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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 87 88 [89] 90 91 ... 156
I paid over $100'000 in federal taxes this year.

I also paid $75k to date for a war that I did not want anything to do with, and apparently I owe another $150k on it.

Why do I have to pay for your agenda, when you don't have to pay for mine? Here's a thought - give me my war money back and I'll donate 50% of that to the charity of your choice.

Our Constitution calls for national defense, not a lot for "your agenda".  You can make an argument that the wars Obama continued, or started are not necessary for defense.  I will agree that a lot of the war on drugs, and war on terror is an excuse to grow government, and raise taxes on working people.  Try to roll back the Bush, and Democrats' Dept of Homeland Security, and other unnecessary crap, and see how both parties howl that we are making the country unsafe.   

To answer  the question in your title, it is not ok and enough is enough.  Time for us to continually practice our 2nd amendment rights by concealed carry. 

. If that implies paying another 5% in taxes, then so be it. I'm either going to write them a check, or I'm going to write a check to someone else to protect me against them.

Spoken like someone who pays very little in taxes.  Here's an idea, the treasury accepts donations beyond what you owe in taxes. Put action to your idealism and pay more voluntarily, and why stop at 5%, try an additional 40% of your gross income.   Urge the rest of your progressive buddies to do the same.  If you all put your money where your mouth is there would be no need for the rest of us to be forced to pay for your misplaced ideals.

a) Kill the unemployables outright
b) Tax the employable people and give the unemployables a basic income
c) Have the unemployables starve to death and secure yourself against uprising by using deadly force
d) Regulate industry and force them to hire otherwise unemployables, even though automation is cheaper (i.e. Tax the corporations).

Capitalists favor (c) and (d).

It accomplishes the same thing in the end.
First, welcome.
Second; You are so full of shit.

Spin Zone / Re: Mother . . .
« on: April 14, 2017, 04:58:36 PM »
Obama's strategy was surrender.

Spin Zone / Re: Mother . . .
« on: April 14, 2017, 03:10:32 PM »
She has a point.  The occasional missile strike or bomb drop is no substitute for a cogent military strategy.  I am glad to see the Taliban and their ilk get theirs, and I am all for giving the military latitude, so long as they aren't butchering civilians.  But what is he actually aiming at?

Given that its the Cheeto Jesus, that is a very hard call indeed.  But dropping bombs is easy.  Wining wars is quite a bit harder.  How long have we been in Afghanistan?  It has been called the Graveyard of Empires for good reason.
So what you and Lizzy want are for us to announce our battle plans for the world to see so they can change their tactics. Perfect. Nothing like announcing a surge and simultaneously announcing your withdrawal date like Obama announced to the world.

I just googled Elizabeth Warren and strategy and got nothing prior to the past few weeks. Surely such a strategist was asking the same ducking questions of Obama over the last 8 years, wasn't she? 

Come to think of it, I don't recall you demanding that Obama set forth his strategy either.

Spin Zone / Re: Colorado cuts teen births and abortion rates in half
« on: April 13, 2017, 01:14:20 PM »
Why do you have to pay?  Because we don't like throwing kids out on the street to starve.  Makes us feel bad about ourselves.

Classic liberal logic. "YOU have to pay to make US feel better about ourselves."

Here is you defining what is bad (throwing kids out on the street to starve), declaring it makes you feel bad, and then telling me I have to fork over the money.  Or are you making the assumption that I too feel bad about throwing kids on the street to starve?  And even if I did that I would think your solution is the best one? Maybe I don't. Maybe I don't care.  Or MAYBE I care but I give my money to private charities, or even walk around the downtown streets handing out cash to homeless teens.  It's really none of your business what my moral compass is; the reality here is you are justifying forcibly taking my money from me - the hours of my labor to earn it - and spending it as YOU see fit. 

You'll pay either way.  It just that the contraceptive costs you way less than the kid.

