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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: What's the Over/Under.....
« on: October 06, 2018, 04:57:44 AM »
Because she used it as ablidgeon against people who dared to voice an opinion different from hers and it was a big part of why the board is a joke.
If you don't like POA then don't visit it or participate there. But your continual references to her sexual orientation are pejorative and petulant.

Spin Zone / Re: The confirmation vote
« on: October 05, 2018, 02:36:55 AM »
It looks like Senator Cornyn has some work to do as the whip. I think Senators Flake, Murkowski, and Collins will end up voting yes along with Joe Manchin. By my math, that will be enough to confirm Judge Kavanaugh even without Daines. You can't really blame Daines for not being there, either, since it's his daughter's wedding that's probably been planned for well over a year. It's definitely going to be a tight vote and there's no room for any defections.

I wonder what the chances are of McConnell pushing to Sunday or Monday to give Daines a chance to get back?

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:50:13 PM »
OK, get the fork back out. He's cooked.
I'm not sure what you're basing this off of. He has been accused of rape, been called evil, and had his family and his name dragged through the mud. Of course he's angry and of course he's fighting back. Wouldn't you?

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:29:12 PM »
A couple of quotes from him already, and this is just from his opening statement:

Quote from: Judge Brett Kavanaugh
This confirmation process has become a national disgrace.


You have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 21, 2018, 11:39:10 PM »
The Senate Judiciary Committee has gone out of their way to ensure that the accuser is given a voice. They've offered for her to testify before the committee either publicly or privately, whichever she's most comfortable with, or to send staff to her in California to interview her there. She has so far declined. Judge Kavanaugh has provided sworn testimony, under penalty of perjury, and is set to testify before the committee on Monday. So far, Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge are the only ones to offer sworn testimony under penalty of perjury. They've both put a lot on the line if they are found to have been lying and yet Mrs. Ford hasn't done the same.

The Republicans have handled this correctly so far. If Mrs. Ford refuses to appear before the committee then the vote should proceed. One person who makes an allegation yet refuses to provide on the record testimony cannot be allowed to prevent a Supreme Court nominee. The impacts of that would be devastating and Washington D.C. would grind to a permanent halt since all it would take is for a person to come forward, make an accusation, then refuse to offer any sort of supporting evidence.

Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 12, 2018, 02:23:09 PM »

Let's see...

DROUGHT... What party controls cali-forn-i-mexico? They haven't drilled wells, addressed their need for increased irrigation to increase crops, to provide food for all those illegal aliens they seem to embrace.

Oh, yeah... They haven't built power plants that addresses their exponential increased need for electricity.

Yep... You are full of shit, mike. Your post is all partisan sniping and nothing factual.

Congratulations. you helped prove my point about the mental illness that surrounds the democratic party and it's cult followers, like you.

Then how could they restrict the free exchange of ideas and risk mari being offended every time someone didn't cater to her narrow minded bullshit opinions? Seriously they destroyed the board because mari couldn't leave any discussion alone and then got pissy because people had a different opinion from hers. She needed to go over to the purple board and be a snowflake over there.
I really hope you see the irony in this.

Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 11, 2018, 10:38:41 AM »
...thus safety the lesbian progressive moderator...
What does someone's sexual orientation have to do with anything? I can see the political leanings impacting how they moderate, especially in the wake of the Spin Zone being shut down.

Spin Zone / Re: Open Letter to Robert Mueller
« on: August 25, 2018, 07:38:00 AM »
Asshole, coward lefties don't think. They emote. And robby-boy doesn't read his own mail.
Just for fun i put my real name, personal email and home address on the letter, hoping for one of those automatic replies that they are famous for at the department of lies and injustice.

You are all welcome to come see me on visiting day at GITMO.
I hope you realize the irony of your two sentences.

Go have a drink and relax. The level of vitriol in this country is part of what's preventing honest debates about ideas.

So are you implying that everyone must agree with Mr. McCarthy's positions?
Of course not, but you're dodging my question and not addressing the other points. You brought up a few points in your reply to my post, and as I showed you, most of those were addressed in the article.

AG Sessions should be running the DoJ, not Rod Rosenstein.   You'll come back with a snarky reply and claim that he is, but the reality is Rod Rosenstein is actually running the DoJ.  This has been stated by several members of congress as well as other branches of government that deal with the DoJ.
Was this stated as conjecture or as a statement of evidence? Because I'm not sure what Rod Rosenstein is running outside of the special counsel investigation.

The Special Counsel investigation is a farce and is purely politically motivated.
I tend to agree with this and it's true for any special counsel, not just this one. I would like to see the memo that Rosenstein issued to Mueller outlining his guidance for what to investigate.

I don't think it's extreme at all.  Democrats have been unbelievably hostile to every Trump nominee so far.  They have blocked or delayed almost everyone, then they complain that Trump hasn't filled all the seats yet.  While Trump is trying to navigate real problems, like North Korea stabilization, China Trade, Russian interference in Syria and all the other problems, he is having to fight Democrats and Never-Trumpers on every front.  Then, while he fighting off all their partisan attacks, they are accusing him of creating chaos in the white house.  Trump, and America, are suffering death by a thousand cuts from the Democrats.  I just hope he get a few more judges seated before the Dems succeed in destroying him and us.
Your argument is that Trump is fighting the good fight and everyone else is just standing in his way? I hope you can recognize that some, and certainly not all, of the problems inside the White House are Trump's own doing through his tweets, his changing statements on subjects, etc.

