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Messages - Florida Cracker

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:40:07 AM »
The ideal response is for the Senate to wait and see what happens, then hold a hearing at the appropriate time, and vote down anyone that is not properly qualified, to avoid another train wreck dyke like kagan, or "wise latino," jerk like sotomayor. Jumping up and down just gives whiners, liars, and sleazebags more ammunition to attack republicans as that's they do anyway, so why make it easier?

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Bullied Bank to Pay Racial Settlement without Proof!
« on: February 09, 2016, 10:03:05 PM »
o-blow-me and his band of merry morons. The chief racists, slanted liars, egomaniacs, and most prolific criminal enterprise in the United States.

Spin Zone / Re: Oregon Standoff goes Hot
« on: January 28, 2016, 09:25:04 AM »
This is Waco done twice. The saddest thing is to see a totalitarian regime, which is all the federal government is these days, start murdering citizens for disagreeing with the ruling junta. It makes obama nothing more than a tin horn, third world, crack head dictator, which I knew he was from the start, but the rest of the country will have to see to believe.
Killing the Bundy's is just the tip of the coming iceberg.

Spin Zone / Re: Observations on FBN's GOP Debate #2
« on: January 19, 2016, 09:31:45 AM »
Marco Rubio is a classic D.C. insider, pretending to be an outsider, playing an insider's game the whole time.

Spin Zone / Re: Ranchers ,BLM ,FWS
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:10:40 PM »
I find it amazing that obama and his cronies can demand that everyone use discretion when calling the thugs burning down Baltimore and Ferguson,,, thugs, but want to go nuclear when the BLM steals land, and violates their own rules.

Typical progressive hypocrisy.

What would be the worst that could happen if the federal government IGNORED the clowns out west? We are talking about cabin in the literal middle of nowhere.

Nothing, No cities were / are being burned, no one's business is being destroyed, and no one is hurt, so why not leave them out int eh cold, literally?

Spin Zone / Re: WOW - POA MC is really touchy
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:04:30 PM »

FC, you mean Aunt Peggy ?
If so, true dat.
I imagine he means Everskyward.

Some frail men feel threatened when a lady is in charge.

GOD this is liberating.

Oh bullshit.

You keep projecting your weaknesses by snarky retorts, and I keep reminding myself how impotent progressive weenies really are.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:57:04 PM »
One of the funniest things about heavy handed liberals, is how carefully they pretend that they aren't isolating those that refuse to drink their kool-aid. POA is just the latest of the conversation boards that got taken over by a small, big mouthed, bunch of pansy - professional, offense takers.

Somehow everyone is supposed to care what the dyke on POA thinks about everything and anything, and when you challenge her facts, or conclusions, things get ugly.

Too bad. Some good folks had a cool place to congregate, but the pansies took over and ruined it like everything else they touch.

The race whores are outdoing themselves as the race to be as idiotic before reality hits in January 2017. Now the loonies on the Seattle city council wish to BAN single family homes, because they think they are racist.

As reported by and The Seattle Times, the Seattle city council and mayor have seriously considered scrapping traditional neighborhoods that consist of single-family homes in an effort to drive people into collective housing – apartments and other types of multi-family dwellings – and for nothing as noble, perhaps, as “the environment” (though the reasoning doesn’t matter in a country where individual rights are supposed to trump those of liberal collectivists in government).
A change (that has been rejected thus far) to the liberal city’s zoning regulations, would have empowered the government to authorize the construction of multi-family housing units in all neighborhoods. And while some have labeled the idea nothing more than an outrageous Internet rumor, noted, it is anything but.

“We can still be a city for everyone, but only if we give up our outdated ideal of every family living in their own home on a 5,000 square foot lot,” said a letter from the co-chairs of the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, or HALA . . .

Read more:

Spin Zone / Re: What Will the Downfall of the US Look Like?
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:18:43 PM »
It won't take two weeks. The snowflakes and the lunatics will band together to pillage everything that they never worked for, and call it social justice.

Spin Zone / Re: Ahmed "Clock Boy" Finds A Lawyer...
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:33:24 PM »
Laughable are your posts about make believe racism and white privilege. But you know that.

Don't be so tough on him. When people are raised in a hot house of stupidity posing as journalism, they grow up to think the things they read really are truth.

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