As I stated in this thread already. I'd be forced to agree with the program if it did prove effective, in lieu of supporting the welfare generations downstream.  That doesn't make it right.

Spin Zone / Re: Kennedy May Retire Next
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:31:19 AM »
Are you kidding me?  The Dems will scream like stuck pigs if Trump gets to nominate either or both of Kennedy's and Ginsburg's replacements.

I predict that Dems will try to invoke and expand the Biden Rule and say Trump has no right to get a nominee confirmed with "only" three years left in his term.

Get the popcorn out for this one.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 10, 2017, 04:57:34 PM »
I counted at least two messages from Trump:

(1) "If you must kill civilians, do it by blasting their bodies to bits the way civilized people do, not by using chemical neurotoxins."
(2) "Policy? Policy!? I don't need no stinking consistent policy!"
You're right. The better course of action would have been the status quo:

1.  Issue strongly worded condemnation.
2. Take hashtag selfie #bring back our Syrians; post on internet.
3. Join UN in anti-Israel resolution.

Spin Zone / Re: More sabre rattling, or cause for real concern?
« on: April 10, 2017, 04:19:08 PM »
Trump Unicorns.
Trump Derangement Syndrome victim

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 10, 2017, 04:18:09 PM »
I counted at least two messages from Trump:

(1) "If you must kill civilians, do it by blasting their bodies to bits the way civilized people do, not by using chemical neurotoxins."
(2) "Policy? Policy!? I don't need no stinking consistent policy!"
You're a piece of work Jim.  I think I heard there were 6 people killed in that strike, and they were not civilians.

But go ahead and live your fantasy.

Academics seem to always redefine history to suit their corrupt concept of political correctness, then add a dash of smug stupidity in an attempt to shut down either intelligent refutation, or simple truth.
Steingar appears to be all in on both.
The triple- zero IQ is working overtime.

Faculty lounge bong is firing 24/7.

Socialism: Charity at the point of a gun.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 09, 2017, 11:58:05 AM »
I head an interesting theory that Putin was pulling all the strings even back to the chemical attack which allowed the US to make an impressive yet relatively inconsequential attack in Syria to help appease both the war mongers who dominate both governmental leaderships as well as squash the Russian ties critics all while bolstering Trump's position in the world standing.


Kind of like pro wrestling, where one guy will get the other "over".  Their fights are fake, and the conflicts are made up, mostly, but they are often an outgrowth and exaggeration of real issues between the wrestlers.

I'd say this is plausible, though I've no idea if it's true.  Putin may benefit from having Trump (hence the U.S.) seen as strong again.  Maybe better to have two world bullies with an uneasy peace together, than be the only one, with all the little guys plotting how to get the better of you. After all, history has shown that when the U.S. and Russia are allies no one can defeat us.

But to admit this is not to say there's any chance Putin "hacked" the election.  That's ludicrous. I think he's much happier dealing with Trump than he would have been Hillary, but he didn't bring this about.  The fault of the election is 100% the Democrats. They put up a horrid candidate and they abandoned much of their key demographic (rust belt).  Putin had nothing to do with any of that.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:48:13 PM »
While I approve of anything bad done to the monster than is Assad, the Mango Mussilini's missiles may make more malady than magnanimity.  Us at odds with the Russians benefits ISIS.  And the last thing we need is to be drawn into another foreign quagmire.  I would say that I hope the Cheeto Jesus knows what he's doing, but I am afraid I already know the answer to that one.

You do know that Mussolini, like Hitler, and Stalin was a brutal, murdering dictator, right?  Also, you do know that Jesus was a non-violent, caring, and very, very honest, and benevolent man, right?  So to reference Trump in the same paragraph as Mussolini, and Jesus is a bit ironic, no? 

The key to dealing with ISIS, and any terrorist, or terrorist state is to be forceful, not compromise, nor try to appease like Obama did.  Of course the Russian will object.  So what?  Nothing is going to happen between us, and them except Putin's respect for the U.S. just went up several notches. 

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