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Messages - Mr Pou

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Spin Zone / Re: George Soros is John Kasich's 6th Largest Donor?
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:21:32 AM »
Says a lot doesn't it.  He's not going anywhere.  At least that's something.

He doesn't need to go far, just enough to dilute the vote.

Spin Zone / Re: Carson is out
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:59:04 PM »
This is fun to watch.  The better Trump does the more unhinged the Republican establishment gets.  First they pissed away over $100M with Jeb, their first chosen one.  Trouble is, no one wanted another Bush in the WH.  Think of that for a minute, over $100M pissed away.  Now they've moved behind Marco and they've decided the thing to do is to throw the kitchen sink at Trump.  Marco was sent to the Senate as a Tea Party, but it's so obvious he just wants to be one of the boys that he immediately threw in with the Gang of Eight and ended up getting cut off at the knees.  Now that is haunting him and instead of just owning up to it and saying he lost his way, he tried to spin it all over to Cruz.  Apparently he has trouble taking responsibility for his mistakes and just wants to be part of the in crowd.

Kasich is the Governor of Ohio and his Dad was a mailman.  Cruz has at least stood up for what he believes in and has been smacked down several times along the way, but gets up and keeps trying.  If he is elected, who is going to want to work with him versus stabbing him on the back every chance they get?  My current problem with Cruz was the Iowa mailing and the phone calls to tell Carson supporters their man had pulled out.  The timeline shows they could have pulled that one back, but instead chose to go forward with and gives that apology after they'd stolen Dr. Carson votes.  While there is no proof, they'd could have influenced enough votes to have won instead of finishing second to Trump.

The media dn all the experts are missing the point that America is beyond pissed off.  They watched Obama stuff the ACA down everyone's throats.  They then went out and began voting in Republicans that said they would appeal it.  Well, that never happened so they voted in more Republicans and took the Senate.  Guess what, still nothing. In fact they recently gave Obama everything he wanted and an open ended checkbook.  Is it any wonder folks are voting for Trump?

Now we're going to be lectured by fucking Romney who just totally blew it in 2012.  Give me a freaking break and go home Mitt.

Spin Zone / Re: Carson is out
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:22:59 PM »
I agree completely. Trump wouldn't hesitate to go third party, just to piss off the GOP, and knowing he has no chance in getting an electoral vote.
Just to clarify, I think Trump would be justified to do so if the Establishment fucks him over at the convention which I believe to be a real threat.  I would not vote for him under those circumstances but I would totally understand and support him doing so. 

It is possible he would decide not to go third party for the good of the country but that would depend on whether or not it was too close to call going into the convention - if he goes in with a commanding lead and gets screwed all bets are off.  I don't think Perot intended to give us 8 years of Clinton, but we got that shit sandwich none the same.

That puts the onus on the Establishment to do the right thing and respect the will of the people (assuming Trump maintains a lead over everyone else).

The RNC brought this on themselves by trying to frontload the process to avoid another long and bruising primary season. 

The Party does not belong to Reince fucking Priebus, or Mitch McConnell, or the Bush's - it belongs to the people. 

The Party consistently denying the people their voice is why Trump is doing as well as he is in the first place.  If they screw him over at the convention they are not only declaring open war on him, they are declaring war on everyone who supports him and it will mean the end of the Republican Party as we know it (and should under those circumstances if it happens IMO).


Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 01, 2016, 01:01:12 PM »
The message is clear (most Conservatives here, Buchannan, Schlafly, Ingraham, etc., all get it), clear to everyone but the Establishment themselves - they have no one to blame but themselves for what is very likely to occur today, since it has been building for a decade, possibly longer.

I didn't leave the Republican Party (actually I did), it left me (it really did).

The rise of the Tea Party (and the Establishment fight against it), the abandonment of Sarah Palin to the wolves in the media, the continued attempts to pawn off RINO's who promise red meat but govern as Democrat Lite - there is a large and growing group of voters (dirty little secret is happening on both sides) who are just not putting up with being taken for granted and repeatedly shit on any more.

The RNC/RNCC, the RINO's, the would-be dynasty families need only look in the mirror to figure out who is responsible in large part for the rise of Trump (and Bernie on the other side).


Spin Zone / Re: Trump Receives Another [Almost] Endorsement
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:02:51 PM »
In other news, Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan has invested $10 million with in financier by the name of Henning to investigate "European Banking Interests'" control of the US financial system. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:52:02 AM »
Read the whole thing:
I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.  I couldn't care less what the establishment opinion is any longer.  That doesn't mean I'm voting for Trump but it does mean the GOP can fuck off.