Attempting to block or otherwise stall nominations is called politics and that's always the way it is. The Republicans control the Senate so any stalling on judicial nominations is on them, not the Democrats. America isn't "suffering death by a thousand cuts from the Democrats" either. Our system was intentionally designed to make it difficult to get things done. I just don't buy this narrative that Trump is an angel everyone else who isn't 100% on board is just part of the problem. That kind of thinking limits debate and would have Republicans up in arms (as it has in the past) if it were a Democratic president (read: Obama's now infamous "pen and phone" comments).

Your arguments are without merit, and are oblivious to the facts.

 An attempt to undermine the President and his administration by leaking the information from classified meetings would meet the thresh hold of treason.
Incorrect. There is no clause in the legal definition of treason that includes the president or his administration. I don't know if you read legal definition in the link I provided, but here it is:

Quote from: Cornell Law/Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

If the person or persons doing the leaking is specifically intending to harm the country then it would be closer to treason, but even then the threshold for treason is very, very high. Otherwise, we'd see anybody who leaked classified information charged with treason. Not even Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen, or Jonathan Pollard were charged with treason and they were all selling highly classified information to various foreign governments. They were all charged under the Espionage Act.

Your definition of "an attempt to undermine the president and his administration" is nowhere to be found in the legal standards.

The question then becomes, do you believe releasing classified information in an unauthorized manner as a whole should be considered worthy of treason, or only when it's because they don't like Trump?

Plus, there is detailed training called "Cooperating with the Inspector General" which details what the IG can do and what an employee must do in the event of an IG investigation.   Trust me, if this guy (IG) or his subordinates decides to sequester (and this is a proper use of the word) an individual in a closed conference room in an attempt to get down to the facts, and that person refuses, it's a removal of all credentials and an escort off the premises by armed security.  And that's only the beginning.
I'm not disputing the authority of the IG to conduct an investigation. I'm not disputing that an IG can pull someone into a room to interview them or otherwise determine what's going on. The implication from your original post was that they should be detained, since to sequester usually means to isolate or hide away for a period of time. If you meant simply to interview, then I agree. If you meant to hold for any period longer than an interview, then that would be incorrect. If either one of those is not what you meant, please clarify so we're on the same page.

Spin Zone / Re: John Paul Stevens is still alive?
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:09:23 AM »
I’m curious why you included your third paragraph.  Who’s saying he shouldn’t say what he said?

Debates and conversations imply a two way exchange.  He was free to write his piece, as I am free to ridicule it as the antipathy of freedom and liberty.
You are free to ridicule it but I don't find that name calling moves the debate forward any, but that's just my opinion.

Spin Zone / Re: Inconsistent pro-lifers
« on: March 22, 2018, 02:25:46 PM »
What I take from you not answering my pointed questions is that you don't want to acknowledge the implicit answers in the questions.  I don't believe that you are OK with a subset of society agreeing to kill some of it's members, but you can't figure out how to reconcile that with the belief that we must kill certain people.  The answer is simple, we should not be killing anyone. 

The nazi party was a subset of German society that agreed it was ok to kill some people.  They set up the rules for it, followed their rules and according to their rules, they were doing it the right way and to the right people.  Of course we condemn this, but we cannot condemn it for any reason other than killing people is wrong.  We do it all the same way, we just have much stricter rules and a lower body count.

Not getting anywhere close to the nazi party is one reason I reject capital punishment.
You are over simplifying everything. First, in the modern context of "pro-life", it generally refers to the abortion debate, unless otherwise stipulated up front. I understand what the meaning of "pro-life" is (both the modern context and yours), but context is important.

Acrogimp is spot on with his assessments of pro-life and capital punishment. Children are innocent; they have done absolutely nothing wrong and every unborn child is important, because every life is important. Every life holds value, which is why the death penalty is neither easy to receive nor be carried out. You cite the Declaration of Independence in your posts, which is interesting because the follow-on document was the Constitution, and specifically the Fifth Amendment which describes due process. Clearly the framers considered the value of life when they added that part in there.

If you want us to take into consideration your concept of "pro-life" then you must extend the same courtesy to others.

In typical Marxist fashion, the publicly funded indoctrination brigade CHOSE to go after the ONE who refused to violate the rules.

His crime was that he refused to support the MARXIST leadership, that probably belong to one of the BLM spin offs and that infuriated the junior Lenins.

I would love to see his parents sue the shit out of those responsible, instead of the school district. That would be epic.

He didn't commit any crime, nor is he being charged with a crime. He was suspended for not following instructions from a teacher. We can debate whether or not the options presented were fair and whether or not his actions were justified, but it wasn't a crime.

Excellent. If the Palestinians really want peace, then the Palestinian Authority will stop paying the families of suicide bombers for blowing themselves up.

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