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Messages - Florida Cracker

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Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:29:19 AM »
Cracker is holding himself out as an expert on what the judiciary knows, so I am curious whether there is any knowledge base behind that or whether it is mere southbound gas out of a northbound cracker.

From a progressive who claims to know the hearts of every southern democrat since reconstruction, I can see why you would have serious difficult separating fact from opinion.

For your information, DIXIE-CRATS is the proper term for crossover democrats voting for republicans in the old days, but I doubt your progressive indoctrination ever covered that.

Spin Zone / Re: Are you shopping at Target?
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:23:01 AM »
We have a Target almost right next door. I used to go there fairly often, because they are so close.

When they became all about open door bathrooms, it became way too easy to do a Nancy Reagan and Just Say No... more.

Spin Zone / Re: Black Cop Went To Trump Rally And...
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:18:33 AM »
I'm not sure what you mean? These anti Trump folks are just there to disrupt the rally and hopefully get some media attention. That's it. They just hate Trump. A lot. I hate Trump too, but that stupid "protest" crap is cheap attempt at media manipulation. I have no sympathy for these "protesting" anti Trump idiots.

Having spent a lot of time healing, lately, I've had lots of time to watch the idiot box. Do people still call TV the Idiot Box? The thing about Donald Trump that most surprises me is his lack of a basic message. Other than everybody is either evil, or stupid, he doesn't seem to have any kind of platform, plan, or coherent set of ideas that I can see.

The abject devotion of his fans, compared to the abject haters of his detractors seems far out of place for someone who messages so little.

Spin Zone / Re: Black Churches Taught us to Forgive White People
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:14:06 AM »
Do you think one could strip the racism out of the sentiment expressed in the title and come out ahead?

I mean, how about:

Black Churches Taught us to Forgive White People

The Church is where we go to learn to forgive. Race has very little to do with forgiveness, except in the minds of people with a preconceived opinion that infuses race into every discussion.

I've been absent frequently, lately, because I'm battling cancer. The treatment schemes can be murder, but, I am frequently reminded that the church, like the practice of medicine, is colorblind.

Spin Zone / Re: In 40 years this country will be unrecognizable
« on: April 25, 2016, 04:46:01 PM »
Living in Florida you meet and live among a huge, (Yugge for trumpsters), number of people from Puerto Rico. They tend to fall into a couple of groups, among them, hard workers, and family types, not so hard workers, and making lots of babies they don't bother to stick around and raise, and the rest in the middle.

The hardest working ones tend towards the GOP, while the not so hard working tend to live off of benefits, and complain a lot, while voting, when they're not too lazy to go get a voting ID, for the democrat.

How the middle ground votes is how the Florida elections often come out. If a lot of people who vote instead of produce, show up and vote, then the democrat wins, like in 2008 and 2012. If the hard working people go vote, and the layabouts don't bother, then the republicans win.

Claiming to have a lock on it either way is not really true. The lazy ones will tip a close election either by showing up, or staying home. A lot of the lazy types don;t get too excited about the hilary thing, so it may be hard to get them to drag their lazy asses out of bed to get them to the booth, if they did even bother to register.

Spin Zone / Re: FAA Grounds Trump's Citation X
« on: April 25, 2016, 04:40:05 PM »
Look, I'm sorry your guy ran his campaign in the ground.  He made a lot a bad judgment calls and in the end, he couldn't get the votes or delegates together to pull off a win.

 Maybe if he runs next time (if he can get any supporters to finance him) he will have learned from his mistakes.

 Quit taking it so hard and move on.

Your take on the state of the primaries is yours. Fine. I think it's nuts, but, it's yours.

Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 25, 2016, 04:37:16 PM »
Nice try in a kristin sort of way.
Reminds me of your posts about bathrooms. Change the topic by changing the target.

I'd also like to see more substance and less nonsense, but, then I'd be accused of being Fast Eddie.

When the dust settles on the first Wednesday of November the real analysis of the 2016 election will place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Donald Trump brigades that refused - no matter how hard Donald tried to make his real self clear - to believe he was a fairy tale made up in the minds of his cult members.

Spin Zone / Re: McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:06:04 PM »
When you only have Hillary and Bernie in your bullpen, the managers tend to get desperate.

The vote fraud is just beginning and will only get FAR worse as we approach election day, because I think it will take at least ten percent total fraud to get Hilary Clinton over the top and the democrats will go for twelve.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:04:27 PM »
Again, please go look in the mirror.

Sad that the best you can do is offer personal attacks against anyone who disagrees with you. In my post I offer a different viewpoint, something you just can't accept.

Someday you will have to sit down with me and explain where all this hostility and blind judgmental-ism (is that a real word?) comes from.

Your concept of a different view point and mine are very different, but you keep playing and I'll ignore all but the really idiotic babbling from you.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:59:11 PM »
It's what you want it to be, wrong or right.  And face it, no matter what I would right, in your eyes and a couple others it would be wrong, no matter what.

 Pot, meet kettle.

You do have issues.

Spin Zone / Re: FAA Grounds Trump's Citation X
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:58:35 PM »
Your attempt to pigeon hole me as a member of the Trump coalition is inaccurate.  If I misread that last statement I apologize.
I'm leaning toward Gary Johnson as he is my usual vote getter.

I am making no attempt to pigeon hole you anywhere. You championed the cause that Ted Cruz should drop out and campaign for a candidate that is repulsive to him and many of the rest of us, based upon the fallacy that people living in states where primaries are held later than the first few shouldn't have the chance to make their voting preference known based on nothing more but a handful of contests.
I say differently.
Even though you weren't speaking to me, I'd really like to call your attention to your own posts where you demanded Ted Cruz jump out and fall at Trump's feet.

Spin Zone / Re: Is the 14th Amendment a threat to the Bill of Rights?
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:54:43 PM »
The modern judge has no real interest in, or training on the Constitution beyond what I think of as Constitutional Law 101. The modern law school is far more a plantation than a challenging place of learning, just like most of the other colleges and universities around the country.
Equal Protection should be simply to understand and impose, but courts have found it far more fun to invent rights where none exist and to use those inventions to deny rightful liberty to others with impunity.
Madison versus Marbury (sp) did far more than resolve a nagging judicial issue of the day. It created a kingdom within the federal court that is being abused to destroy everything that holds the country together.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: April 25, 2016, 12:50:36 PM »

But the "schtick" of a pursed lipped bible thumper doesn't get old?

Same with an Ivy League trained lawyer who is backed by Wall Street trying to convince me he's an "outsider" that's going to fix Washington.

Same with UnTrusTed.   Just research the guy and it becomes evident where he is coming from, and it's not what the persona wants you to believe.

More GOP fear mongering. Trying to say Trump will cause down stream losses is pure bovine scatology.  Those that are in danger of losing their congressional/senate seat are doing so by their own ineptitude.

 This crap of "protecting" congressional/senate seats with the same old career politicians in place is why we have a fucked up congress and senate, and further goes to show why we desperately need term limits on these guys.

 Versus being bullshitted by a career politician Ivy League Wall Street backed Lawyer? :o

Every Single Word of your post is an attack against someone, instead of a reasoned defense that would/could/might help convince others to look at your chosen savior with a fresh eye.
Sorry, but your shtick is even older.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Did Trump Run as a Republican?
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:31:05 AM »
Other than progressives, does anyone really want Kasich?
The guy is a pathetic, pandering, pussy.

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