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Messages - LevelWing

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Spin Zone / Re: Interesting Case in NJ
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:23:27 PM »
Isn't the bar higher for law enforcement officers than acting "without malice?"
I was citing the legal reference of "good faith" versus how the supervisor used it. In other words, I'm not sure he was using "good faith" in the Constitutional or legal sense. I think he was just using it as an expression.

To your point, I agree that law enforcement is held to a higher standard. Even a simple mistake can lead to depriving someone of their civil liberties. That being said, law enforcement are humans too and sometimes they make mistakes. The agency they work for is still responsible for their actions despite that, though, and there should be some sort of corrective action, be it additional training or whatever the agency feels is appropriate. The lady does have a right to sue if she so chooses as well.

Spin Zone / Re: A non-existing policy
« on: May 04, 2016, 09:06:48 AM »
This is a huge problem on every level of government, and we have no recourse to stop the abuse.  Both parties want to keep these agency heads in power, and growing the government fiefdoms, and control.
We actually do have recourse, what we don't have are politicians with the will to do anything about it since it will likely affect their power.

Spin Zone / Re: Glenn Beck loses $500,000 supporting Cruz
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:08:46 AM »
The founders distrusted a standing army immensely, and made it difficult to maintain one (ie. the 2 year appropriation cap).

Those clauses permit the military, they don't require it.
Indeed. After how the British acted and used their army, the founders were hesitant to keep one, but recognized the need for one.

I would see very little issue with retrenchment to a National Guard type army all the time.
In this day and age, a full time standing army is needed in my opinion. How big that army needs to be is up for debate.

Spin Zone / Re: Glenn Beck loses $500,000 supporting Cruz
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:53:53 AM »
A better idea is to seriously question our "need" to do something. It's funny how some conservatives want to limit the federal government and put more power in the hands of the states... except with regard to the military.
The Constitution specifically calls for the military. Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 12 and 13.

It's time we worried about the defense of America and not so much the defense of foreign countries. If we did that, our military budget would be more than enough.
Given how globalized the world is, sometimes defending the U.S. means doing so on foreign soil. I would much rather fight there than here.

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 03, 2016, 05:59:37 PM »
True.  I know many Rs that left the party because McCain selected Palin for VP.  Talk about an over-reaction!!!  But some people really will cut off their noses to spite their face. (Do young people still know remember that or know what it means)?
If some Republicans choose not to vote for Trump, that doesn't mean they're sell outs or what have you, they may be standing on principle. Some people genuinely don't think that Trump is a conservative and don't want to vote for him because of that. These are the people that Trump now has to win over and attacking them isn't a good way to do it. It will likely only strengthen their resolve to not vote for him.

In 2008 I don't think it would have mattered who the Republicans nominated, it was pretty much an anti-Bush year. I'm starting to think that 2016 is going to be the same but for President Obama this time. Most people believe that the country isn't better off now than it was 8 years ago and it doesn't help that the Democrats are still blaming Bush for everything. Hillary isn't as popular as she would like to think she is and she has a lot of baggage that she can't seem to get rid of.

Spin Zone / Re: Election Update from Wisconsin
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:30:31 PM »
Cruz wins Wisconsin. So far it looks like he's got a sizeable lead at 51%-31%. Big win for Cruz tonight. Sanders also won.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Cruz supporters.
« on: March 21, 2016, 08:50:32 PM »
That is why we don't just have just one justice.  I like that we have liberals on the court too.  As long as they all are very, very loath to override previous precedents and make their decisions as narrow as possible.
Except that's not what they do. They make rulings that have consequences for everyone and they aren't always the right decisions.

The Constitution is the basis for law in this country. It's also more than that as it doesn't grant rights but rather places limits on the government. You know, that whole "for the people, by the people" concept. There are so many issues that don't need to be at the federal level yet we have political candidates on both sides running around talking about how they'll fix issue X or issue Y when it's a state issue. Cruz, as far as I'm aware, is the only one who's said that certain issues are states issues when asked about them.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 21, 2016, 08:45:02 PM »
Reality disagrees with your position. We have child poverty rates that rank much worse than many other wealthy nations. Being born into poverty is, by definition, unequal opportunity. Persistent childhood poverty is detrimental to the long-term health of a child -- as I mentioned earlier, there is evidence it causes biological changes. The longer they remain in poverty as a child, the more likely they are to fail to climb out of it in adulthood.

It is a worthwhile endeavor to figure out how to break the cycle of poverty. I think a better focus on the kids, like St. Benedict's Prep School I mentioned earlier, is somewhere we could do better.
Explain how you think it is "unequal opportunity". While the child is certainly not at fault, their parents are. It is the responsibility of the parents to raise their children. When a child begins going to school, it's up to them if they want to learn and succeed or not.

