skeptics, just to name a few...

I don't need proof to attack Republicans because they do a really good job of that all by themselves.

I don't attack gun owners and never have.  I'm probably the staunchest gun rights advocate on this board.  If you had the IQ of a lightbulb you'd have figured that out by now.

MMGW skeptics for the most part haven't any proof of anything.  The closest I've seen were a couple who published their climate model under pseudonyms.  The fact that the model couldn't accurately predict the temperature of exoplanets didn't help its case any.  Other than that it's lots of gainsaying mixed with a bit of pseudoscience.

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