Spin Zone / Re: A New GOP is Born- Pat Buchanan
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:41:51 AM »
Trump fits the Buchanan mold, but without the conservative bona fides that Buchanan has.

I think Buchanan is projecting his conservatism onto Trump. I don't think it will work.

You're missing the point of the article.  It's not a "pro Trump" article nor is he "projecting conservatism" towards Trump.

His article clearly shows where the GOP has lost their way but yet still thinks the electorate wants more Bush type conservatism and can't understand why mainstream voters are fed up.

Spin Zone / Re: Black People Don't hate White People...
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:42:50 PM »
I'm not even sure where to begin.

Aside from the fact it was horribly written, the author is also wrong. Where does he get the right to demand that every white person he comes into contact with prove to him that they aren't racist and are doing everything they can to hunt down racists and stop it? How about this instead: When you come into contact with me I'll show you respect and you do the same?

From the article:
You know these racist white people exist in the world. You know they are the ONLY reason we have so much racial animosity these days.
The only reason? Really? We only have racial animosity because of racist white people? Not racist black people?

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:41:00 PM »
Honestly, I was going to post a whole big long rant that would go down the page with all kinds of foul words. I went away and came back and I'm better now.

It's not about black and white. The sooner we get past that garbage the better. It's all about culture. It has been for ages now.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair comes from a place like Kenya, or England, or Australia and doesn't look like they just got out of prison and speaks proper english, even if broken and with a thick accent, they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair goes to university, gets a degree and takes on a profession that they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair takes the office of City Council, mayor, assembly person, representative, senator, attorney general, district attorney, police chief, sheriff, CEO, engineer, doctor, scientist, astronomer, astronaut, fighter pilot, US military General, or President of the fucking US of A that they are immediately accepted?

This is what we have a problem with -

Trash culture that breeds more and more misery, ignorance, death and incarceration. Stupid makes more stupid over and over again.

This is what we (Americans in general) want-

Now, obviously we don't need to see folks wearing a suit all the time, what everybody wants that loves America, other than just their sorry selves is- assimilation. Do as the dominant culture does. Educate your kids. Inspire them to do better than you do. Want them to learn and not just shut their mouth when they ask questions. Engage with your children and their future. Have them be just like the smart kids in school no matter what they color are.

Millions of people with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair, have done exactly this and it has turned out incredibly well for them!!! Learn from them instead of choosing to reject them and cling to an identity that is broken and a proven failure. Don't give in to the "poor us, we have been wronged, now you owe us" culture. Step above that shit.

"Black lives matters" is a crappy joke. All lives matter. It's backward trash culture that doesn't matter and it needs to fade away. Anybody with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair needs to work towards this end rather than defend this failed culture. At this point, it makes no matter how we got here, it just matters how we move ahead.

Skin color doesn't matter. Character does. The people and "victims" that the OP posted about, were of poor character and clung to the old culture. They ultimately fell victim to it. Crooked, murderous white cops is part of that culture. Those cops need to be punished if they are truly guilty, but the defenders of the victims have to ask themselves, how did these people get there and what could they have done to never encounter that misery?

Having said this, there obviously are hold outs to the old fucked up white culture white people have had in the past. There are those that want to cling to ideas of "racial supremacy". It will take time to completely cleanse society of this rubbish and we are working on it. It's pretty obvious is if you really look around and not just at the sensational headlines that this is so.

[CONSPIRACY THEORY ALERT!!] I'm starting to think Obama has Eric Holder out hiring people to shoot up places, just so he can get support for his largely unpopular policies.

I warned you...

Spin Zone / Re: Halloween rant
« on: November 03, 2015, 02:35:47 PM »
In my neighborhood the parents walked with the kids, but the only ones drinking beer were super dad (with his super gut) and yours truly.  And it was fun.

Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:47:21 AM »
Thank you for explaining that.  I thought you were joking but see that you were not.  I agree, based on what you stated that it is a well-thought out design.

Spin Zone / Re: Saudi Arabia to run out of cash in less than 5 years
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:04:56 PM »
I really think we need to get away from foreign energy.  I know it is a world market, and we buy the leaset expensive we can get, but strategically I think it makes more sense to maximize domestic production, and refining even if it cost us more.  We would temporarily have some price spikes, but in the longer term it would be better for us, especially that we have so much natural gas resources in addition to oil and coal.

So we use most of our oil, and then we're even more dependent on the middle east.  Nah, let's use their cheap oil first. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: October 28, 2015, 07:44:16 AM »
Speaking for what is certain to be a vegetarian minority...

...I think mushrooms are a rough equivalent in our world.

No need for snarky, sarcastic comments on vegetarianism, but they seem pretty inevitable.
I'm a vagitarian.  Does that count?

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