Poor people often make poor decisions. Such decisions include, but are not limited to, spending money on unnecessary things such as cigarettes (or other forms of tobacco), alcohol and sometimes drugs. True, not every poor person smokes or drink but a lot do. I'm tired of the argument that government is the solution to all problems, because it's not. And frankly I don't trust the government to spend the money properly on children anyway. Partly because it's government in general and partly because it would be a great way to indoctrinate children at a very early age to liberalism.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:18:55 PM »
I think you are asking the question all wrong. By you asking that question, I have to assume you are just fine with a percentage of the American populace being poor. I'm guessing you look at it as just the natural order of things. So given this, I have to ask-

  • How large should the population of the poor be?
  • Is there a point at which they become too large?
  • What part do the poor play in the bigger American society?
  • Are the poor a help, a hinderance, or do they just not even matter either way?
  • Would the country as a whole, be better off if there were much fewer poor, worse off with fewer poor, or it just doesn't matter?

So I believe the better question is, is there a net benefit to the whole of American society if there are fewer poor among us? I believe there is and I believe there is value in trying to achieve this. It's not a responsibility to help poor people move up, it's a project, like building a dam, or a highway. It's for the betterment of all.

You may disagree with me on this, millions around the world do. In many other countries, poverty is just believed to be part of the natural order and little if any effort is given to aiding those born into poverty. I just disagree with this notion.
No, I asked the question the way I wanted to ask it. Your assumptions are also false.

It is not the responsibility of anybody (including the government) to lift people up. It is up to the individual to do that themselves. Children born into a poor family may be poor as children but they don't have to remain that way their entire lives. This is where equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes comes into play. Liberals believe in equal outcomes. In other words, we should lift the poor up into the middle class so they can have a chance at bettering themselves because they're on the same level as everyone else. Conservatives believe that this country provides equal opportunities, not equal outcomes. Everyone has the opportunity to make themselves and their families better and it is their responsibility to do so. Failure to do so is not the fault of government, but your own. Poor people who make poor decisions will remain poor.

Personally, I would find it embarrassing, as a man, if I could not provide for my family. I would resist signing up for welfare as much as possible. I would work as many jobs as needed, as many hours as needed, to provide for my family. If it came down to my family starving or me signing up for welfare, I would sign up to ensure they were able to eat, but as soon as I was able, I would be back off of it. Welfare was meant as a stop-gap measure to provide assistance to those who need it most, not as a means to maintain a lifestyle because you're too lazy or don't care enough to get a job. After all, why should you? The government will take care of you, so there's no need for you to do it.

It's about personal responsibility and the choices you make in life.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 20, 2016, 01:34:56 PM »
Wow. Just wow... If charities were effective at lifting people out of poverty, there wouldn't have ever been a need for government programs in the past or now. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing to stopping charity from getting people out of poverty right now! Charities are ineffective and while they are great to have and do their best, the results show they are not enough.
Why is it anybody other than the individual's responsibility to be lifted out of poverty?

Spin Zone / Re: An IRS what if........
« on: March 18, 2016, 10:00:35 AM »
Executive Order is to give Cabinet level minions implementation guidance and marching orders. The President doesn't change law; the Office lacks Constitutional Authority.
I'm glad to see that you're opposed to the President's executive actions on numerous issues, to include making changes to Obamacare and illegal immigration.

I saw something awhile back showing the number of EOs that Obama has written and the number was less than that of preceding Presidents. I never took time to validate it, so I can't speak to the veracity of it, but I do find it funny how people continually complain about the government we have (pot meet kettle comments notwithstanding) yet sit on vertically mounted idle thumbs.
It's not a matter of how many executive orders are written and signed, it matters more what is contained within those executive orders.

Spin Zone / Re: Interesting Opinion Piece
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:48:02 PM »
I can see a lot of upset Sanders supporters not voting at all because they don't like Hilary. Sanders could make an independent run since he is, after all, a registered independent. I don't think he's going to do that but he could and he would certainly take away a lot of votes from Hilary. I'm not sure he'd be the Democrat's Ross Perot, but he could definitely take votes from Hilary.

Spin Zone / Re: Perhaps the Federal Government should intervene
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:53:17 PM »
The video won't load for me.
Nevertheless I know the sentiment of this audience is that states retain authorities  over criminal proceedings. But the senator makes a valid point:  The states have proven themselves incapable of dispensing justice fairly and adequately and with so-called blindness.
Prove it.

Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:32:47 PM »

RKBA doesn't require someone to treat you, or pay for your healthcare.  Bernie's healthcare "right" requires someone to lose something so can have that "right."
To take it one step further, the Constitution is not a rights granting document, it's a government limiting document. Your rights come from your Creator, not the government.

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